ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟: ℂ𝕪𝕣𝕒

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I sulked next to Abby watching the horses bat their tails. They clopped along the road and I sat in my own head. I wanted to kick Achelios for saying what he did. The world wanted me to be his husband. The words sounded vile especially since we were nothing.

"Spill what's wrong?" Abby asked.

"Achelios wants to marry me it's Ganders fault but his and your reputations might be ruined since those are a thing here and I- How can I?" I said.

His words echoed inside my head though. I can't expect you to do this. They would see you for powers and looks and you little dove deserve freedom and peace, your soul is special it does not bend or break and it's forged from gold.

"I don't believe he told you the full story, he'd be shunned by our kingdom for faking and not to mention being married to someone else, someone he would hate, he does not hate you and he didn't want you to see all of it because he wanted you to chose for you" she said.

I froze again and looked down at my hands. He was willing to give everything up for me. Perhaps I owed him that much.

* * *

I don't remember switching places with Achelios only waking up inside the carriage with Sam and Winston. The kingdom we had ended up in was all white with snow. The buildings all dark brown wood with smoke rising from each chimney. I knew cold like the back of my hand. Living in Minnesota you often had snow. It was beautiful to look at but horrendous to drive in.

I climbed out when one of the guards of Evermon's palace opened the door. The five of us stood at the steps a great palace. This was the third one in the weeks I'd been here. We all looked like we'd been through a slaughterhouse full of scratches and bruises.

Achelios looked at me sympathetically. My heart skipped a few beats. My eyes moved away when two women and a man walked outside. Huge crowns sat on a older red haired man and a brown haired woman his wife. The other girl was younger and shared the same brown hair as her mother, but the blue eyes of her father. They all dressed in finery that to me looked like curtains draped around them.

"Welcome King Achelios and future Queen Cyra, oh dear you need tending to my maids will come to help" the man greeted.

I felt my body freeze at the words. A warm hand grabbed mine and squeezed. I knew it was Achelios. His bare hand was rougher then it looked which was oddly comforting. I forced a smile despite my anxiety rising.

Once inside they led us to our rooms to settle down. I shared one with Achelios because they thought we were a thing. I sat on the bed as he shut the door. He started to take his worn clothes off and I was staring at him.

"I will marry you, I just need you to lead the way and do most talking since I don't yet understand the world and promise me if I find a way back I can go" I said.

"Of course little dove" he said smirking a little.

"Okay then that settles it" I said.

He vanished behind a changing board and came back out a few moments later in new attire. He opened the door and paused a moment, "I'll be back later".

Only moments after he left a knock sounded. I walked over to the door to find Sam. He moved into the room quickly and shut it barely allowing me to move.

"When did this happen? What happened to together? did he threaten you?" He blurted.

"No he gave me the choice and besides if I don't he and Abby will be ruined and when we find a way home he will let me leave" I said.

Could I really leave?

"This is crazy Cyra being here in this world and you becoming not just a big powerful being but a queen" Sam said.

"You think I don't know that? look at my face" I snapped.

He backed away suddenly as if I had shot him. I looked down feeling bad for snapping at him. Tears formed in my eyes as what happened settled into my head.

"I killed, I was beaten and nearly killed a thousand times and my mom is somewhere out of reach with my brother crying while I am supposed to save the world" I said.

Sam hugged me without another word, "I know I feel that way to".

I buried my face against his shoulder and I allowed myself to truly feel the things. Nightmares had been haunting me for along time, except on the road it seemed. I held onto him like my life depended on it and maybe it did.

"Miss Cyra? We are to address your wounds and plan out a dress Highness Lonston picked the colors" a woman's voice said as she knocked.

Time had vanished from us. I backed away and wiped my eyes.

"Come in" I called and in came a team of women.

Sam smiled once before he scurried out the door. The women sat me down and started to undress me as one of them made a bath. I flinched a little as they touched my tender wounds.

"Can I bathe myself? you guys can assist me afterward" I said.

"Of course" one of the older women said.

I walked over and slipped into the tub. It smelled sweet like a fruit I could not identify. I scrubbed the dirt away before dunking my head under. It felt like fire against my face. I rose up quickly and sat there stunned as the feeling slowly went away. I kept my face out of the water when I cleaned my hair.

Outside of the tub they dried me off and coated my face in soothing balms. Then they had me stand on a small stump of painted wood to try on dresses. I was to be married at only nineteen. Achelios was also only my age, but it seemed more normal here.

The fabric he'd chosen was a deep green. It was velvet and the design they wanted was a V-neck and small bodice with a big flowing skirt. They had a tester dress to try on the style. It reminded me of my prom dress, but that one was a pale silver and small straps this was long sleeved. The fabric lit my hair and skin a blaze and my eyes were startlingly bright.

Once that was done they all left the room and I sat on one side of the bed and looked outside. I started to play with my powers. Light streamed into the room formed from me and absorbed from other things.

I thought about the creepy figure again and their purple magic powder. They were like me, they had to be. Or maybe somehow they'd made it. I knew they would come for me. I had a feeling they were connected to Nigra.

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