[9] Sleepover

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"Hey Teyam! How was dinner?" I walk over to the boy, smiling at him. "Good, you?" He walks up to me and gives me an awkward high five. I would rather want to hug him. I MEAN- okay even I can't salvage this...

"Good too, Reya ordered pizza" I walk past him and open the shed so he can leave his bike inside and we can go in the house. "I made pasta with my dad" His eyes glaze over for a second, a smile on his face. "Nice!" I lock the door after his bike, the two of us walking inside and to the kitchen.

"Alright, now let's get to the matter at hand. Where is this dog you speak of?" He feigns a posh accent, leaning on the counter and looking around for Hekili. "I'll get him" I walk away to the living room where I see my dog lying on the couch. "C'mere Hekili, I want you to meet someone" lifting him up against my chest like a baby, I bring my dog back into the kitchen.

I see Neteyam's eyes melt as he looks at the puppy, causing me to laugh a bit. Lowering the small creature to the ground, I watch Neteyam's dazed expression as he stares. But he's not looking at the dog. "Hekili, attack!" I pretend to have my dog attack him, Hekili running at Neteyam at full speed.

Neteyam doesn't even flinch as the small dog jumps into the his arms. "Hello there little guy" I Watch as he rolls around on the floor, happier than I've ever seen him. "Wow, I didn't know you liked dogs so much" I smile and sit down beside him. "Yea! Have since I was like three" he doesn't look up from the dog, seemingly mesmerized by the creature.

"You wanna see if you can stay here tonight?" I look over at him from my side of the couch, both of us sitting up against the edges of the piece of furniture. "Yea sure, but I'd have to-" "ask your mama" I finish the sentence for him, him chuckling at his own predictability. "Yea exactly" he smiles at me.

"¡Hola mama! ¿Como estas?"

I scrunch up my eyebrows at Neteyam's words, he speaks Spanish?

"Si mama, ¡ay por favor!"

Idk something about the way he speaks Spanish makes my heart speed up and my breathing pause.

"¿Puedo domir aquí?"

Wtf how did I not know he could speak like this? The words roll of his tongue much faster than with English.

"Gracias mama. ¡Dormir apretada!"

He hangs up the phone and turns to look at me, heavily confused at my shocked expression. "Wha- you speak- Spa- huh?" I look at him with the same confused expression. "Oh yea I speak Spanish with my mama" he puts his phone in his pocket, me still sitting there watching him. "What do you wanna do now?" He shuffles a tiny bit closer to me, now no longer sitting in the side. "Wanna watch a movie?" I am looking over to him, ready to pounce at the remote. "Sure! How about a horror!" His eyes sparkle at the idea, causing me to smile brightly.

We were watching the horror movie, and the scene was holding a lot of suspense. Suddenly, I feel someone bury his face into my side. Neteyam is grabbing onto my arm and holding it in front of his face. "You good?" I look confused down at him. "No, protect me!" He drags out the 'e' and looks up at me with pleading eyes. Chuckling, I pull my arm out of his grip, wrapping it around his shoulder and pulling him so he is leaning against my side. "How are you not scared?" He snuggles into my hoodie, eyes clenched shut. "I'm too busy trying not to laugh at you" I flex my arm around him to pull him even closer.

The movie finally finishes, got to admit it was pretty scary, and I look down at the boy beside me. My heart skips a beat when I see that he is asleep. WHAT DO I DO NOW? WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW?

I scream internally, trying not to make any noise or move too much. Do I put a blanket over
Him? I decide what I am going to do and carefully lift him off of me, starting to walk away to get a blanket but getting stopped by a hand grabbing onto mine.

"Wha-" "please don't leave" he looks at me with half opened eyes, still not fully awake. "Huh? What do you want me to do then?" I look at him confused as he takes a moment to think. "Stay here with me" he gently pats the couch beside him, me standing there not knowing what I should do. "What?" I walk closer to the side of the couch, keeping my eyes on the tired boy in front of me. Without warning, Neteyam wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me onto the couch beside him.

What the fuck!?

Excuse my terrible Spanish please, I am very stupid. Also idk was this chapter good? Anyways, thank you so very much for reading! I hope you have a perfect day/night!💙

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