[15] That night

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"Welcome hom- What happened?" My dad welcomes me into the house, pausing his greeting when he sees the state of my face. "Nothing, I'm fine" Dismissing his attempts to check on my nose, I walk past him to the stairs. 

"Hold on there, we still have to have dinner!" He calls after me, leaving the door open for Kiri and Lo'ak, who were slightly behind me on the way here. "I'm not hungry dad, I might eat later" I don't even turn around to look at him and continue my way up the stairs, straight to my room.

"Where is Teyam going?" Kiri loudly asks my dad, watching me go up the stairs. "I don't know, he just-" I don't hear the rest as I finally make it to my room, jumping onto my bed. I stay silent and just stare at the ceiling, listening to the yelling that is happening downstairs.

As I am just about to close my eyes and maybe get some rest, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Nung 😊

Ao'nung : Hey bro

Ao'nung : what's up!

Shoot, now I have to lie to him.... I mean I could tell him the truth, but I don't want him to worry about me.....

Neteyam : I'm good?

Neteyam : You?

No answer..... Maybe he really doesn't want to talk to me..... Maybe he just-

"Teyam! Ao'nung is asking me how you are!" dam. Bro really doesn't believe me does he......

"He literally just texted me to ask that!" I call back to Kiri, rolling my eyes when she responds with a quiet 'oh'.

Neteyam : Bro! Are you going to answer me or not!!!!!

No response. Yes, that's it. He doesn't want to talk to you. He doesn't want to be your friend. He is just stuck with you because you decided to hang out with him. He doesn't want to talk to you. 

He doesn't care

"Teyam? Can we play a game?" In the doorway, I see Tuk standing against the doorpost. She fiddles with the sleeve of her shirt. "Sure! What do you want to do?" I sit up on my bed, tapping the empty space next to me so she can come and sit down. She surely does, jumping onto the bed and almost knocking me off of it.

"Can we go exploring? Like we used to at our old house?" I can tell that she misses home. They all do. Even I do. But I could never show them that. Because that is weak. "Do you want it to be just the two of us? Or all four of us?" She thinks for a moment, probably going over the two options in her head. 

"Can we bring Kiki and Lo'ak?" Why is she being so nervous all of a sudden. "Sure! How about this, you go downstairs to eat dinner. You tell Kiki and Lo'ak the plan, but don't tell mama and dad. I'll figure out where we can go, okay?" She thinks for another moment, before nodding and running to the door while screaming 'yesssss'. 

Step 1 : find somewhere to explore. I walk to my tiny desk and place my open laptop on it. I search it up and immediately pick a place, memorizing the path that we would have to take. Just in case, I still put the location down on my phone though.

Step 2 : Pack a bag of random stuff that we might need. From my closet, I grab a backpack and check the current contents. A flashlight, and a piece of paper with Lo'ak's last will and testimate. Must be the bag we used last time. I also put my phone in the charger so we don't get stuck in the middle of an abandoned building without any form of communication. As for the bag, I add a notebook, a pen, and a camera to the contents. 

The reason I added a camera, me and my siblings have a youtube channel where we post videos of us exploring stuff. We definitely don't do that because Lo'ak is absolutely obsessed with Sam and Colby, no why would you think that!? Anyways, we haven't posted in really long so it might be nice to do so now.

Next, I need to get snacks for my backpack. If I go downstairs right now, my parents are going to make me eat. Lo'ak has a stack of snack in his room! (He thinks I don't know but he hides it so terribly, also who does he think empties his bin)

I run into Lo'ak's room and go straight to his closet, marvelling at the rich assortment of Takis, Toxic waste, Monster, Skittles, Pringles, Sour patch kids, Cheetos, Twinkies, and an infinity of more unhealthy snacks. How did he even buy all of this?

I grab everything I can and run back to my room, stuffing it all into the bag. I also added four bottles of water that I kept in my room just in case. Almost done.

Step 3 : Wait for the others to finish their dinner and convince parents that you're doing your homework and not doing anything suspicious. I tab out of the web browser and open OneNote, doing some homework.

Before I've even finished the first part of my Science homework, Lo'ak is running up the stairs. I know it's him because he is the only person, in this house, that runs up the stairs like he is possessed. "Is it true!? Are we actually going out again!?" I smile at my brother's enthusiasm, his eyes flickering to the backpack on the floor next to me. "Yes Lo'ak, we are going again tonight. But you better not get us caught!" He nods as I threaten him and goes to his room. 

At this point, we have a system for every time we sneak out. I pack the bag, pick the place (unless we want to go a specific place then the person who thought of it picks). My siblings will wait in their rooms until my parents are asleep. We sneak out of Kiri's window, and I have to get Tuk without waking up the adults.

It's also my job to make sure we have at least two charged phones and that the camera has battery. Therefore, I walk into Lo'ak's room and snatch the phone from his hand. I walk to his desk and put the phone in his charger. "What are you doing?" He stands up from his and tries to slap me. "I need to make sure the phones are charged" I roll my eyes at him and walk back to the door. 

"Oh, but what  can I do now then?" He calls after me, following me out of his room to mine. "I don't know? Read a book!" I throw IT by Stephen King at him, earning a terrified yelp. "Now get to your room and be quiet!" I hiss after him as he scurries back to his room.

"Goodnight kids!" It had been an hour since I threw a book at Lo'ak, and my parents had finally decided to go to bed. We knew that it would take half an hour for them to be sleepy enough to ignore it if there was creaking on the stairs,  so I texted Lo'ak and Kiri about our plan. At the same time, Tuk was messaging me from her ipad so she knew when I would pick her up.

This is gonna be awesome....

Hey guys, so me and my friends thought of this awesome idea to actually create the Sully kids' channel. If we do end up making it I'll put the link here in case U wanna watch it but it might be bad! (I'm warning you).

Also, ik I said this on my other book as well but....

I'm getting a dog and am allowed to pick the name (he is a black and white Australian Shepherd) and would like some input for these three names : 




(you don't have to vote I just put it there just in case)

Thank you so much for reading! Have a super cool day/night! 💙

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