🩸Black Suit (pt.47)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter mentions sensitive subjects, such as self-harm‼️

"I need to talk to you, babydoll."
"About what?"

I think she'd realized I hadn't been myself for the week after the incident.
She sighed and sat next to me. Instinctively, I nuzzled my head into her neck.

She wrapped her arms around me, kissing the top of my head.
"I love you, you know that?"

I nodded as best as I could.

"Say it." She demanded.
"I-I know,"

"Good. I love you. I don't know what I would do with myself without you."

With her talking like that, I was prone to crying. My heart began to speed up, throbbing in love for her.

"I think what happened...last week, was a lot of things."

I sniffled.

"I think part of it was my fault, I didn't give you suitable aftercare. Part of it was sub-drop."

"Wh-what's sub-drop?"

"It's quite disappointing how many people don't know what it is," she sighed. "I'm not blaming you. It should be talked about more."

I wrapped my arms around her neck, snuggling in deeper as best as I could.

"It's when a submissive in a kink relationship goes through an intense scene. Afterwards follows some mental damage, as well as psychical in some cases. It's why aftercare is so important, it helps to ease it out. For both parties."


"I know you have other things going on. I'm just assuming that that might have been part of it since we haven't done anything extensive in a long time. And I'm sorry, I should've started you off slowly."

"I-it's fine, Cleo...I'm fine."
"You're not fine, babydoll. I know that."

I just sniffled again, sucking in a breath.

"I think you need to meet back up with Samantha,"
"N-No, Cleo-"

"I want you to get better. You were when she was working with you."

I didn't say anything, because I knew she was right.
But I hadn't seen Samantha in years, it would be awkward to go back. She'd probably think I was falling apart. Which, I was, but still. Admitting it was hard.

"Please, do it for yourself, you are deserving of life."

"N-no, no I'm not, Cleo." I shoved my face into her shirt.
She gently rubbed my back, kissing my head again. "Do it for me then."

"I can't."
"I'll book the appointment for you, then."

"Cleo, please-" I began to cry.

She lay with me, comforting me, while I knew there was no way I could change her mind.


"So, what made you come back?" Samantha asked.

My leg shook rapidly. The leather chair crinkled below me.
"Um...Cleo said I should." I answered quietly.

"Do you know why?"

I paused, my eyes immediately drawing down to my arms, covered in recent scars.

"I...I started cutting again,"

Samantha slowly nodded. "Have you gone off your medication?"
I nodded. "I-I'm sorry."

"This is okay, Marine. Things like this happen, these feelings are nothing to be sorry about."

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