🩸Healing (pt.6)🩸

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𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 Cleodare for a few days so she could help my large gash heal. Gwenevieve had torn my neck to shreds.
Day by day I could tell she was getting more hungry after not eating for so long.

Ever since the government declared war with the vampires again, they'd had to be more cautious hunting. Causing some to not even go outside at all, the ones who did rarely brought anything back. Besides the occasional raccoon.

"Six days, Marine,"
"Huh?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"I haven't eaten in six days." She answered with a small angry grunt. With good reason, she had been more snippy with me lately, deprived of human veins.

"Hey, I've offered," I stated.
She grunted again. One of those small things that was almost cute.

"I'm going out, and you're going with me." Cleo said, as she tied her inky black hair up. Her ponytail bounced as she tilted her head at me, waiting for a response.
I quickly nodded and hopped off the bed. 
"Sorry," I mumbled.

She hugged me, squeezing my ribs.
I looked at her, my eyes widened. Her arms were wrapped tightly around me, and her head was on my shoulder.

"Fuck, babydoll," She moaned, breathing in my scent.
"You're so close, Cleo...come on." I urged.
"I really can't hold it in."

I felt an ounce of pain, like two thick pins being jabbed into my shoulder. Before long, I knew her fangs were deep in my flesh.

"Cleo," I groaned, with a small attempt to push her off of me.
She continued to whimper as the blood drained into her mouth.

"Th-they already got my neck once," I stammered, wobbling as she put her body weight onto me, falling into me. I held her upright and tried to push her off with full force, but she wouldn't let go.

"Cleo! I'm just an appetizer! Not the whole Goddamn meal!"

I let out a small whine, attempting to push her off of me.

Cleodare gasped as she stumbled back, wiping her mouth. She grimaced at the lingering smell of my blood.
"Fuck, I'm sorry... I couldn't hold it in any longer."

I sighed and reached into my pocket, pulling out a bandaid she'd given me earlier, maybe she knew this would happen. I peeled off the film and stuck it onto my shoulder, right over the cut from her fangs. Some of the red liquid was still slowly dripping out. She glared at it as I patched it up, as if mad about the waste.

"You were so close..."
"I'm starving." She moaned as if in pain.

Abrupt pounding on the door made her jump. Leaving her rubbing her head, sighing.

"Who  is it?" She groaned snippily, walking over to the door and lunging it open.

"Going out are you?" Gwenevieve's voice rang throughout the room. "I smell a good one already in here, baby."

"I really don't care how jacked up your fucking nose is, Gwenevieve," Cleodare growled. Gaslighting.
"I'm hunting, and you're not invited." She put on a fake smile.

I saw a girl peek her head through behind Gwenevieve, she had two braids on either side of her head, and a purple beanie on. But she quickly left. As if realizing what she had done was wrong.

"Well, bring one back will you?"
Surprisingly, Gwen didn't feel like fighting, and went off on her way.


"Cleo?..." I mumbled as we trotted through the forest.
She grunted in question, not looking up from her footsteps.

"Why do you kill?"

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