🩸Kidnapped (pt.5)🩸

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(A/N, Vulgar language used!)

𝐈 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 the woods, there wasn't any way any vampires would be out in this bright sunlight. I needed to find Cleodare before anyone else found me.

Sharp branches cracked under my feet, some poking my shins. The muddy grass splurged more water out with every step.

I walked until the sun said goodnight, the moon rose, and the stars shone. The moon barely gave any source of light, the trees were too thick for it to show through. I couldn't see anything. I had forgotten a flashlight, thinking this would be easier.

Suddenly, I felt bitter cold hands snatch my waist. I squealed, terrified at the sudden grasp.

"What are you doing out here alone?" The stranger's voice was unfamiliar and icy, but her warm breath fluttered against my neck.

I struggled in her arms, squirming, but I stood no chance. She wasn't even fazed by my wriggling.

"Mmm..." She hummed in my ear, slowly sniffing and licking my neck. Breathing in my scent.

"HELP!" I screamed.

She slapped her hand over my mouth. "That won't do you much good out here."

Through muffled groaning, I tried desperately to fight my way out of her arms. It was hopeless. Her tight arms were completely sheathed around my waist, she was remarkably strong. And definitely a vampire.

If I gave in, would I die? Or be taken to their base?
My desperation to find Cleo took over every other thought and emotion I had.

I stopped moving and went limp in her grasp.

"Good," she laughed, ruffling my hair. "You've made my job much easier."

I was dragged through the forest, I could see nothing. My eyes were sore from squinting after trying to see in the dark. Perfect for her, I couldn't see where she was taking me.

"One, two, three, baby!"
I could barely compute what she was giggling about before I felt my stomach drop, and I started to fall. It felt like an endless tumble. Had she thrown me into some sort of abyss?

Once I landed, my head was spinning, my brain scrambled and fried. I felt sore all over as I forced my heavy eyes open. I moaned, my entire body throbbing in pain. Dizzy.
My ribs hurt, everywhere hurt. I probably looked pathetic, face first on my stomach on the ground.

My eyes adjusted to the bright lights, off-white bricks surrounded everything, no windows anywhere. Where was I? I'd fallen straight into my demise. A pit full of bloodthirsty, immortal beings.

"Awww, you almost make me feel sorry for your little boo-boo, mortal." She laughed, after looking at my pose on the floor.

When my head stopped spinning, I could see her features clearly. She had a silver colored septum ring, light blond hair -almost white- that flowed beautifully down below her shoulders, and her skin was perfectly white, of course.

She kneeled down to my level, and started to caress my cheek and play with my hair.

"My, my, you're just edible." She smirked, sweeping my hair behind my ear.
I groaned and tried desperately to move, before she slammed her hands down over my wrists, pinning them to the floor.

"I would call over my friends... but I think I'd like to enjoy you for myself, hm?"

Sure, I could kick and scream, but how far would that get me? They all wanted to eat me, I would call over more of the enemy.

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