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When Pete left the Minor house that unforgettable day, Vegas was broken. He was heartbroken, lost, he felt like everything was over and he can't breathe anymore. He didn't know what to do anymore and the only reason that Vegas didn't lose his sanity was Macau and Venice.

It took him months to control his emotions and handle the situation maturely. Vegas indulged himself in Minor family business and when he wasn't working, Vegas would spend his time looking after Venice and Macau.

In all these years, he didn't give up on Pete, he realised his mistake and was very remorseful of it. His jealousy made him insane and fell into the trap that his uncle set him. Everyday Vegas went to bed with regret of losing the only person who loved him unconditionally and woke up with hope that maybe today he might get some news of Pete.

All these years, he didn't move on and focused on being a better father, brother and leader. Fortunately, Macau, Nop and Big were always there to support him and Venice gave him hope that one day, Pete might end up forgiving him and come back. He was ready to do anything to make Pete forgive him.

While Pete wasn't there, Vegas did his best to raise Venice. The young alpha was nothing like Vegas and more like Pete. A bright smile, sunshine personality, caring and loving others unconditionally.

Venice saw good in worst person, he was smart and thoughtful like Pete. He used his brain before guns, unlike Vegas. Vegas made sure that Venice was nothing like him but everything like his Paa.

A few years later, Venice turned 6 years old and they were having dinner with the Main family when Kinn brought up the forbidden topic. Kinn looks at Vegas who was helping Venice to eat and spoke,

"I think you should move on now Vegas... Venice needs another parent in his life..."

Everyone including Vegas froze on hearing Kinn, Porsche looked at his mate sharply yet in disbelief while Vegas started feeding Venice again. Kinn sighs on being ignored and spoke again

"How long do you plan to indulge in the past? You can't handle everything on your own, you need someone who can stand by your side and handle minor families while taking care of Venice..."

Vegas calmly wipes Venice's face before handing a glass of water to him, he then turns to look at Kinn, "Will you move on if it was Porsche who left you? Put yourself in my shoes and then answer..."

Kinn became stunned, he opened his mouth but not a single word came out, Vegas shook his head and continued, "Maybe you being the leader of the Main family might decide to take a new mate and move on but I can't do that. Once Pete took care of the whole minor family, Macau, Venice, and me all by himself and I do believe that I can do the same.... I know he would come back once he's ready"

Since that conversation, no one dared to talk about the topic again. They all knew that Vegas wouldn't listen to them and it was just causing the alpha more pain whenever he was reminded about how his mate left because of his own misturst.

                   Kim was behaving weirdly, it has been a couple of months and Top was worried now. He noticed how Kim was always busy with something. Top didn't wish to be nosy so he was patiently waiting for Kim to talk about it himself

Currently, Kim was helping Venice with his homework. Kinn and Porsche took PraPai shopping and no one was at the minor house so Venice was staying at the Main house. They were informed about Phayu being here and Venice looked up with a smile when he saw the young alpha walk-in.

"Saifah didn't come?" Top asked in curiosity when he didn't see the omega who always tagged along with his brother

"My aunt took him for an omega day out, Where's PraPai?" Phayu asked when he didn't noticed his friend

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