[14] A boy can dream

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Now I just have to find Neteyam...

"Tey? Are you in here?" I open the bathroom door and look inside, empty. So not here. "Next bathroom I guess" I whisper to myself, letting the door fall shut behind me as I continue my path through the hallways. This school has like 6 bathrooms, and I've only checked like 2. 

The reason I'm only checking bathrooms first, have you seen any high school movie ever? They're always hiding in the bathroom.

"Hey there Neteyam, how are you baby" Who the fuck?! I quickly snap my head back in that direction and see Lyle walking with his arm around Teyam's shoulder. "Don't call me that Lyle, we are not friends" Neteyam complains, pushing him away.

I'm about to go ask what's going on, when Lyle punches him in the face. Then the stomach. Before leaving Neteyam, who is already doubled over leaning on his knees, he kicks the boy in the ankles as well.

For some reason, my feet are glued to the ground. I can't move. What just happened. I knew that he had punched Neteyam yesterday but I had really hoped that it may have just been a misunderstanding or something. 

Neteyam falls to the ground, arms still wrapped around his stomache as he gasps for air. The sound of his laboured breaths are what bring me back to reality. Being seemingly the only noise around me. 

I run over to him to check if he's okay. His nose is bleeding, staining his shirt. He looks up at me and his eyes are filled with nothing but fear. I hate seeing him like this. "Come on, let's go to the nurse's" I lift his arm over my shoulder so I can support him. Immediately remembering how he reacted when Lyle did so and loosening my grip.

"T-thank you, Sorry for this." I can tell that he is trying to put as little weight on me as he can, making it harder for him to breath. "Tey, it's fine. You can lean on me" I look down at the boy next to me, tightening my grip around him a bit more. "O-okay" I can tell he still isn't putting his full weight on me, but what can I do about it.

When we make it to the nurse, she tells me to wait outside while she deals with his injuries. I sit down in one of the uncomfortable chairs outside her office and wait for her to be done with Neteyam, so I can ask him what happened. 

After about five minutes of sitting there, I decide to check the time. I'm shocked when I find out that it's already 13:24, lunch ends at one thirty... Just as I am about to get up and check where the others are, and maybe beat the shit out of a certain dude, the nurse's door opened. 

Neteyam limps a bit as he walks. He still has his arms around his stomach and there is a bandage on his nose. "Alright, make sure you come in tomorrow so I can check the wound!" The nurse brings him over to me and then walks back into her office. 

"So, now will you tell me who punched you?" I smile smugly as he just rolls his eyes, scrunching up his face in pain as he does so. "Why would I? You obviously already know" He smiles smugly back at me, putting his backpack on again. And trying really hard to hide how much it hurt to put the backpack on.

"I know, I just want to hear it from you!" I take him to our next lesson, a couple people giving us strange looks. Oh well. "You're a b-word Ao'nung" I smile at his innocent attempt to curse at me, trying my best not to laugh at him. "You're so cute when you try to act angry" at this point, my face hurts from how aggressively I'm smiling. 

"Shut up!" And with that, we have to walk into our next lesson. It was pretty boring, not much happening. Just like our first two lessons had been. we had Dutch then Science. So fun, yay.

The rest of the day was pretty much boring, and then it was finally time to go home. I was originally planning on walking Netetam home, but Sean is coming to my house today. In the end I just threatened Kiri into keeping an eye on him, but I don't know how that will end.

Me and Sean go to my house and play some overcooked two, the same game I played with Neteyam on the day we first met. I should text Kiri and ask if everything went okay. And then I should text him and ask if he's feeling okay, and- "I can tell you want to, just go text your boyfriend!" Sean pulls me out of my thoughts, laughing like he had just told the best joke ever.

"He's not my b-" I stop, trying to lower my voice a bit. "He's not my boyfriend Sean. You know that" I roll my eyes but still grab my phone. "You keep saying that, but I won't believe it!" He says it in an annoying sing-songy voice. 


Ao'nung : Hey bro

Ao'nung : What's up!

Neteyam : I'm good?

Neteyam : you?

Okay, now I have to text Kiri.

Kitty 🐈

Ao'nung : Heyyyyy

Ao'nung : How's Teyam?

Kiri : He said you just texted him to ask him that

Ao'nung : Ik, I just wanna make sure

Kiri : Well, he's fine

Kiri : Stop worrying!

Ao'nung : fine cya

Neteyam : Bro! Are you gonna answer me or not!!!!!

"Done texting your BoYfRiEnD?" He purpously makes his voice break as he says this, making it much harder for me to keep a serious expression. "He's not my-" "I know, I know. But a boy can dream, right?" Before I can process what he said, Hekili runs into the room and jumps onto my bed. He tackles me to the ground, as I hear Sean giggling in the background.

"Hekili, Attack!" This was a command I'd taught her years ago, she would tackle whoever I pointed at, though she'd make sure not to harm them. "Ahhhh!!! Oh no!!!!!" Sean fell to the ground, still laughing to the point where he couldn't breath. Me doing the same.

In the back of my mind, the only thing running marathons through my thoughts was what Sean had said before Hekili RuDeLy interrupted.

A boy can dream.

Heyyy I finished another chapter!!!! Updating both books in one day lets gooooo!!!!! 

I really hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day/night! 💙

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