[10] Moooorning!

428 11 17

I open my eyes, groaning at the light that immediately burns into my retinas. Where am I? I am about to get up to get a better look at my surroundings when I feel a weight over my chest. Straining my eyes to look down at the figure I see Ao'nung, what the-. "Morning Neteyam, care to explain?" Hearing this I turn my head to the noise and see Tsireya sitting on an armchair, slowly stroking Hekili. "I- I don't know?" She rolls her eyes and crouches down next to the couch so I don't break my neck looking at her. "Well I don't know either, I just came downstairs to the two of you- cuddling? On the couch?" I rub my eyes and look back down at the sleeping boy sprawled over me. He looks so peaceful, and there is a wide smile on his face like he's dreaming.

"Could you maybe- not tell anyone about this?" I look back at Tsireya and she nods, giving me a quick 'sure'. "I'ma try and wake him up" she stands up and puts her hands on her brother's shoulders, shaking him violently. "AAAAAAAH WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!" He screams as he is woken up, making me and Reya both laugh. "Oh hey Teyam, wait- WHAT THE FUCK TEYAM!?" He jumps up, me and Reya practically dying for air as Ao'nung contemplates every decision leading up to this moment.

"We were hoping you could tell us" Reya is the first to recover from her laughing fit, me still curled up on the couch with my hands wrapped around my waist. "I don't- oh yeaaaaaaa" he sits on the side of the couch and leans his head on his hands. "Wait, you know?" I accuse, looking at him with a confused expression. "Of course I do!" He speaks out like this is common knowledge, me and Reya waiting for him to elaborate on that point. "Care to continue?" Reya asks, raising her eyebrows at her brother.

"Yea, Teyam was basically asleep so I went to get a blanket and he stopped me, and then he pulled me onto the couch and I fell asleep"

"I feel like you're missing out some major details or something" Reya jokes, making it much harder for me to recover from laughing. "Nope! That's it!" He smiles, innocently.

"Hey, Reya, what time is it?" I look over at the girl who is walking to the kitchen. "Like 6:30, why?" I look at her with eyes wide and quickly jump off the couch. "OH RATS! IM LATE!" I dig my hand into my pocket and try to find my phone. "Late for what? Calm down" Ao'nung puts his hand on my shoulder and tries to get my attention. "I make breakfast for my siblings, I should've been home like an hour ago" finally finding my phone, I check my messages but don't see anything.

"Why don't you call Kiri, and ask her if it's taken care of?" He doesn't move his hand from my shoulder, but speaks in a more quiet tone. "O-okay" I open Kiri's contact and immediately click on 'call'.

"Hey Neteyam!" She doesn't sound like I woke her up from sleeping, but I don't know if that's a good thing.

"Morning Kiri! Have you had breakfast?"

"Yea, mama made us toast!"

"Oh, okay! So I can stay here a bit longer you think?"

"Yea, we'll be fine!"

"Ok thanks, see you later"

"See ya"

I leave my phone in my pocket and slide Ao'nung's hand off my shoulder. "See, nothing to worry about!" He starts making his way to the kitchen, me following behind. "Yea I guess" he sits at the kitchen island while Tsireya is bustling around, probably trying to make breakfast.

"I'm stealing your dog by the way" before I sit down on one of the stools, I call the dog over and pretend to pick it up and run to the door with him. "Like you could cycle with a dog in your arms" he doesn't even look up from his phone at the countertop, quietly laughing at me.

"Tsireya, what's Ao'nungs middle name? And surname?" I walk over to Tsireya, making sure to say it loud enough for Ao'nung to hear. "His full name is Ao'nung samekh hohaia" I look over at Ao'nung, holding a hand over my mouth so I don't laugh.

"Ao'nung samekh hohaia, are you laughing at me?" At this point he breaks down, lying limp on the counter as he continues to laugh. "No, I would never! Also on a totally unrelated subject: what's your middle name?" He gives me a cheeky smile, me returning the gesture. "Nah you really think I'm that stupid???" I slowly approach the still laughing boy, my hands up in caution. "Just maybe..." he looks down and avoid my gaze, but I can still hear the smile in his voice.

Before I can jump and tackle him, he throws himself off the stool at me. I fall to the floor, the taller boy lying on top of me with a triumphant smile. "Ao, try not to break any lamps?" Ao'nung looks up at his sister to blow a raspberry and I see my chance. I slip my hands around his waist and push him to the side, the two of us switching positions.

Now is the first time I notice how close our faces truly are, I feel his breath on my lips as I stare down at the other.

"Well anyways, I'm gonna sit down" I stand up from the ground and walk to the kitchen island, grinning cause I left him on the floor, blushing like a maniac.

"Fuck you Teyam" he sits down next to me, going back to his phone as he waits for Tsireya to make food. "Aw I love you too!" I beam back at him, he stares at me with the best angry mom face ever.

After Reya finally finishes making the eggs and toast, bringing three plates of it to the island and standing opposite me and Ao. "Oh I'm not hungry thanks" I slide the plate over to Tsireya who nods and decides to give that plate to Rotxo, if he comes today. She then goes of to go text him and see where he is.

I feel Ao'nung's eyes burning into the side of my head, and I turn to look at him with a confused expression. "What's up? Why 'you staring at me?" He doesn't change his gaze from me like he usually does, a little bit worrying...

I snap my fingers in front of his face and he jumps back in shock. "You good?" I tilt my head in his direction and he nods, going back to his phone.

Sorry this chapter is super bad cause idk social conventions and stuff......... anywayyyyys, thank you very much for reading this and I hope that you have a grrrrrreat day/night! 💙

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