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2 weeks have passed since her first encounter with Naraku.

Mei couldn't remember the time of day. Whether it had been weeks - or months - she simply could not remember. All she saw were castle walls that seemed to endless with the same dim lighting day in and day out. Majority of the room walls were shut, and with Kagura's former continuous supervision it was hard for her to properly explore.

After Mei and Naraku's brief - and one could call that anything but - encounter, Mei has seen little of Naraku and none of Kagura. She wouldn't physically see Naraku but she could feel his presence in the late hours of what she felt to be the evening when she was sleeping. Was he checking on her, was he planning an attack? She didn't know. And as the days seemed to drag on, she simply did not care to understand his routine.

Mei rose from her slumber, a faint pounding in the back of her head. She wasn't sleeping so well, and partially she blamed it on her lack of knowledge whether it was really day time or night time. Her room bore no windows, the sliding screen doors only showed a dim, obscured light that she couldn't make to be dawn or dusk. And when she would try to open said doors, they were fixed shut. She could even squint in the darkness and see the scratched away wood chips that laid barren on the floor where she tried to pry them open.

She cursed to herself, fumbling her hand across the tatami mats with her eyes shut tight. She didn't know what she was reaching for, she just felt an immense need to grab at something.

Mei missed her home. She missed her family. She missed her freedom.

She spent long enough in this god forsaken purgatory of a castle. It felt like she were to spend the rest of her days in this castle with no clear sign of continuation in sight (and everyone knew just how long a demon had the potential to live if they weren't to be consumed by greed or wrath.)

Dammit all. Mei reflexed her throat for a swallow, but all she felt was a surging roughness radiating around her throat. "Ah!" her voice hoarse, she grabbed her neck out of reflex as her eyes squeezed tightly in pain.

How long have I been sleeping? What day was it? And why does my body feel so heavy? Thoughts continued to run rampant in her head that didn't have an answer in sight. She mustered a bit of strength to lift herself up, only to be halted by a husky voice halfway up.

"Ah, you're awake." That voice, clear and deep as it was dark. Mei didn't bother to look its direction, instead she tilted her head down enough for her hair to shield just how disgusted she was with him.

Naraku chuckled to himself, unaffected at her silence. His movements were slightly uncoordinated, on assumption that he, too, had just woken up. With a brief 'humph', he stood by a medium kettle of boiled water and poured its contents in a small cup.

He moved slow, but with precision. She could note how carefully he cleaned his area and noted the details of order down to the very drip of water; he was almost too attentive.

"Ugh." Fucking hell! The burning sensation grew in her throat, she was dying of thirst. It didn't even take Naraku to fully kneel down to her before she blindly reached for the cup, guzzling heaven's liquid one tremendous gulp at a time.

She sighed, her throat silently thanking her as she rolled on her side to face away from him. It had been weeks since they've spoken to each other but she knew he was around; she knew he was watching, even when she bathed. She just knew.

Fucking pervert. She could hear herself spit on the ground in her mind.

Naraku sat himself down on the mat next to her, but with enough space as to not make her uncomfortable. He knew that if he were to continue waiting for her to say something he would be waiting a long time.

𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯  犬夜叉 ♡  ; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚞 𝚡 𝚘𝚌Where stories live. Discover now