[6] Morning

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I wake up to my alarm, groaning at the bright light coming from my window. I check my phone to see the time, 4:30. I always wake up early so I can prepare everything for my siblings. I stand up immediately, going up to my closet and picking out my clothes for today. 

Since it is going to be very warm today, I pick out a pair of cargo shorts with a white T-shirt. I put my phone in my pocket and put on a necklace and some bracelets and rings. Walking down the stairs quietly, going straight to the kitchen. 

Out of my three siblings, Kiri is always the one who wake up first. Kiri usually wakes up around 6:00 in the weekends, one of the main reasons being that she can wake up Lo'ak. I check the fridge to see what I can make without going to the store, finding out that there is frustratingly nothing that I can make from the stuff in our house. 

I check my phone to see if I have enough time to go to the store and get ingredients. 5:00, I should be able to get to the store and back in time if I cycle. I leave a note on the counter in case my parents or anyone else come downstairs before I'm back. 

When I get back home I check the time and see that it is already 6. I open the door, expecting Kiri to be downstairs but she is nowhere to be seen. I put the ingredients on the counter and go up the stairs quietly to check Kiri's room. Pushing her door open slightly, I hear her alarm going off but I see her lying fast asleep on her bed. I turn of her alarm and set another one to go off in half an hour. 

When I get back to the kitchen, I set an alarm on my phone to go check if Kiri is awake later. I begin cooking pancakes and keep my ears peeled for any sign that the others in this house have woken up. I hear a sound coming from the hallway, bringing my attention to the noise.

"Oh hi Mochi!" I crouch down next to the cat, rubbing her head. She meows at me and walks to the couch, jumping onto one of the pillows and lying down on it. "Wait here I have to finish breakfast" I walk back to the kitchen and wash my hands. 

Once I have finally finished the pancakes, I split them onto five plates and prepare them all differently for their personal preferences. For my parents I cut up some fruit, and sprinkle some sugar over my father's as well. For Kiri, I put some fruit on top just like with my parents but cut it into smaller pieces. For Lo'ak and Tuk, I pour a bunch of syrup and sugar over the top. Last but not least, I take some cat food from the pantry and put it in Mochi's bowl, refilling her water as I'm at it as well. 

"Morning Teyam" I look up and see my sister walking down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Hey Kiri, why don't you sit on the couch I'll bring you your breakfast" She nods and goes to sit on the couch as I hand her the plate of pancakes. Grabbing the remote from the table, I turn on friends on the tv. 

"Thanks bro" she eats her food as we watch friends, now and then making a funny comment about one of the characters. Halfway through the second episode I hear my phone buzz from the counter, making me stand up to go check.

I see that it is the alarm I had set to wake up Kiri so I turn it off, but as I do so I notice another notification from Ao'nung. I sit back down on the couch, unlocking my phone so I can see what he sent me.

Ao 😁

Ao'nung : Wanna hang out today?

Neteyam : Yea sure bro

Neteyam : when?

Neteyam : and also how are you awake this early?

Ao'nung : the 6 of us could meet up at lunch?

Ao'nung : maybe at the beach

Ao'nung : also, I wake up early on the weekends so I can go to the gym

Neteyam : ah ok

Neteyam : sure we can meet at the beach

Ao'nung : is at lunch also good?

Neteyam : I don't know I can't wake up my parents yet

Netetam : I'll ask later

Ao'nung : All right

Ao'nung : gtg reya made breakfast

Neteyam : alright, talk to you later

"Kiri you wanna hang out with Ao, Tsireya and Rotxo?" I get her attention, noticing that she finished her food and grabbing her plate. "Yea sure, sounds fun" she watches my walk to the kitchen and hand-wash her plate. "You know you don't have to have to clean my plate, I can do it myself" she calls the cat over and lifts it onto her lap.

"not like I have anything better to do Kiri" I set the plate aside to airdry and sit next to Kiri on the couch. "Morning bitches!" both me and Kiri look at the staircase to see Lo'ak tumbling off it. "what the heck? he woke up early?" Kiri moves from the couch to the chair, taking Mochi with her.

"Lo'ak your breakfast is on the counter" I call back to him, without turning back to look at him. "Thanks bro" he picks up his food and comes to sit next to me. "What are we gonna do today?" he hadn't even gotten a fork or knife from the kitchen and is now trying to eat the food with his bare hands. "Ew, gross! use a fork Lo'ak!" Kiri complains, only putting a mischevious smile on Lo'ak's face. "No can do sis" he licks his fingers whilst making an uncomfortable amount of eye contact with Kiri.

"To answer your question, we are gonna hang out with Tsireya and her brothers" I change the subject, earning a glare from Kiri for some reason. "Roxo is not Ao'nung and Tsireya's brother, he is more like a family friend who stays there a lot" I nod, does Kiri have a crush on Rotxo? damn both my siblings are in love now. 

"What time is it? It can't be that early cause Lo'ak's awake" Kiri looks back over to me and I check my phone. "7:23, I'll go wake up Tuk" I stand up off the couch and go up the stairs to find my little sister's room. On the end of the hallway I see a door with a sign saying 'princess Tuk', and I quietly open the door. 

Inside, I see Tuk sleeping peacefully in her bed. I tiptoe to the side of her bed and crouch down so I am closer to the height of the bed. "Wake up TukTuk" I softly shake her until I see her eyes open to look at me. "I made pancakes!" I keep my voice to a low whisper in case my parents are still asleep. "I'm tired though" she buries her face in her pillow, making it harder for me to chuckle quietly. "Want me to carry you?" she quickly take her face out of the pillow and looks at me, excitedly. 

I turn around so I can give her a piggy back, swaying side to side while Tuk pretends she is on a dragon. "Here we are my princess" I lower her onto one of the chairs and go to the kitchen to fetch her food. "Alright guys, I'm going for a walk. If mom and dad wake up I left food for them there" I point to the kitchen before continuing "and I should be back in about half an hour!" I close the door behind me and put on my headphones.

I play my music as I start walking around, trying to familiarize myself with the surroundings.

dont know what I think about this chapter, I just wanted to show what their morning routine is or something. Anyways, thank you for reading, have a great day/night! 💙

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