[3] Lunch (and some more)

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Together (me, Neteyam, and his siblings) walk to the cafeteria to have our lunches. When I sit down and am about to open my bag and take it out, I remember that I had forgotten to bring it this morning. I reach into my bag and take out my wallet, glad I remembered to bring at least one thing I need today. 

Neteyam had went to get his lunch out of his locker and came back holding a plastic box with a sandwich inside. I see Tsireya ad Rotxo walking around the cafeteria aimlessly and I gesture them over. They come and sit down, Rotxo sitting next to me and Reya sitting next to him. 

"Shit, bro I forgot my lunch" Lo'ak looks up at his brother from his backpack with an apologetic smile on his face. "Lo'ak! Come on bro, it's the first day of school!" without hesitation, Neteyam slide his lunchbox over to Lo'ak who accepts it gratefully and begins eating the food inside. "Now you don't have a lunch" I point out watching Lo'ak devour Neteyam's bread.

"It's fine, I can survive" I shake my head and stand up to go stand in line and buy my lunch. I get back to the table and dump a sugar waffle in front of Neteyam, not looking at him. "Huh?" he looks up from his phone, clearly confused. 

"Eat it" I gesture towards the waffle, eating the panini I got for myself. He nods and silently eats the food. I see the others have and intense conversation, not really bothering me. Until they do. "You know, Ao's captain of the swim team! You guys should join" she urges the three Sully siblings who are all listening to her words.

"Can't, allergic to chlorine" Kiri puts her hand up a bit to get Reya's attention as she says this. "that would be fun, right bro?" Lo'ak turns to his brother who nods slowly, staring off into the distance. "Bro? I think he zoned off" I look at Lo'ak confused when he says this, he notices and reads my mind, answering the question on it. 

"Yea, he does that a lot. Especially the past few weeks" I move so I can see Neteyam's face well, his eyes look empty. Like he is dead. But the rhythmic rising and falling of his chest convinces me otherwise. Suddenly, I see him blink his eyes and he moves his eyes around to find everyone staring at him. "What?" he looks to his brother and sister for help, but they just laugh.

"What were you thinking on so hard?" I say it barely above a whisper as the other four go back to their conversation. "Nothing, it's fine" he quickly looks away and takes out his phone. I shrug it off and turn to look at the four teens in front of me, and apparently I turned just in time.

"Ao, you tell them! You can't have an allergy to chlorine, right?" my sister tries to get my defence against the Sully girl, making me laugh. "Depends, what happens when you come in contact with Chlorine?" I look over to Kiri who tilts her head at the question. "My skin burns, especially around my face and neck and stuff" I think for a second going through every option it might be. 

"I mean, it sounds like allodynia if you ask me" watching the others stare at me in confusion might be literally the funniest thing I have seen all day. "Pain due to stimulus that doesn't normally provoke pain? But other than Chlorine, nothing else really causes that reaction in her" finally I've met my match. "I mean, it can be caused by a certain trigger; the chemicals" he nods and looks back down at his phone. 

"Wait so how do I spell it, I wanna look it up" I laugh at Reya's question but answer it anyways, and watch her type it down and show the others what it was. "Ao, don't you have to go help Mrs. Davis?" I look up to my sister, surprised that she remembered about that. "Oh, right. Bye guys" I begin walking away but stop when I see that Neteyam is following me.

"Why are you following me?" the question comes off a bit more annoyed than I intended it but he answers it too fast for me to rephrase it. "I don't know the way to the next lesson, and you have my schedule in your bag" nodding, I go to put my bag down and take out his stuff but he stops me. "I can just follow you to, Mrs. Davis', classroom" playfully rolling my eyes, I put my backpack on again and let him follow me. 

After school, I walk home with Reya and Rotxo, who is staying at our house for a while. I am listening to music while I watch their conversation play out. While I listen to my music I try to take my phone out of my pocket, to change the song, and my hand brushes against a piece of paper.

It's the piece of paper with Neteyam's number on it. Taking both the paper and my phone out, I add his contact to my phone and text him so that he has my number as well. 

Teyam ☣

Ao'nung : hey bro

Ao'nung : It's me

Ao'nung : Ao'nung

Neteyam : Oh ok I thought some random guy got my number

Ao'nung : Yea no

read 15:45

Hehe he got left on read. Anyways, thank you for reading. You can probably tell that I was trying to stop focusing on capturing every single second because that's what I did with my other book and it is like 20 chapters long, and like no time has passed.

 (I'll be the first to say it; this chapter was shit)

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have the best day/night! 💙

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