[1] New kid

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I walk to school listening to music as my sister chats with my friend. I honestly could not care less what they are talking about and just watch their mouths move as the music blasts into my ears. I look ahead and see that we are nearing the school and when I turn back to my sister she is staring at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"Ao take those stupid things off" I just manage to make out her words, before she slams my headphones off my head. "calm down sis" I catch the headphones before they hit the ground and clip them against the left strap of my bag. "I asked you something Ao" she stares at me as I wait for her to continue and ask the question again.

"Which is-" "Which is, whether you packed your lunch or not" I widen my eyes in realization and shake my head as I look down again. "Ao'nung! Stop. Forgetting. To. Pack. Your. Lunch" she hits me on the shoulder in between words, making me wince.

"Give me a break, it's Friday!" I try to save myself from my sister's aggressive attacks, hiding behind Rotxo. "Fine, you better hope you have cafeteria money in your bag, cause I'm not paying for you again!" I roll my eyes at her comment and speed up as we near the school.

"What do you have first?" I look over my shoulder at my sister who looks up at me with confusion apparent on her face. "Registration?" she looks at me confused and I face palm as I slow myself down to her pace. "No, after that" she thinks for a second, reaching for her schedule in her bag. "I have Maths" "English" Tsireya and Rotxo both groan at their next lesson, turning to me to ask the same question. "Biology" before they can respond I run into the school building so that I can get to the classroom early.

In my rush to get to the tutor room, I run into somebody. "Sorry" I see that I made them drop some books and bend down to help them to pick them up. "it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either" they gathered up their stuff and stood up, I picked up one of the things that they missed and hand it to them. Something about their accent made me blush, I don't know why.

"Thanks" they mutter, and I finally get a good look at his face. He doesn't look like anybody I have ever seen around the school before. In his hand, on top of the pile of books, I notice a schedule that says 'Neteyam Sully 10MP'. "You're in my class" I point at the piece of paper he is clutching and he nods in response.

"I could show you to the tutor room I meant" I try to correct what I had said but still only get a nod back. "Just, follow me I guess" for some reason I feel unnaturally nervous around this boy, I just can't put my finger on why.

"Why don't you carry your stuff in a backpack?" I turn to face him as I gesture to the pile of books in his hand. "Oh, my idiot brother spilled his drink on it" he grits his teeth as he says it making me laugh as I open the door to the stairs for him to come through as well.

We walk up the stairs and turn left twice, to the entrance of our tutor room. There are people sitting around outside chatting to eachother about one thing or another, waiting for Mr. Patel to come and let us in. "Take a seat" I sit down on a chair and gesture to the one next to me, laughing at how nervously he sits.

"Can I see your schedule?" I point at the piece of paper and he nods handing it to me. "As long as you give it back" I nod and look down at the lesson, thinking back to my schedule. "We have almost all the same classes" I look up to him to see he is already looking at me, and he quickly looks away.

Before I can ask about it, the teacher calls us into the classroom so I hand the paper back to the boy as I stand up. He silently follows me to the door but stays standing there, waiting for the teacher to notice him. I sit in my usual spot at the back of the classroom and slip my bag onto the floor.

"Alright students, settle down! We have a new student joining us today, Neteyam Sully" a quiet murmur flies around the classroom as Neteyam gets pulled into the classroom by the teacher. "I will need somebody to volunteer to make sure he doesn't get lost and stuff" before I even realize it, my hand is in the air. A lot of people turning to face me in confusion as the teacher calls my name and I nod.

Mr. Patel starts talking about any and all event that are going to happen next week as Neteyam comes and sits down in the empty seat next to me. "Cool pencilcase" I whisper and point at his pencilcase which has a lot of patches from different bands and music artists. "Thanks, my sister made it for me" he responds and traces some of the seams with his thumb, smiling.

"Okay, so you have a brother and a sister. Any other siblings?" I ask against my better judgement and he looks at me confused, before nodding slowly. "I have two sisters, only one of them is going to this school though" he fiddles with the pencilcase after I nod in response. "You?" this question catches me off guard as I try to stammer out an understandable response. "I h-have a sister?" I cringe at how nervous I sound for no reason.

"That's all class, go on to... science!" I stand up and grab my backpack, Neteyam doing the same and resting his books on his arm. Together we walk down stairs to the science corridor and wait outside for the lesson to start, talking about anything that comes to mind.

If you understood the reference in the title (yes im gonna say it again) then lets goooooooooo. Also, my friends from school if you are reading this, please don't. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and that you have a nice day/night! 💙

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