I Would

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"I would if I could." Leo stared at Neymar, a smirk beginning to form under his nose; it looked like  he was planning something. "C'mon, just this one time." Neymar spoke, as if it was a command. "Please." He begged, getting on his knees. "Get up, please." Leo stared down at Neymar, narrowing his eyes. Neymar grabbed Leo's knee to help him stand up, although it wasn't necessary. Leo sighed, rubbing his eyes like it was his last day on Earth. "I can't walk that long, Neymar. I'm sorry. Why do you even want to walk all the way over there?" Leo interrogated. "I can't tell you, but I guess we could just take a car." Neymar offered, shrugging. "Better than walking." He kept trying to convince Leo. "Alright." Leo nodded, causing Neymar's smile to become bigger. "BUT," Leo yelled, wanting to make a deal. "During the car ride, you must tell me what you want me to be there for." Leo grinned. "Wh—" Neymar complained; tilting his head. "Fine. Do I get to choose when I tell you?" Neymar asked. "Yes, yes. But it can't be near the end of the car ride." Leo answered. "Mkay." Neymar understood, then walked away to a different room, smirking.


I collapsed on the bed. I can't take anymore of this. I can't talk anymore. I don't know what to do. I'm tired and I have no idea why. I just had a long conversation with Neymar, and I didn't even get tired at all. I'm confused. I'm gonna sleep and I'll wake up soon and I won't be tired anymore.

I closed my eyes, apparently hoping that I would wake up with a new mindset, and I wouldn't be tired as I was before I shut my eyes. I was terribly wrong. I woke up miserable. I wouldn't talk to anyone, and I still don't plan on it anytime soon. I hope Neymar doesn't think I hate him. 


Why won't he talk to me? I didn't do anything. I hope I didn't. I guess I could try talking to him again. Hopefully he doesn't hate me.


Neymar stepped into the bedroom, where Leo had been laying for two hours straight. "Are you okay, Leo?" Neymar quietly asked, holding onto the door knob. "Yes." Leo assured, nodding gently. "No." Neymar denied, slowly walking towards where Leo had been laying, his arms covering his eyes. Neymar plopped himself down behind Leo, and wrapped his arms around him. "Now, tell me what's up." Neymar ordered. "You were fine two hours ago." He continued, several blinks during the speech. "I know." Leo responded, staring off into the distance. "Hey, you can tell me." Neymar rubbed Leo's stomach. "I know." Leo agreed, his face not changing expression whatsoever. "Then, why won't you tell me what's going on?" Neymar asked, sort of a demand. "I—I don't know." Leo shrugged, finally moving a bit. "C'mon. I won't tell anyone, I swear, Leo." Neymar attempted to reassure him of everything. "I—I just.." Leo second guessed his words. "Please, just tell me. I can help you feel better." Neymar grinned. "I just don't feel good." Leo blurted. "In which way?" Neymar interrogated him, wanting more information. "In every way," Leo continued, choking back tears. "You can cry if you want." Neymar hadn't had any idea what to do in this situation. Leo began to cry, turning around and shoving his head into Neymar's neck. Neymar rubbed Leo's head. "Just—let me know if you need anything." Neymar offered. "I need something." Leo stared up at him. "What do you need?" Neymar immediately asked. "You. I need you, Neymar." Leo answered. Neymar paused for a quick second. "What do you mean?" He finally spoke. "I want you." He said. "In which way do you want me? There are many ways, Leo." Neymar questioned. "I want you to be mine. Forever." Leo nodded. "Oh." Neymar's face turned red. "So, will you be my boyfriend? Please?" Leo asked, moving closer to him, tucking his face into the crook of Neymar's neck. "Yes! Yes!" Neymar excitedly answered. Leo closed his eyes and smiled. Neymar kissed the top of Leo's head. "I love you." Neymar grinned. Neymar held the back of Leo's head with his arms, and soon they both fell asleep.

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