English Literature (Smutty Bonus)

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(A/N, as promised, here is the bonus scene I wrote on my birthdayyy.
Chapter should probably be out Sunday OR SOONER 😘 but until then maybe this will hold you off, ALTHOUGH THIS IS TECHNICALLY LONG ENOUGH TO BE IT'S OWN CHAPTER💀IT'S BREAKING 2,000 WORDS.

It's a uhhh left handed read iykyk⬇️

"Get me out of here." I muttered to myself.

I stared at the clock on the wall, English Literature was going by ever so slowly. As my teacher was talking, I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and jammed the lead of my pencil into it.

"Marine? Can you answer this question?"

I hated it when teachers would randomly call on you when you hadn't raised your hand or even shown remote interest.

I sighed, "The answer is B." I grumbled, not looking away from the clock, my voice was barely above a whisper.

"That's correct."

I wasn't expecting to get that right. Letter answers weren't usually in a class like this, but regardless, I gave my pencil some mercy and started to doodle little hearts on the page.

As she rambled on and on about the book we were supposed to be reading, I couldn't stop thinking about Cleodare. I didn't even have a copy of the book anyway, whatever it was.

There was someone in the back of my head, planting all these thoughts about her in my head. All I could think about were her hands, and her fingers.

God, her long fingers.

When I pictured them I couldn't help but almost feel them inside of me. I needed to be with her. I needed her hands all over me, touching every part of me, my body was desperate for her attention.

I began to lightly rub my thighs together, trying to pleasure myself in any possible way. Nothing could compare to Cleo's magic.
My teacher wandered over to my desk.

"You're not paying very good attention, are you?" She whispered, sweeping her dark locks out of her eyes as she looked down at me.

"This class is boring as hell, so obviously not," I mumbled. Usually, I was more polite to my teachers, but I was honestly too horny to focus.

She pushed back an angry sigh and kneeled down, putting a hand on my desk like I was in kindergarten.

"Your grade, at least in my class, is tanking horribly, I'm worried about your future,"

"I'm not,"

"You know, I see this with a lot of kids your age, but when you grow up-"

I cut her off. "Can I go to the bathroom? Please?"

She glared into my soul. "Fine."

I grabbed my bag and quickly headed out the door, I was going home, because I couldn't stand being away from Cleo for any more time. Especially not when I was horny like this. I was of legal age to sign myself out of school, anyway.

I had never run home so fast in my life, I'd never had a reason to before. The trees whipped by me in the blink of an eye.

Once I got to my house I scrambled to take the key out of the pocket on my sweater, but eventually, I managed to unlock the door and slowly begin to slink to the stairs.

"Not so fast."

"You're home early, aren't you, babydoll?" Before I could even take the first steps up Cleo's voice was in my ear, and she was grabbing me by my waist, pulling me back into her.

"I missed you too much."
"I thought you said you were better today, being without me,"
"I was...I just..." I mumbled, putting my hands over hers.

Cleo bit into my neck, and began to take a fair share of my blood, which didn't help with the thoughts already circulating in my mind.

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