🩸Baby Talk (pt.31)🩸

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The next morning, while Cleo was still asleep, I was busy in the kitchen.

I ran a knife down into my arm and drained it into a glass. I wanted Cleo to be full, I didn't want her dehydrated ever again.

The blood from my arm filled about half of the tall glass.

I grabbed a bandaid and put some ointment on it, before putting it onto the small cut on my arm.

It was 11 a.m. I had to be to therapy in 30 minutes, and Cleo was still fast asleep.

That was okay, during my last two sessions she hadn't been in the waiting room. She'd stayed home, working on finishing up decorating and closing off deals.

I decided to write her a note and leave it on the counter next to the glass. I didn't want to wake her. She was adorable when she was asleep.

She'd snuggled up to me during the night, having wrapped her arms around me. Her soft little snores were irresistibly cute. It was horrible having to push her off of me without waking her. I could've stayed in bed with her forever.

I wrote Cleo a simple note, then took my two antidepressant pills with a glass of water and grabbed my car keys, heading out the garage door. I got into the driver's seat and the door slammed shut behind me.

The radio automatically came on as the car started up, but I turned it off. I enjoyed driving in silence. They never played anything good, anyway.

I hummed quietly as I focused on the road, driving in silence.

My session with Samantha was an hour and fifteen minutes. It had been simple, we'd talked about how I'd been doing lately. She'd asked about the bandaid on my arm.

I'd told her it was from a scratch.

When I got back home, I parked the car and went back in through the garage door.

It was 1 p.m. and Cleo looked like she had just gotten out of bed.
She sat at the stools pulled up at the kitchen island, where I'd left the glass and note. I snuck up behind her and hugged her waist.

"Hello, babydoll. How was your morning?" She asked with a small smile. I loved her morning voice.

"Quite productive, actually. Sorry about my bad handwriting."

She chuckled, "That's okay." She took a sip from the glass. "You didn't have to do this."

"How did you know it was mine?"
"I can smell your blood from a mile away," she snorted, "the taste is even more familiar."

"Yeah..." I smiled shyly, "I just wanted you to wake up to something nice. I don't want you to get sick again."

"I love you, Marine," she whispered sweetly.

"I love you more."


I giggled and sat on the stool next to her.

"How was your session?" Cleo ran a hand through her messy hair, taking another sip.

"It was good, Samantha had her hair up today,"

"And that was of importance to you?"

I laughed lightly.

"You have a crush on your therapist, don't you?" Cleo snorted.

"No I don't!" I blushed. "I just think she's pretty."
"That's always how it starts," she hummed, taking a drink.

"I don't have a crush on her." I mumbled.

"Sure you don't. Don't act like you don't tell me after every session what color of eyeshadow she was wearing, and how her hair was done."

I looked away. "Maybe a little bit. But I love you."
She laughed. "I know. I'm teasing, babydoll."

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