Chapter 8

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Savannah's POV

My eyes are too heavy to open on their own, I want to open them but I feel too tired to even open them, I try again and this time they barely open a notch but I close them immediately because of the blinding lights.

There's this pounding in my head, I try to move the rest of my body but I feel too weak. I feel movement beside me and I slowly turn my head that way to find someone standing up and trying to say something, I can't make out the figures because my vision is a bit blurry.

I can hear him slightly tho, I see him rush outside and within minutes he's back with what looks like a doctor trailing behind him.

I try again and this time my eyes adjusts to my surroundings, the person with me is Tony and the doctor is standing right in front of me.

"How are you feeling miss"? He asks gently

"A little weak and my head is pounding" I say through parched throat.

He just nods and goes to scribble down something in the paperclip thing with him
"I'll give you some painkillers for the headache and if you feel any pain you let me or any of the nurses know" with that he send me a small smile and makes to leave.

"When can I go home"? I ask afraid he wouldn't hear but he heard and turned back to me.

"As soon as you're okay, for now we need to observe you for a while"

I just nod and focus my eyes on my hands interwined on my laps, I hear the door close behind him indicating I'm alone with Tony.

I can't even look at him and he's just sitting there.
I hope he doesn't say anything because I don't know how I'll react after what happened.

I can see how uncomfortable he is from here, it feels like he wants to say something but doesn't know where to start.

I'm very sore down there, I know I won't be able to walk properly if I get up.
Tony was my first, although Alex and I were engaged we didn't really do any of that stuff because I told him I wanted to wait until our wedding night.

Speaking of Alex, I don't see him anywhere. I began looking around the room, Tony guessed and spoke up "He hasn't been here since last night" he said not meeting my eyes.

I just nodded and continued looking at the door like there was something interesting about it.

"Savannah I....." I didn't let him finish, I can't do this, at least not now.

"I wanna be alone please" my voice was shaky. I hope he doesn't say anything because I'm not sure for how long I can keep the tears at bay.

He nodded and stood up "I'll be outside if you need me" with that he walked out.

The moment the door closed behind him the tears that had been threatening to spill came running down like a waterfall.

I'm not blaming Tony for what happened, it's just too much for me to take in at the moment.
I mean I am engaged to his brother and what happened isn't something we can all just ignore.


It's been a while since I stopped crying and I'm currently just sitting on the bed practically doing nothing but letting my thoughts consume me.

I hear a knock on the door and I look up to see it open slightly, mom is the first to walk in and dad follows.

"Oh my God sweetheart you're okay" she ran to me and took me in a bone crushing hug

That just triggers me and I start crying all over again, my whole body trembling as she soothes me and rubs my back.

"Let it all out sweetie, it's okay to cry. You'll be okay"

We stay like that for 3 more minutes before I'm able to get myself and I pull away from her and my eyes lands on dad, he send a small smile my way.

"How are you honey"?

"I...." I try to speak but I don't even know what to say, I'm not okay surely.

"Hey it's okay baby, Tony told us what happened. You don't have to say anything" mom just knows when to step up and I'm grateful for that.

I relax back in the bed fiddling with my fingers.
Suddenly the door opens and the doctor walks in

"Hello Miss Matthew" he says with a smile

"Hi" I whisper back barely audible but grateful he heard me

"How do you feel now"?

"Better than before"

"Good because I'm here to tell you that you're free to go home any minute now, and don't hesitate to come back if you think anything is wrong"

I nod my head and the doctor leaves, I turn my head to look at mom and dad

"Alright sweetie we're gonna leave you to get dressed, here are you clothes I brought from home" she hands me a small bag and both her and dad walk out through the door.

We're currently on our way home with Tony's car right behind ours.
I still haven't seen or heard from Alex which has me worried but I understand he's hurting and needs some time.

We get home and I walk out and head inside with Mom and Dad behind me.


"What would you like to eat sweetie" mom asks me from across the room.

"I'm fine mom, I'm not hungry"

"Honey you haven't eaten anything since yesterday, at least let me make something for you. Maybe a hot chocolate" her eyes plead with me.

Not having the strength to object I just nod and she stands up to go to the kitchen.

"Where's Alex, I haven't seen him since I woke up"? I ask the million dollar question that's been on my mind since I woke up in the hospital.

"Honey, he hasn't been home but I'm sure he's fine. You know he deals with things differently, don't let it bother you okay"?

"Okay Mom"

I hope she's right and he's fine.
I can see Tony getting down the stairs from my peripheral vision, he walks over to where I'm sitting.

I've been avoiding talks with him because I'm not ready to face him yet, but I don't think I'll be able to get out of this one

"Anna I need to talk to you, I know you don't want to talk but we can't keep avoiding it" his voice is laced with hurt and it kills me to know he feels this way.

He's someone I've grown up with and I've come to really look up to and I know what happened has affected him more than it has affected anyone else.

"Let's take a stroll around the compound" I say getting up.

Awww my Little Tony is remorseful
I feel bad for my baby.

I hope Alex is okay tho

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