[32] Night out

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[aye it's the title song let's goooo]

~♡ Neteyam POV ♡~

I have a boyfriend!!!

This is quite literally the best day of my entire life!!

I mean technically that was yesterday cause that's when he asked me out... But I don't care.

Part of me still feels like this is all just a really, really, really nice dream. But gosh do I hope it's not. If this is all just a dream, then I swear to my dad that life's just trying to mess with me on purpose.

Man I hope this isn't a dream...

. . . .

"Are you even listening Tey?" I looked up from my book, confused as Ao'nung spoke to me. "No, sorry..." I mumbled, feeling a bit guilty for not listening to my boyfriend. Woah that feels so wierd to say... "Neteyam?" Ao'nung snapped his fingers in front of my face, making me realize that I'd lost focus again.

"Sorry...." I hummed quietly, looking up at him guiltily as he walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. "Lo'ak just came here asking if we wanna have a boys' night out. Except we're just gonna go out to the forest and hang out there." He explained, taking a seat beside me and taking the book from my hands.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked as I snatched the book back from his hands and held it protectively, earning a chuckle from my boyfriend. "It's already like six pm, so we were thinking an early dinner and then we go out." I nodded in response, placing my book down on the nightstand.

"I'm gonna get changed then." I told him as I stood up, Ao'nung following me to my bag and wrapping his arms around my waist. His head was resting on my left shoulder as I looked through my clothes for something to wear.

I finally settled on some dark brown trousers, a tanned pullover, and a white blouse underneath the pullover. When I had gotten my clothes, I tapped Ao'nung's hand to release me and went to the bathroom to get changed.

"What you were wearing before was fine." Ao'nung followed me around my room as I put the pajamas that I'd changed out of on my pillow. "Those were pajamas." I told him simply, laughing as he followed me back to the bathroom to fix my hair. "So? They look cute on you." I felt my face go red, and quickly looked away from the mirror where Ao was looking at me through the reflection.

"Aw! Did my comment make you flustered?" He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my face which made me go even more red. "Shut up...." I hummed, trying to decide how to do my hair because I didn't feel like braiding it again since my hair had been loose for two days now.

We were messing around in the forest, the sun was already down. Lo'ak had gone to get something from inside, Rotxo and Ao'nung were chilling and talking quietly, and I was just sitting on a log kicking at the snow. I heard Lo'ak's footsteps approach again, but I didn't even bother to look up.

"No way! How'd you get that?!" Rotxo's voice was heard, and a couple of steps in the snow.

"Stole it." Lo'ak's voice replied smugly.

Stole?! He stole something?! Oh god...

I finally stood up, looking over at my brother. The glass bottle in his hands almost made me loose balance.

The words 'old forester' were printed in bold letters on the front, a familiar pattern covering the label. I felt my legs go weak and my vision begin to black out, to complete darkness.

"ηєтєуαм? αяє уσυ σкαу?" His voice rang through my ears as I felt myself loose consciousness.


"Alright son, this is your first sleepover. I hope you have fun." Jake told his thirteen year old son. Neteyam was going to be sleeping at his best friend's house. Artie was two years older than Neteyam but they were still somehow friends.

"Bye dad!" Neteyam smiled as he adjusted his backpack and stepped out of the car, waving at his dad as Jake drove away. A firework was set off in the distance and Neteyam smiled at the colours lighting up the sky.

It was new years. He felt bad for not spending it with his family, but they'd all tried to convince him that it was fine. Of course he didn't believe them, but he pretended that he did.

"Teyam!" Arnold smiled as he walked over to Neteyam and hugged him tightly. Artie was quite a bit taller, trying to take one of Neteyam's bags but Neteyam refused. "Hi Artie!" Neteyam grinned and followed Aart into his house.


The fireworks were loud outside the house, and young Neteyam was hidden under a table with his hands covering his ears. A glass of Old Forester's bourbon was smashed into pieces around the small boy as he tried stay hidden.

"Come on Neteyam! Get the fuck over here!" A loud voice spoke, slurring his words. The Sully boy tried to hide better under the table, his eyes darting around the room to find his best friend.

Another couple of fireworks were set off, making Neteyam flinch and hit his head loudly on the table. The consequent bang caught the attention of Artie, making him turn to the table with a devious smile.



"Neteyam? Is that you? Is everything alright!?"

"Mama I'm scared."

"Don't worry son, I'll be right there"

"Who's that?"


"Oh hey son"



Beep. Beep. Beep.


I dunno man, new lore??? Anyways thank you for reading and have a super awesome day/night! 💙

(Ps I might delete/rewrite this chapter since it was just an idea I wanted to try out.)

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