🩸School Parking Lot (pt.54)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter includes overall queerphobia (slurs), smut (blood kink) and brief mentions of self harm scars‼️

The next morning, I found Cleo at her desk in her office. She was slouched over in her seat, her eyelids drooping, appearing to be bored.

"Still working on the things from yesterday?" I asked as I slinked in.

Her face brightened as she looked up at me, "I never thought you'd be up so early."

"Ehh, it's only 9am. Why are you working so early, anyway?"

She sighed, "I couldn't sleep last night."
"Is everything okay?"

I went over to her and she welcomed me onto her lap.

I was quick to wrap my legs around her and kiss her cheek, resting my head on her chest.

She put her arms around me, softly rubbing my back. "I had some...bad dreams," she said.

I ran a few kisses up her neck, "Why?"
"Don't give me the 'why'," she scoffed. "I'm not sure. I've never really had nightmares in a long time."

I could tell by her speech she was anxious.

"Well, you know you can tell me anything you need," I whispered.
"Of course,"

She gently lifted my chin up and kissed my lips.

‼️smut warning: blood kink‼️

I gently rubbed her back, "Would you like me to take some of the nerves off?" I whispered in her ear.

Her face was blank for a moment in thought, before her lips pressed against mine again.

Her kisses were more needy now, built with more pressure and more depth. Her hand crept up the back of my shirt, making me shiver. Shivers that would usually be cold, but were now hot and steaming with greed.

"You little whore," she whispered accusatively.
"You started it," I smirked.

She hissed. "I did not."

Her hand caressed my back as she lifted me off her lap, taking me back to the bedroom.

"No office sex? Lame."

"I'll give you what you want, regardless." She slammed me against the closed door, continuing to smash our lips together.

"I bet you can't," I said in a hushed tone.
"Can't what?" she prompted, "Make you scream my name?"

"Try me."

Soft whimpers passed my lips as she continued to kiss me, lifting my shirt over my head and tossing it to the floor.

"I really did miss you," I threw my hands into her hair, ruffling through it as her kisses became sloppier, fit with cool, wet saliva.

Her hands reached down to tease the band of my sweatpants.

She pulled away, leaving me panting through breathlessness.

Cleo leaned in until our noses touched, "Just how much?" She hummed.

"A lot,"

"Prove it."

She scooped me up and let me drop onto the bed. As I fell into the covers, she began to crawl between my legs. She let her fangs lightly graze my neck, teasing me.

"D-do it already,"
"Don't get greedy. You know better." She growled.

"I can give you the ride of your life if you're a good girl."

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