[11] School

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After I had finished my breakfast and had been rushing Reya and Rotxo to hurry up so we could go, until they finally pick up their backpacks and get ready to go. "Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" I go to the door first, waiting for the others to follow. 

"Why are you in such a rush? You never want to get to school early" I roll my eyes at my sister as she slowly approaches, looking at something on her phone. "Reya, can we please talk about this on the way to school?" I emphasise the last bit as I open the door and wait for her to walk through it. 

"You know what? I'm just gonna go now, bye Reya! bye Rotxo!" I run out the door and shut it behind me, grabbing my headphones out of my bag and connecting them to my phone as I continue running. I put on my playlist and don't stop running until I can see the school in the distance.

Upon finally running inside, I head to my locker and take out a stick of gum. The teachers will probably tell me off if they see me but who cares. "Morning Nung!" Spinning around frantically, I get met face to face with Neteyam. "Hey Teyam!" I notice the strap of his backpack on his shoulder and spin him around forcefully to check what it looks like. 

"Nice bag!" he looks annoyed at me as I spin him back around, making me smile. "Come on let's go, otherwise we'll be late!" he grabs my wrist and starts dragging me through the corridors, towards our tutor room. "Bro watch out! I'm gonna trip!" I do my best not to run into any teachers or other students as Neteyam brings me through the corridors but it sure's not easy.

"Oh shut up you big baby" he smiles back at me, the same toothy grin he had on when he was playing with Hekili. "Do you have any pets?" he turns back at me confused as I say this. "What?" "It's just- You know I have a dog, but do you have any pets?" we lean against the wall outside our tutor room, continuing our conversation. 

"I have a cat, Mochi, but she likes spending her time with Kiri more than the rest of us" he shrugs a bit, looking off to the side. "Cool, I'm expecting that you will introduce me to her at some point, right?" I give him a smirk and he slaps me in the chest, making me jump back in fear.

"Hey! Ao'nung!" I look up and see Lyle approaching me. "What's up Lyle?" I give him a high five as Neteyam watches our conversation cautiously. "I'm good, I'm good. You?" I laugh a bit at Teyam's face in the corner of my eye. "What? uh- yea, I'm good" I give him the best grin I can and he immediately seems to believe it. 

"What lessons do we have today?" Neteyam whispers into my ear as he looks up from his phone, probably texting his siblings. "Hey, hey, hey. Who's this?" I roll my eyes at Lyle, turning to face Neteyam so I can tell him our lessons. "First we have Computing, then PE. And after snack we have Drama, and then DT and Maths" he smiles appreciatively and goes back to his phone, me turning back to Lyle.

"So, you gonna tell me who that is?" he gestures over to Neteyam with a disgusting smile on his face. "Neteyam, he's a new student; came here last Friday" I make sure to position myself between the two boys, Lyle's a cool guy but he's a fucking pervert as well. "Chill bro, what do you think I'm gonna do?" he notices my change in stance and comments on it, smirking like an idiot.

"I don't know what, but I know I'm not gonna like it" I speak through gritted teeth, basically just trying to say 'fuck off, you stupid bitch'. He puts his hands up and backs up with the same stupid smile. He walks away and goes to talk with his other friends, gesturing over to me and Neteyam halfway through the conversation and saying something to make the others laugh.

Before I can go over there and punch the shit out of them, the bell rings and everyone starts filing into the classroom. After we finish registration we start walking towards Computing, talking about the most random topics.

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