Chapter 5

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Savannah's POV

True to his words Alex had a talk with Tony and it was actually just work that has been on his mind nothing else.

He's changed a bit since Alex talk with him, tho we aren't back to the way we were before but we're better now.

I guess work really does that to people.
My birthday is in a week and I'm full on excited about it, I can't wait to see what Alex gets for me.

He always gets me a gift every year but this will be the first year we'll be celebrating it as a couple.

I'm excited!!!

We're all at work, actually in the conference room waiting for our new clients to show up, I think they need to get a few of our lenses for their company.

I'm just here to discuss the numbers I'm not really in on the contract details and what not.

Tony's typing away on his computer, Alex and I are lost in our own world when the door to the conference room opens up and a man who looks about 4-5 years older than Tony walks in and trailing behind him are two other scary looking men

Where exactly did we get a client like this?
I shake the thought off and prepare myself for the meeting.

The meeting stretches for about 20 minutes with scary man who I've come to know as Mr Allan going back and forth with Tony on getting the lenses supplied to his company.

"Mr Allan the deal can't pull through like that" Tony says dismissing the man

"Why, the odds are in your favour, or do you have a buyer offering you more money for them"? He asks cocking his brows mischievously.

"No Mr Allan, it's not always about the money" this time I was the one who spoke up being the financial team leader I understand perfectly well what Tony is trying to prevent.

"Please call me Allan, Mr Allan makes me feel old Miss...." He said waiting for my name

"Savannah, just Savannah" I said  "we'd love to sell to you but supplying that much lens to just one buyer sounds suspicious and a bit out of our marketing policy"

"I know which is why I'm offering you this much money for it...." He's cut off my Tony chair scraping the floor, indicating he was standing up

"The deal is off Mr Allan, we don't want any unnecessary suspicions on our company, maybe try another firm and you might be lucky"

With that he strode out of the conference room leaving no room for any more argument from Mr Allan.

Mr Allan just had this pissed off look on his face and after a while he gets up followed by his two scary associates and leaves the room

"Whew that was intense don't you think"? I fake wiped beads of invisible sweats

"I know, but I still don't fully get why Tony turned him down tho, I mean I'm not doubting him or anything, it's just strange" Alex says giving me his full attention.

"Well he has his reasons and personally I'd say we just watch" I get up and make my way over to Alex and next thing I know I'm straddling him

"You know we're in the conference room right? And anyone can walk in at any moment" he says looking at my lips and wetting his, God he's so attractive

"I know" I whisper seductively into his ear "but we're not doing anything wrong, are we"? I asked feigning innocence.

"God Savvy you'll be the death of me" he chuckles before capturing my lips into a passionate kiss.

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