[33] The bitter truth

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Ao'nung POV

"Neteyam?!" His knees buckled and I quickly rushed over to him, catching him before he hit the ground. "Lo'ak?!" I looked over at him helplessly as I lowered my boyfriend to the ground. "Oh shit. Uh." Lo'ak looked around aimlessly as if he was looking for something. Then it seemed like something clicked. Lo'ak looked at the bottle in his hand and quickly pushed it into the snow, walking over. "Old forester's... what was I thinking...." He mumbled, shaking his brother a bit to try and wake him up.

"What?" I looked confused as I checked if Tey was breathing, which he was. I breathed a sigh of relief as I awaited Lo'ak's response.  "It's a long story. And it's not mine to tell...." Lo'ak explained, shaking his brother again. "Alright." I continued trying to get him to wake up.

"We should bring him inside." Lo'ak told me as he gestured for me to lift Neteyam off the snow. I picked him up easily, already aware of how light Neteyam was. Rotxo ran ahead and opened the door, letting me and Lo'ak in as I laid Neteyam on the couch.

"What happened?!" Jake asked, looking at his eldest son in shock and then turning to Lo'ak. "I did some stupid stuff. And I triggered him." Lo'ak mumbled, burying his face in his hands. Jake nodded and crouched down beside Neteyam, tapping his collarbone. Neteyam's eyes flew open, his pupils changing size quickly as they adjusted to the light.

Neteyam panted loudly, his eyes opening widely as he backed away from the person in front of him in fear. "It's me son. You're safe." Jake said calmly, putting a hand on Neteyam's shoulder. Neteyam flinched. Lo'ak looked on silently from a chair, and Rotxo stood beside him with a hand resting on Lo'ak's shoulder.

The girls were gone for a late night run to the supermarket with Tonowari (to buy a jumbo sized can of pickles), so it was just the five of us. We sat in silence for what felt like hours but what was probably a couple of minutes.

Thoughts were whizzing through my head. What happened? What did the Old Forester have to do with anything. Did this happen often?

I was yanked out of my thoughts when Neteyam stood up quickly. He looked so vulnerable, so weak. His jumper hung off him, saggy and limp. His wrists were as thin as sticks and his eyes had dark shadows under. How did I never notice?

"I'm going to my room" he muttered, but he looked unsure of himself. Jake looked like he was about to protest but then though better of it. Neteyam walked unsteadily towards the door, placing his hands on the furniture to guide himself. He swayed, and I leapt to my feet, wrapping my arms around his torso to steady him.

I could feel his ribs underneath my fingers and I inhaled sharply, worried for Tey.

"Its ok" I whispered soothingly under my breath. If it was meant for him, or me, I would never know. I guided him to our room and sat him down on the bed. His eyes were glassy, staring off into nothing. I turned away to grab a blanket and when I looked back, silent tears are streaming down his face.

"Tey?" I whispered under my breath

He didn't reply.

I slowly sunk onto the bed next to him, wrapping my arms around him and squeeze gently. Neteyam grabbed me back and clung onto me, like a young child who needs the comfort of someone who loves him. He kept crying, and I kept wiping his tears. Soon my sleeve was wet, so I stopped, letting the continuous flow of tears drip onto my leg.

"I'm here for you. Its ok. I'm here. And I love you"

The words acted as a trigger. His tears stopped. I looked into his eyes and I saw pain, fear, but most of all, regret.

"I-" He broke off, hands trembling. I took his hands in mine to held them steady.

"I-" He continued "I guess I owe you an explanation" he said softly.


I owe Ao'nung an explanation. I've caused him so much pain already. It isn't right. I can't hurt him any more.

"When I was thirteen..." I trail off, my voice breaking. I can't.

"You can do it" I turn my head slowly and see Ao'nung's blue eyes staring at me. I see no pity. Only pride.

I take a deep breath and start again.

"When I was thirteen, I was friends with this guy. A-Artie. He- He was 15. I thought he was really cool and" I take a shuddering breath "And one day, or night i guess" I laugh dryly. "I got invited to this... new year's sleepover. I should've been with my family but I stupidly chose myself over them. And I was really excited to go, cause it was my first sleepover, you know? We played Mario kart and had snacks and sugary drinks. Then after his parents had gone to bed, he went into the pantry and came out with a bottle of... a bottle of... well, you know..." I take a shuddering breath,

Ao'nung nods and pats my hand, "Old Foresters, I know"

I keep going explaining my life to him. "I think I probably kinda had a crush on him. He got really drunk and I got really scared. I hid under a table and then he... he found me. I don't really remember well what happened, but I ended up in a hospital... The one night I chose myself over my family, things went wrong. I vowed then, to never choose myself over family."

I closed my eyes and realised that I had revealed too much. I flop backwards onto my bed and roll over, hiding my head in my pillow. 

"I'm sorry" I say, my voice muffled. I sense someone leaning over me and then I feel Ao'nungs strong hands grab me and turn me over gently. He brushes hair from my face and smiles at me.

 "Its OK" he whispers and as soon as I look into his sea-blue eyes, everything is OK. 

Its OK. 

its ok...

OMG GUYS DID I JUST UPDATE?!?!?!?!?! (Thank you so much @Floofy_Guinea_pig for writing this chapter.) I was experiencing a lot a writers block so that's why this took like a month to write I'm very sorry.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I hope you have a great day/night!

[If you spot any mistakes pls tell me]

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