🩸Fog (pt.68)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter 63-74 (the end) of this book will include highly sensitive and emotional topics. Viewer discretion is advised. Smut warning, and minor mentions of abuse‼️

Cleodare's POV:

My bed was suffocating. I had to get out. I didn't want to do it again. But the sheets were pressing against me like sticky bundles of sorrow; horrible burdens.

With a huff, I hopped out of bed, scrambled for some pants, and slumped down the stairs.

"Okay! You can't turn it up that high!"

Ivy was behind the island with Melanie, and Theo was sitting across from them both, working on some kind of paper.

They had the handheld mixer on, I was surprised that I had tuned out the noise. Noises like that could be irritating, especially in the state I was in, it got harder to block them out.

Whatever was in the bowl was visibly flying out.

"We have to clean this up before your mother gets down here," Ivy shook her head, leaving Melanie laughing and turning it down a setting.

Face still in his paper, Theo pointed back in my direction.

"Oh," Ivy looked up at me. "What's up?"

I rubbed my eyes and headed down. "What are you doing?"

Melanie seemed to stop laughing once she saw me, her face settling into dullness. It didn't sit right with me, made my stomach clench.

The beat of her heart was the only one present. It was fast. She was on edge.

Theo, however, got up and grabbed my hands, gently swinging them. "They're making sugar cookies. Will you help me with my math homework?"

Marine used to do their homework with them both.

"I..." I sighed. "I have something I have to do first. Maybe after."
I let go of him and headed for the door.


"I'll only be a little while, kiddo."
"Where are you going?" he asked as I opened the front door.

Stepping outside, I quickly shut the door behind me.

Great, now I had a history of going after hookups instead of being with my children.

I heard his little voice from inside as if he were a toddler again.


As I entered Underground, I knew people were staring. I ignored them, heading to Gwenevieve's room. There was no bother in knocking; I walked straight in. Because there was an iron weight in my stomach, and I only knew of one thing that could distract me from it.

She had a human beneath her grasp, pinning him to the floor by his neck.

"P-please!" he choked, beginning to go pale.

"Oh! I just knew you'd come back," she cackled, "just in time, too!"

With a squeeze of her hand, the crack of his bones echoed across the room. Gwenevieve began to drain the blood from his neck, she was rough, gnawing into his flesh.

"You come back for more, Cleodare?" She looked up at me, wiping blood from her lips.

"Yes, I did. Is that so shocking to you?"
"No, actually. I completely expected you to become obsessed with me." They bit their lip, standing up.


Gwenevieve slowly walked over to me, before yanking me down by my collar.

"Undress me, yourself, pretty little bitch."
"I'm on it."

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