🩸Over and Over (pt.46)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter includes smut and descriptions of self harm relapses‼️

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

"No, no, don't bring that back." Cleo hissed with a thick tired accent.

I ruffled her hair, and she snuggled into me.

"My little human pillow," she hummed.
I giggled, scooting down and kissing the top of her head.

"I miss us." I said suddenly.
"What does that mean?"

"I miss us before we had to get up four times a night to handle a baby. I love them but..."

"No, I get it, Marine."

"In all honesty, I've been watching sapphic thirst traps religiously for the past week." I muttered.

She raised an eyebrow. "So-you're horny?"

"N-No! I just miss you in a button-up, and when you'd choke me with your ties-"

"Okay, you little whore, that's enough." She scoffed. "But...I think I can satisfy that desire."

"Although, we should change my honorific."
I laughed, "Probably."

We lay in silence for a moment.

"Do you still have that black bralette?" I asked quietly.
She smirked, "The lacy one?"

I hesitantly nodded. This had been bad to bring up. I already knew she had thousands of new ideas.

"Of course I do."

~Smut Warning~

"You know, darling, we could do this every time the children are asleep."

I moaned in response as she gently bit into the soft flesh of my naked breast.
"Sh-shit," I groaned.

Her cool tongue trailed around my nipple, causing me to let out a gasp.

"Such a good girl," she husked.

She pinned me down into the bed, and began to mark up my neck, bites and bruises.

I whined, "M-Mistress, that hurts,"

"Oh, I know, darling, I just don't care." She mocked me.

Cleo slapped my thigh and quickly kissed my lips.

I groaned as her finger swept up and down my wet slit.

"Please," I moaned.
"Words, little whore. That's what I taught you."

"Please...fuck me."

"Was that so hard?"

She shoved her finger into me quicker than I could answer. The feeling of being filled never got old. Her finger twirled around inside of me, hitting my walls, so easily collapsible.

I strained, but her body was on top of me, and I couldn't move.

However, I could admire her. How toned every muscle on her body was, those hazel eyes shining with sultry.

As soon as she pulled out the black blindfold I knew what was coming. She wasted no time to strap it around my head, over my eyes, completely blocking out my vision. Everything was covered in darkness.

"Stunning," her husky voice rang.

I could hear her shuffling through the drawers, and before I knew it, she'd found the ropes. Cleo quickly tied my wrists together.

"Open those pretty legs for me," she demanded. Although she tried to mask the smirk in her voice, I could hear just how mischievous she was feeling.

I listened with no hesitation and completely exposed myself.

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