demonic reunion

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Mei wavered through the onsen water, her eyes focused forward on the figure in front of her. Every attempt she made to swallow was followed behind with an even drier throat. She was. . . Admittedly speechless. But it was true.

"Naraku, you're here. And you're-"

Naraku stepped forward from the shadows with a small smirk on his face. His body was still fatigued from multiple sleepless nights in repair, but he felt rejuvenated enough to leave that confined prison. He didn't want to admit to it, but after seeing Mei he felt more compelled to heal and see her again. This night was just a coincidence.

His kimono was plain, royal blue with white stitching at the hems and tied loosely at the waist. His initial plan was to sit alongside the garden and observe the moon- one of the nightly hobbies he picked up over the months.

Hair cascaded down his back, Mei saw the ends were slightly damp, some locks still dripping to the floor.

"How long have you been out here?" Mei asked.

"Not too long. I actually just left the bath house not too long ago. What brings you out here?" Naraku leaned against a tree in front of onsen with his arms crossed. As much as he wanted to take her in, he kept his eyes focused on her face. Despite his neutral expression, he felt. . Glad to see her in person after so much time apart.

"Not- not long. I wanted to walk along the grounds and get some fresh air." Mei said, her body lazily floated in the water, her muscles relaxing each second submerged in the steam.

She didn't know how much this was needed until now. Being so distracted with. . . Pretty much everything made her curse herself for neglecting her needs. She just hoped this wouldn't be the last time she would come out to the onsens like this.

"Fresh air. . Hm." Naraku repeated to himself, tapping his finger on his chin as he repeated her words.

"You look quite comfortable out here. I might have mistaken you for a spirit of the moon if I wasn't careful."

"Is that so?" She purred. The smirk on her face spread wider and wider. Her cheeks reddened as the steam danced across her face.

"That it is." Naraku confidently replied. His steps were graceful, calculated, but slow. Mei took note of how cautious he seemed to be approaching her and it worried her. Her eyes quickly bounced from his feet to his face but her disposition didn't falter. She didn't want to let on that she was being hyper vigilant but if he co uld hear the thumping of her heart he would know that she was - so glad he was okay.

"Why does it feel like so long since we've seen eachother, Naraku?" without much announcement, Naraku's arms wrapped around Mei's waist. She balanced herself by wrapping one arm around his neck, carefully pressing her chest to his so she didn't fall over.

Closing her eyes, she leaned in and took in his scent. Brimstone, jasmine, and his own natural musk. It was truly intoxicating to the point it dissolved her anxiety almost instantly. He was silent, slowly rubbing the small of her back. His fingers traced the spider marking up her spine while his lips gently followed the arms that wrapped towards the front of her body and rested on her collarbone.

"You're not upset I'm out here, are you?" Her breath hitched. She tried hard to hold on her sighs as he continued to kiss her. Her body wanted so much more, but she needed to restrain herself for now.

His lips lingered on her flesh a little longer at her question as he found the words to say. She knew of his temper, he could hear it in her voice. It - saddened him? His eyebrow twitched at the thought. Unconsciously, he pulled her in closer, his eyes gliding upwards towards the moon.

It's not like you to feel pity, Naraku. It was never like you to even consider another person's feelings, let alone a demon wench. Hehehehe. . . My how you've grown soft.

"Why would I be, Mei?" He asked. An amused chuckle rumbled in his throat.

"This is your castle, too."

He lifted her chin with his free hand, their eyes interlocking. Despite being low, she could feel the intensity permeating through his crimson colored eyes. This was, to her surprise, the most vulnerable she has ever seen him. It was all a mystery but, for the moment, she saw it clear as day how he felt in his eyes about her.

"Naraku," she caressed his cheek, her thumb circling his jawline with care.

"I couldn't go another day without seeing you." Naraku admitted.

"Neither could I." Mei agreed, "I- And Kagura- And then I met Kanna. I just have so many questions but-" she leaned in closer, her eyes lowering towards his lips.


"Shh, you'll get your answers." Naraku assured. He pulled her closer, his breath hitching in anticipation.

"I just want to have you right now."

Having Mei in such an intimate state only made Naraku want her more. He grew harder underneath his kimono and her intoxicating sweet aroma drove him up the wall.

Their kiss started soft, both breaking the previous kiss to come back together more passionately than the last. When they re-connected one last time, Naraku wrapped his hand in her hair to secure her place from retreating. He opened her mouth so their tongues could dance yet again.

Mei wrapped both arms around Naraku's neck, further deepening the kiss. She suckled on his tongue as she moaned in his mouth. He smiled triumphantly, separating their kiss. Her eyes burned a lust in them that even she didn't realize was there. But she didn't care.

She just wanted her mate.

"Don't tease me." She begged.

"Oh?" Naraku hummed. "I do apologize."

Naraku's nails softly pressed into her skin, making her hair stand on edge. The moon hovered above the both of them as the night air grew quiet and still.

"Come in," Mei invited, kissing Naraku on his neck.

"The water feels amazing."

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