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Vegas looked at the jacket in curiosity before he decided to pick it up, he took the sniff of the jacket and froze in shock. It smelled like Pete, but that wasn’t Vegas’ main concern. The pheromones were so strong and Vegas was afraid that Pete might be in heat.

He hissed as he rushed back to reception to ask about Pete’s room, fortunately the reception ended up giving him details when he told them that he was his mate and couldn’t get in contact with him. It took lots of convincing and at a moment gun, to make them believe him.

Vegas rushed to Pete’s floor and his pace slowed down when he found Pete panting on the floor, the beta was leaning on the wall as he sat on the ground. Pete looked up when he heard footsteps, “Vegas…”

Vegas came out of daze and rushed to Pete’s side, he cups Pete’s face and the beta snuggles as he looks at the alpha with seductive eyes, “Let’s get you out of here, it’s not safe..”

Vegas helped Pete to stand and then quickly lifted him to carry to Pete’s room, while Pete remained quiet. Vegas lay Pete over the bed and then rushed to the washroom to prepare the bath.

When Vegas returned, he found Pete unbuttoning his shirt, “Do you need anything? Are you hungry? Need water?” Vegas asks as he watches Pete remove his shirt and throw it away.

Pete remained quiet and entered the washroom, Vegas sighs before taking a deep breath. He gave a quick call to Macau and Kinn but didn’t mention Pete. When half an hour passed, Vegas became worried and decided to check on the beta.

Vegas was taken aback when found Pete muffling his cries as he fingered himself, Pete looked up when heard the door opening.

Both stared at each other, the smell of arousal was strong and Vegas felt affected too but at the same time he felt embarrassed as if he was caught peeping, “… I shall wait outside…. If… If you need anything.. just call me..”

Vegas was about to leave when Pete called his name, Vegas stopped but didn’t dare to turn around to look at Pete. The beta sobs as another wave of heat hits him, he starts to feel dizzy and Pete knows he couldn’t handle himself especially since Vegas was here.

His body was craving for Alpha’s touch and this was making everything worse, he tried to get out of the bathtub and almost fell before he stabilised himself, “Vegas….look at me..”

His omega side was making him vulnerable, his alpha’s distance was making him feel rejected and he called Vegas again, “Why don’t you look at me? Am I not appealing?”

Vegas quickly turned around and spoke in worry, “You are! The most! But Pete…” He hesitated to speak as he watched the Beta walking towards him.

Vegas was no saint, he couldn’t stop himself from staring at Pete’s naked body, the water droplets made his body glisten and Vegas gulped. Pete’s eyes had darkened with lust and Vegas knew that beta was fully taken over by his instincts.

“Then look at me, Alpha…” Pete whispered as he stood in front of him, slowly Pete wrapped his arm around Vegas’ neck and leaned to kiss him.

Once their lips are touched, both sigh in relief. They both were touch starving, Vegas groans as he wrapped his arm around Pete’s waist to pull him closer. From soft peck, the kiss turned into full blown make out.

They entered the bedroom and Vegas guided the beta to bed, Pete started tucking Vegas’ shirt once he unbuttoned them. Both were lost in each other. Pete was about to remove Vegas’ belt but Vegas grabbed his hand and looks at him sharply

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