🩸Cognitivity (pt. 43)🩸

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"Marine, babydoll, wake up." Cleo gently shook me awake.

I just groaned and ignored her, shoving my head deeper into my pillow.

"I'll handle Melanie this morning, then?"

She got up and left me there, alone.

"Shit," I groaned.

How was I supposed to get out of bed when I knew only chores awaited me?

Ten minutes went by, and it felt so quick, I'd almost fallen back asleep.

"Okay, you, come on," Cleo picked me up. I moaned and lazily put my arms around her shoulders. As my eyes fluttered open I could faintly see the alarm clock flashing 8:34 A.M.

"Bite me." I said.

She let out a lighthearted laugh. "What?"

"Seriously, do it," I muttered.

She sighed, before gently digging her fangs into my neck.
It certainly woke me up.

Her tongue once again swept over the nip.

She pulled back, hesitating, "Better?"

I nodded, and she carried me downstairs.

"Mommy!" Melanie cried from her high chair. She was busy smashing pieces of banana with her hands.

"Good morning, lovely."

But Cleo took me away from her, laying me down on the sofa.

"Sorry to cut it short. Just take it easy, okay, my love?"

She kissed my head and tossed me the TV remote, before going back to Melanie at the kitchen island.

I tried my best to get comfortable, but being seven months pregnant, there weren't too many great positions.

The first things that came on the TV were children shows, which made sense, it was all it was really used for with a toddler in the house.

So I watched them for a while, trying not to fall asleep.

They were better than those stupid reality TV shows, and maybe Melanie was watching from the island. Some of them brought me back to times I'd watched Marionette's shows with her, simpler times.


I glanced over at them.

Cleo was quick to get her out of her high chair and take her over to me.
"She's getting fussy without you," she said.

I opened up my arms and Cleo handed her to me.
She yawned and I helped her to make herself comfortable.

"You know what, Cleo? I think we've all been stuck inside too long."

"Too much Cocomelon." She shook her head in playful disappointment.

I gently caressed the top of her head, her blonde hair grew thicker every day, although it was slowly turning more brown.

"There you go." I whispered.

Melanie was good at sleeping in her own space, but I felt occasional times like these were just essential.

I watched as her breathing loosened and she began to let out wispy little snores.

"Sleeping again?" Cleo snorted.

"Oh, leave her alone, she's been up for what, an hour? Hard job for a toddler." I teased.

"I suppose so." She replied quietly, a soft smile formed her lips.

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