🩸Two Minutes (pt.52)🩸

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I'd made myself moan. I'd made myself cum over my own fingers.


Porn actors exaggerated their moans, but mine were completely real. The pleasure spewing through my veins was on my own accord, for the first time ever.

People might've said the position I was in was uncomfortable, but I was so into it, I didn't care.

Some called it the superstar, God did I feel like it. Exposed on a camera, my legs outstretched behind me.

My fingers circled my clit, over and over. I couldn't stop, even when it got uncomfortable, I stretched back, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I continued to overstimulate myself. My stomach rapidly rose and fell as my breathing harshened.

The little bundle of nerves was on fire, making me wetter by the second. I kept erupting in orgasm after orgasm, I kept getting warmer.

"Sh-shit, Mistress-" I groaned in pleasure. "I need you so badly."

I stifled a loud, screeching moan, as a final, soaking orgasm cut through me.
I pulled my fingers away, letting my stomach calm down. My eyes trailed down my body, looking at how hard my nipples were, the wood floor under me was wet. My thighs were soaked in it.

I ran my fingers through my wet slit, before ever so slowly putting them up to my lips.

I tasted amazing.

Cleo's reply to the video had made it all even more worth it, promising to pleasure me even more once she got back. I could already feel her inside of me.

🛑~Day Three~🛑

"Why don't we go play outside?"

Theo was having a complete meltdown, and there was nothing I could do to stop his tears from running.

All he could do was scream for Cleo and hope that she'd come home. I was ready for her to come back, as well.

She wasn't, obviously, not until tonight. Which I could barely wait for.

"Mama!" He screeched.

Melanie peeked behind him, grabbing him by his shoulders and pulling him into her lap.

I sighed, "Gentle, Mel," I told her.

She didn't say anything, but he continued to lay on her lap, sniffling. He seemed to calm down with her.

Why didn't she just parent him instead?

Oh, wait.
She did all the time, she was practically his third mother.

He reached out for me with a small grabby hand. "Mommy,"

I scooped him out of her lap, to which she frowned.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I know you miss her." I cooed. It was important for me to validate his feelings; even if he was little.

"Mommy," he whined softly.

I gently bounced him in my arms, and if I was strong, like his other mother, I would hold him in just one, rubbing his arms. Rubbing his arms always seemed to calm him down.

I took him outside, and Melanie trailed behind us both like a little farm dog.

He rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. His little hand was gripping tightly onto my collar.

"Bun-Bun," he whispered.

"I can get it!" Melanie offered.
I sighed again, "Sure."

She quickly ran away as I slid open the screen door to outside. The clouds were hanging dark in the sky, it looked about to pour. But maybe we had some time before it happened.

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