null and void contract

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"Naraku... please just take me home." Mei's voice shivered against his chest, her body trembling in his arms. Naraku's eyes softened looking down at Mei, only to instantly harden again at the sight of Tetsuo and a confined Kagura.

"Hmph, I wish we could chat further," Tetsu gripped his sword, ready to strike at the whim. "But it looks like you have pretty undead matters to attend to already. So-"

"N-Naraku," Mei whispered, pulling herself up for balance. Naraku shushed her, rocking her back down to rest on his chest.

"That's enough of that Mei, you're safe now." It surprised Kagura and Tetsuo to see him so soft.

"No," she softly protested. "D-don't hurt Kuro.... Or Tetsu..o"

Tetsuo's eyes widened. Was she really going to spare him? After all that he did?

"Let them go... please..."

Naraku's glowering eyes snaked back to Tetsuo, then back down to his withering flower. He could easily go against her wishes, but by the markings on her body, there were other matters he had to attend to.

"Okay, Mei... As you wish..." Naraku looked up to the sky and shut his eyes. In an instant, the floor rumbled below them, thrusting jagged spikes of the earth in between the undead mercenary, splitting him in half. Kagura dropped to the floor, massaging her aching wrists slowly. There was another rumble, and two large vines emerged from the earth adjacent to Kuro and Hide. The vines took hold of the unconscious Hide by the hand and foot, holding him in the air and stretching in opposite directions.

"Don't look, Mei." Naraku instructed, kissing her on the crown of her head as he turned on his heel.

Hide's screams echoed through the forest as Kagura and Tetsuo stared at the act. His body was pulled and pulled until bones were heard to have popped and broken into different places. His wails of protest grew louder, but Naraku didn't budge until Hide's flesh began to rip at the stomach. He could hear the visceral spread thin and drop onto the floor, but what fell to the ground wasn't that of blood or mucus, but dirt.

"Hmph... Just as I suspected." Was all he said as he walked further into the forest towards the castle, continuously pecking Mei reassuringly on the crown of her head.

Kagura's fearful eyes watched the vines let go of Hide. His body dropped to the floor in a hallow thud, leaving his head to tilt so he was looking dead at the two. His eyes large and tearful, she could only imagine what his final thoughts were. As she and Tetsuo continued to look on, she realized... he was turning to dust! His skin evaporated into dust and all that was left were bones! Kagura's shaken eyes glanced over at Tetsuo's stoned expression. He looked to be thankful not to have met the same fate.

"Here," he pulled at a necklace around his neck, revealing the Shikon Jewel to be bound by twine and ribbon. He had another similar bracelet the held another jewel and Kuro wore one around his neck. Hide on the other hand imbedded his into his chest, which revealed itself under the massive pile of dust.

"Take it, and take this." He held out the shard to Kagura, his expression pained and remorseful.

Kagura was more so focused on the shard on the ground where Hide laid. She could feel the air growing more and more ominous. Demons could smell the shard and she had to move. Fast.

"Hurry up and take it. Kuro and I will disappear into the countryside to never be seen again. She gave me two for combat but... I'm done with all of this." He tossed the shard at her feet, walking towards Kuro to pull his reigns towards him. He was visually upset, but Tetsuo tried his best to calm him down.

"Shh, its okay. We're leaving now. Mei-Chan is in good hands. She's in good hands. Okay? We... we have to go."

Kuro blatantly objected. He pulled his reigns the direction that Mei and Naraku left which made Tetsuo frown. He knew what this horse meant to Mei and vice versa. Force wasn't his initial option, but-

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