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Cleodare's POV:

~June 26th, 2044~

"She's here!"
"Ah, my little bitch!"

Theo and Melanie collided in the middle of the airport, both laughing and hugging tightly.

Those were the kids I'd raised, the ones Marine would've been proud of and the ones that actually liked each other. For the most part.

"Don't call me that!" Theo hissed, hitting her arm.

Melanie had flown back home from college in time for Theo's seventeenth birthday. She'd gotten into a good one for nursing, which I found quite ironic.

"What, a bitch?"
"Y-yes, that!"

"Can't help the truth sometimes, sorry." She gave him a pat on the head and let him go, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Hi, Mama!" She left her luggage with Theo and hugged me, which I quickly returned.

"It's nice that you're back, baby," I smiled, gently rubbing her back.
"I missed you guys."

"Me too!" Ivy exclaimed, then ran to hug us both, leaving both me and Melanie breathless.

"Come on, Theo! Group hug!"

Theo scoffed and joined in.

"I-I missed you, too, Ivy, but I don't think this is really necessary," Melanie coughed.
"Okay, ew! You have like a thousand diseases!" Theo cried, retreating.

"Shut up!"

When we got into the car, Melanie quickly got to talking.

She smacked Theo on the shoulder in the backseat, "So, have you and Sean got to fourth base yet?"

"Wh-why would you ask me that?" he stuttered. "You're my sister."

"Because I live vicariously through you."

"And my sex life?"

"Yes. You're cute little highschool sweethearts, and I'm single as hell."

"Have you tried talking to the girls at your school?"

"First of all, Mama, do you have a cigarette?"

"Wh- no," I said flatly. "Have you started smoking?"
"Nah, I just wanted to start right now."

Ivy gave me a concerned glance.

"You're literally in nursing school," Theo muttered.

"Shut up. Anyways, second, that's offensive. Are you saying guys don't like me?" she responded.

"Well...you have no hoes."

"Oh my God, remember that girlfriend I had in like- sixth grade? Yeah, I've been traumatized from women ever since then."

It wasn't my business, so I didn't say anything, only shaking my head and giving an amused smile.

When we got home, I could tell Ivy was practically champing at the bit to get inside. We'd had to move, so as to not attract any more people from the government. It had been one of the hardest things I'd ever done. Leaving all Marine's memories. But part of it was refreshing not to break down crying every time I saw a piece of furniture she used to sit on.

"Oh, Ivy has something to show you," I said as we walked up to the front door.

"What?" Melanie asked.

None of us responded. I put a key into the front door and helped her haul her luggage inside.

Below me, Ivy's new kitten greeted us, letting out many chirps.

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