Chapter 9

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Savannah's POV

We're currently taking a stroll round the compound, it's been a silent minutes asides the sounds of our shoes on the marbled ground.

"Anna I'm sorry, you don't have to say anything. And I understand if you blame me for what happened" he paused seemingly lost in thought and I look up to see hurt evident in his facial expression.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm really sorry for what happened, if I had a way to not do what I did I'd take it, but I couldn't let them hurt you or Alex. I'd never be able to live with myself if anything had happened to either of you while I was there" he was fighting with himself internally, I could tell because of how conflicted he looks.

"I'd rather you hate me for the rest of your life for what I did than hate myself for the rest of my life if something had happened to you"

He was blaming himself for what happened, he should know I understand it wasn't his fault.

"Tony it's fine, I know how much you're beating yourself up for this but it's fine. I know it's not your fault, it's no one's fault actually" as much as it hurt me that it happened, we can't take it back it's best we come to terms and move past it

He looks at me with a sad smile, and I give him a reassuring one, letting him know it's fine.

We continue walking and I feel the urge to ask him about Alex but I just erase the thought, he's fine and will call me when he can.


It's been a week since I've been home and I haven't heard from Alex, not a call or even a text.
I plan on giving him time to sort himself out, I know it's not easy on him.

I'm sitting at the back of the mansion in one of those swing chairs close to the pool while fiddling with my engagement ring and my mind swaying every now and then to my fiance.
I haven't been to work, Tony insisted I stay home until I'm fully recovered

I hear footsteps coming close to me and I look up to see Tony with a glass of juice.

"Here take this, you've been here all afternoon it's hot outside" he says handing me the juice.

Everyone's been walking on eggshells around me these days and I hate it, they think I'm somehow going to breakdown one day and become a mess.

They don't think I'm strong enough to overcome whatever happened.
Suddenly I hear phone ringing and I look towards Tony to see that it's his.

He picked up and mumbled a few words occasionally nodding at whatever was being said to him.

"Yes you can drop the files at mine, and the court hearing is in two days so be there" he said before hanging up.

I couldn't help but ask "who was that"?

He looked hesitant a bit like he was contemplating telling me, he seemed conflicted for a split second and that only made me more curious as to who was on the other end of the phone.

"It's uuh... It's Alex" he muttered lowly, his gaze anywhere but on me.
I suddenly felt cold chills cover me, a pang hit my chest at the sudden revelation.

Alex had called him and didn't even bother to ask about me, hell he didn't even bother calling me.

I could feel myself getting really emotional, so I just nodded my head.
Everything I had been worried about confirmed by that single call, Alex has been avoiding me.

He goes to work and does his usual routine as if nothing had happened, Tony noticed the look of hurt on my face and attempted to speak.


"Don't, just don't try to cover up for him" I stood up and walked away leaving Tony standing there.

I was going to confront him today and ask why he chose to ignore and avoid me.

I went inside the house, grabbed my car keys and made my way to my car. I would go to his condo and if he wasn't there I'd wait till he got back.


I drove straight to Alex's condo, I was currently in the elevator going to his floor, I was trying so hard to fight the tears and my thoughts.

I got to his floor and went straight for his door, it looked as if he was home.
I gently rang the bell and waited for him to open up, I could hear shuffling on the other side of the door which confirmed he was home.

I was lost in thought when the door suddenly clicked and I look up, there stood my fiance with shock, surprise, guilt and sadness all present in his eyes.

"Hey" I managed to voice out feeling my nerves eat at me, standing here I realized how much I had missed him and how much I wished I had come here sooner.

"Hey, uhm... Come in" he stepped aside for me to go in which I did.

The place looked like he had been living here more than his apartment, which only made me wonder if he did that in case I went looking for him at his apartment I wouldn't find him there.

We both stood and didn't say anything, I was waiting for an explanation and I guess he was too but just standing there and looking anywhere but me made me feel hurt.

"You haven't been to the mansion in a while" I asked, I had a lot on my mind but that's just what I could force out.

"Yeah, I've been busy" he said as if it was the most normal thing to say.

I quickly look up at him in shock "Are you kidding me right now"? My voice was already trembling "you've been busy, too busy to come see me your fiance"?

He just shrugged as if it was normal
"It's been a week and you haven't seen me, I call and you don't pick neither do you call back and the best you could come up with is you're busy"?

"What else do you want me to say Savannah"?

"An explanation as to why you've been avoiding me would do, we haven't even talked about what happened...." He didn't let me finish before cutting me off.

"Don't... Savannah don't even go there" he looks pained and hurt and for a split second I regretted why I brought it up "what is there to talk about? My brother raped you, it's crystal clear even to a blind so what's there that you want us to talk about"?

"Alex you and I both know that's not what happened, you know he had no choice. It was either that or he'd have had to watch you die" I tried explaining.

"He had a choice"!!!! He yelled "But he selfishly chose the easy way out" anger evident in his words

"Alex stop, you're being irrational here"

"You should go Savannah" he says turning his back on me

"What? What do you mean I should go? You're asking me to leave"? I scoffed at his ridiculousness "I came here so I could talk to you and you're just gonna shut me out like that"?

"Savannah it's for the best, I'm not in the right frame of mind to talk so it's better you leave before I say something we're both gonna regret" he started walking inside.

I just nodded my head and made for the door, there was no point arguing with him because he'll just keep saying the same thing.

Letting his emotions cloud his thinking

Sour Alex is being a jerk.
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