🩸Young Love (pt.62)🩸

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It had been two months since we'd found out about Melanie, and regardless of anything, she was doing well. Her visions weren't constant, and she hadn't had one since Emient had been by.

Now, we were at lunch with Artimis and Levi since we hadn't seen them in a long time.

"I'm glad we got to do this, Marine!"

Artimis sat across the booth from me, a wide smile on his face.

"I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever," he laughed. "I just wish Theo could've come, too! And Cleodare, obviously."

Melanie and Levi were trapped in their own conversation next to us, full of giggling.

"Oh, well, they've had a dinner date planned for a while," I explained. We'd had to come up with an excuse for why they couldn't come to lunch with us.

When the children were younger and on the rare occasion we went out to eat as a family, it was easier to say Cleo wasn't hungry and Melanie and Theo would share. It didn't work as much when they were older, and it had always been stressful.

"Oh, yeah, that's okay! I guess since Ellios isn't here she wouldn't have had anyone to talk about world wars with, anyway."

"How is Ellios?" I asked with a smile, "We haven't seen you guys since your name reveal party!"

"He's great! He's working today, so he couldn't make it. And Regina is doing good as well! She gives us updates and stuff."

Regina was Ellios and Artimis' surrogate. They were having another baby, due in a few months.

I turned to the children, "Are you, uh, also excited about the baby, Levi?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'm okay with babies," he answered.

"You can dress it up and play with it," Melanie added.

He laughed, "Totally! And it'll like me more than Papa and Dad."

Artimis waved them both off.

The rest of the afternoon went well, with more talking and laughing.


I waited in the car, simply scrolling through my phone. The children were about to get out of school, and since Cleo was at home, I had to pick them up. They took about twenty minutes, though. Which was honestly a concerning amount of time.

But when they finally arrived, Melanie quickly threw her bag in the front seat and sat down.

"Hah! I beat you!" she exclaimed.
"Whatever, I had a good day, anyway."

Theo took off her hood and slid into the backseat.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked.
"Yeah, yeah, tell her about it," she gave Theo an eager smile.

"You don't have to," I told him.

"You should, though," Melanie mumbled.

"Uh," he whispered, "I-I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, really?" I just glanced back at him, before looking back to the road. "That's exciting."

"What's his name?"

"Sean, his name is Sean. I should talk to you more about it at home. With...with Mama," he said.

I nodded, "Whatever you want."

"As long as you two aren't fighting over men again," I muttered.

When we got home, I decided to call Cleo down, myself. Just to make it easier on him.

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