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After leaving behind everything, Pete wasn't sure what he was going to do now. He felt both lost and hopeless, Vegas has emotionally and mentally destroyed him and Pete wasn't sure if he will be able to recover from it anytime soon.

"Will this place be fine for you?" The landlady showed the beta apartment, Pete didn't bother to look inside and nodded.

Right now, anywhere was fine with Pete. When he moved to Hat Yai, he decided to remain hidden for a while before he could finally decide what to do next. He didn't wish to return back to the minor house, he wasn't even supposed to do that.

Khun Gun ordered him to stay with a minor family until Vegas was stable enough to handle everything on his own; he wasn't supposed to be attached.

Pete entered the semi furnished apartment before sitting on the couch, he stared at his ring finger where once the Minor family ring was placed. Pete caresses the finger while silently crying. He missed Macau, he missed his baby, Venice.

                   A couple of days passed, Pete was returning from grocery shopping when he heard some commotion. Curiosity got the best of him and decided to investigate, he entered the narrow street and looked around with caution.

Suddenly he stepped over a plastic bottle which made a noise, Pete was distracted when he heard someone gasping. Pete walked closer and found a tired looking woman in dishevelled attire and holding a blanket tightly to her chest

The omega as Pete realised, noticed Pete and quickly pulled out broken piece of glass and pointed at Pete when Pete tried to step close

"Stay there! Dare not to get any closer.." The omega said with all courage while clutching the blanket tightly. Suddenly Pete heard a cry of a baby and both of them looked at blanket.

The woman became tense as she tried to calm the baby and at the same time try to keep Pete away. Pete knew something was wrong with the situation and spoke, "I mean no harm... I... do you want me to do something for you?"

Pete can see the fear in the woman's eye and yet alertness to protect her child, the woman took a step back in fear and Pete decided not to do anything to scare her.

"I can help you, the baby is uncomfortable..." Pete said feeling worried for the baby who wouldn't stop crying. The woman was about to brush away Pete when they heard a bunch of footsteps.

The woman's eyes widened in fear and Pete knew that woman was in danger, Pete quickly grabbed her and pulled her in another direction. To their luck the baby stopped crying and Pete took them to his apartment.

                            "Thank you for helping us.." The woman whispered as she sat on the couch while still holding her child close to herself. Pete nodded and brought water for her.

The omega looked at Pete with caution and Pete spoke, "It's safe, you can have it..."

The omega hesitated before grabbing the glass and drinking it quickly, Pete felt bad for the woman seeing her condition. Once Woman put the glass down, Pete decided to question the woman but there was a knock on the door.

Both shared a look, the knocking became rapid and louder and Pete feared for the worst. He pulled the woman to the bedroom and told her to hide under the bed. He took the baby from her though woman protest at first,

"I will let nothing hurt him, I promise you..." Pete assured the woman who nodded as she had no other option. Pete took a deep breath to calm himself and then scented the baby before he went to open the door.

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