Chapter 1

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Savannah's POV

It's Monday and it's good to say I will never go out on a Sunday night knowing I have work on a Monday morning, but it was worth it tho I thought with a smile gracing my lips at the memory of last night and the thought of a certain brown eyed handsome man next door.

I can't believe he kissed me last night and not only that but he also confessed to being in love with me, it's like a dream come true because ever since I stepped into this house I've had this huge crush on Alex and overtime it became something more than just a crush.

Now the only worry I have is how we were gonna tell Mom and Dad, his biological parents and my foster parents. I don't know how they're gonna react to us being in love.

Technically we're supposed to be brother and sister, but like they say 'the hearts wants what the heart wants' and my heart wants Alex.

I quickly brush the thoughts off my mind and make my way to bathroom to have a quick shower and get dressed for work, I don't want to be on the wrong side of Tony on a Monday morning.

Currently I'm at Alex's condo where I spent the night last night after the whole feelings confession thing.

I'm quick to get out of the shower and walk into the closet to get something suitable for work.

Well let's just say I have my stuff at every Walker's apartment who's old enough to have an apartment, I have my own place but I'm hardly ever there hence my clothes and other stuff scattered around Alex's, Tony's and the family house.

It takes me less than 15 minutes to find something suitable for work and i spend the next 15 minutes getting dressed.

I make my way downstairs after being satisfied with my looks, my eyes land on Alex and my stomach does a little flip at how handsome he looks just standing there typing away on his phone.

He senses my presence and raises his head from the phone to make eye contact with me, memories from last night flood my mind and I blush slightly.

He gives me a sweet smile

"Good morning babe" he says gesturing for me to move closer to him, which I did.

"Good morning" I replied shyly walking over to him.

"I was beginning to think last night was a dream when I didn't see you out this morning" he said brushing a few strands of hair away from my face

I don't reply, instead I stand on my tiptoes and place a chaste kiss on his lips

"Does it still feel like a dream"? I ask with my eyebrows slightly cocked.

He pretends to be thinking before giving me a cheeky smile "Let's try that again so I can be sure" he says leaning towards me, his eyes on my lips the whole time.

"In as much as I'll like to take you up on that, I'll hate to have my lipstick smudged, so no" I replied giving him a smile "come on we'll be late and you know how Tony gets if one of us is late let alone both of us"

I made my way to the door with Alex trailing behind me.

The ride to the office was a bit silent, not awkward but we both were lost in our own thoughts.

"We're here babe" he said cutting through my thoughts " and we're not late" he smiled at me taking my hands in his.

I returned the smile, opened the door and made my way inside the huge building famously known as the Walker tower.

It's a photography firm owned by the walkers and recently Tony took over as the CEO from his father, Alex being the COO and I being the Head of Financial Team.

Yes we all work at the Walker Tower but it was a thing of choice, if we each wanted we could have worked somewhere else but we chose here.

I got out of the elevator on my floor if the building and made my way to my cabinet. Getting in I was scared to my wit when I saw a figure sitting on my chair just looking at me.

That figure being none other than Tony.

"God you scared me Tony, what are you doing sitting there like a creep"? I asked making my way over to the desk.

"Where were you last night" he asked ignoring my question and looking at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher

"I....." I couldn't exactly tell him I spent the night at Alex's, although I've done it before to which was normal but now it was different. Alex and I were an item and we didn't exactly discuss letting the whole family know about it, I had to think of something quicky with Tony intently scrutinizing me with his eyes.

"I was at my place" nice save Savannah I mentally patted myself

Without saying anything else, he just got up and left.
That was fun, not

Chapter 1 done.
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