🩸New Life (pt.38)🩸

396 16 58

~October 15th 2025~
Two days after birth

"Are you sure you want to do that four more times?"
"Aww, you remembered." I giggled.

Taking home a baby was surreal.

Cleo had her hand on my back, and opened the door for me as I walked in with the carrier, fit with heaps of blankets as our newborn quietly slept. Cleo closed the door behind me and helped me lift the carrier onto the kitchen counter.

She pulled me in close, I sighed in relief against the comfort of her body.
"Good...good job, babydoll."

I swept snow off Melanie's head, my baby girl. "The last few weeks haven't even felt real,"

Everything felt like a dream.
"I can't believe it's snowing in the middle of October." I muttered.

Cleo pulled me back to kiss me, "No matter how they felt, I'm proud of you. She's beautiful."

I smiled up at her and fixed her collar, which was covered in snow I knew didn't affect her.

"You're not mad?" I asked.
"How could I be mad?"

"That she's not a vampire."

"No. I'm not mad, it could even be for the better."

My smile widened.

"However, maybe I am actually a little mad, I suppose. It took almost my life to go back there and get that donor,"

"it was worth it, though." She whispered.

I giggled and kissed her upper jaw, the only thing I could reach without trying too hard, the lower part of my body was still in some pain from labor.

"Let's get you to bed..." Cleo snorted, gently pulling away from me and taking the carrier with ease in her strong hand.

"It's better than getting a new pet."
"It's a baby, Marine."

"I know. And I don't even have to wake up at ungodly hours of the night to deal with her, because of my lovely vampire girlfriend." I smiled.

"Start walking."

"Right, sorry."

She helped me up the stairs and we headed to the nursery. Where a pastel brown covered the walls, a cursive sign with her name hung on the wall. My feet trailed along the fuzzy white carpet that covered the hardwood floor.

Cleo gently transferred Melanie from her carrier to her bassinet. She was already fast asleep, so it was easier than expected.

"How lovely." I said. I watched as Cleo turned the main light off. She clicked the twinkling, warm fairy lights on. They glistened like happy tears.

"You sound sarcastic." She said quietly, shooting me a halfhearted glare.
I smiled and extended my hand out, she hesitantly took it and walked out, gently closing the door behind her.

"We have a baby." I whispered.
"I've seen that." Cleo answered, amused.

I giggled as she pulled me into our bedroom, gently spinning me around.

"This is so...um, lovely." I sat down.
My legs had felt like they'd suddenly given out. "Oh, God, that's horrible."

"You need to get 'lovely' out of your vocabulary. Please. It doesn't sound like you at all." Cleo sighed tiredly, rubbing her forehead.

"Come here," I opened my arms wide and she almost fell into me. "You're more tired than me," I whispered.

Cleo hummed, and it only took seconds before she was fast asleep.

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