[26] Settling in

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[I'll admit that I'm a big fan of boywithuke]

~ Neteyam POV ~

I woke up to Ao'nung shaking me a bit, I looked around confused for a second until I remembered that I was on a plane to Finland. My gaze shifted to the window, where I saw that we were currently in the process of landing.

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Just only like... five hours..." My eyes widened in shock as I heard that I had been asleep for just about the whole flight. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked as I sat up to check on my siblings. "Cause you need the sleep Neteyam" He said calmly.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair a bit, he was kinda right.

"Thank you..." I said quietly, leaning against his shoulder again. "We should land in the next five minutes or something" Ao'nung told me as he rested his head on mine.

When we finally landed, me and Ao'nung were in charge of making sure all our siblings got off the flight alright. I had to carry Tuk because she'd fallen asleep so I picked her up and held her against my chest as we walked off the plane.

Tsireya and Kiri would be waiting for Hekili to be brought off the flight. Me, Ao'nung, Tonowari, and dad would be getting all the bags for everyone. I took all the stuff I had when we left the car, but before I could walk away with it all my dad took his and my mum's suitcase.

Ao'nung was also only holding one suitcase this time as we walked back over to the girls and saw them playing with Hekili who was still in his crate. "We carrying the crate out?" I turned to Ao with a tilted head, waiting for his response.

He nodded and walked to the front of the crate, lifting it up. I put both suicases in one hand and leaned on them while I lifted up the back of the crate.

All of us managed to survive the walk out of the airport, except for Tuk, dad, and Tonowari. All three of them got lost and we ended up waiting for them outside for like twenty minutes. In that time, Tsireya and Lo'ak went to walk Hekili, Kiri was talking to Rotxo about some rare plant she'd seen on the side of the airport. And Ao'nung and I were playing in the snow.

When everyone was finally outside, we got two mini vans and began driving to the cabin. Though annoyingly we were going by family so I couldn't be with Ao'nung while we drove. But I was texting him so it was fine.

We made it and it was only four pm, but we spent a couple hours unpacking and arguing over beds and stuff. The parents were ordering pizza, Kiri and Rotxo were in the living room looking at pictures of plants, Tsireya and Lo'ak were doing something or other in Lo'ak and Rotxo's room.

Me and Ao'nung were outside in the snow with Hekili, having a snowball fight. Of course since I have impeckable aim, I ended up getting him soaked. Which was a bit funny I have to admit.

"Ao'nung! Neteyam! Time for dinner!" The parents called us back in, so we led Hekili to his crate and then the two of us sat together on the couch while there was a war going on about what we would watch.

We finished the pizza pretty quickly because everyone was pretty hungry, and I had a good time because I was leaning next to Ao'nung the entire time. This is probably the best day I've had in a while.

When the movie finished (if you're wondering, we watched Brave [@happydays123321 @chonkehbeaver, remember the good times in year four]), me and Ao went straight to our room. He went and showered first, so I just sat down on my bed and read in silence.

I heard the door open and Ao'nung came in with a towel over his shoulders. Which would've been fine, had I not noticed the fact that Ao was shirtless and also only wearing boxers.


My face went beetroot red, that is not an overstatement whatsoever. I looked up at him nervously, but he didn't seem to notice since he was putting his towel down and sitting down on his bed.

"Uh..." I tried to say something, but nothing came out. "Oh sorry, is this not okay?" Ao'nung began to look nervous himself, but I shook my head.

I can survive like this right?

"No it's fine" I said with a nervous chuckle, lying back on my bed. "Okay" He reached over and turned off the light, lying down on his own bed under the blankets. I got under my own blankets and closed my eyes. 

But heck if I'm gonna be able to fall asleep now...

... (I don't have to read it you do (L). Aynwayssss thank you for reading, have a nice day/night! 💙)

word count : 811

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