Chapter 30

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Savannah's POV

I turn my body as much as I could so I won't wake Tony up, the soreness I feel below is enough to remind me of the passionate time we had last night.

I smile at the thought, I'm facing him and he look so peaceful while sleeping, his hands draped around my waist.

He snores lightly, something he never does, this is a clear indication he was exhausted, the merger really took a lot from him.

Thank God it's finally done, I look at him again and can't help but notice how handsome he looks, they all say Rhys looks like me but he has a lot of his father's facial features too.

I can't believe it took this long for me to see that I was hung up on the wrong brother my whole life, I always thought it was Alex, I always thought Alex will be the one I get the happily ever after with

But last night proved me wrong in so many ways, looking at Tony now I realized why I never wanted to consider the possibility of us being together, because if I did then what I feel for him would be so real and that scares me

It took last night and that kiss for me to realize that home is where Tony is.
I feel safe whenever I'm with him, I used to think it was just because I grew up with him as my foster brother but last night I realized it wasn't just that.

My hands goes up to caress his face, I don't want to wake him up but I can't help but want to touch him.

"It's rude to stare, don't you know that" he rasps out, making me jump in surprise, retracting my hands back.

But he's quick to hold it and place it back on his cheek, my face is red from too much blushing.

He opens his eyes and I'm lost in them, those hazel eyes has me trapped and frozen as I stare at them.

Only now do I notice how much staring at him has my heart beating.

"How long have you been awake"? I ask wondering if he was awake the whole time.

"As long as you" he says looking into my eyes, my eyes widen in surprise, "yes I know you were oogling at me" he says with a laugh leaving his mouth.

"Do you regret last night"? He asks his face becoming serious

He probably thinks what happened last night was a moment of weakness for me and I'd probably give one of those lame speeches of us forgetting it ever happened.

That's how much I made him feel less of himself around me, how much I hurt his feelings and never really saw how much his feelings for me were real.

"I don't regret last night Tony, no even one bit" I say out loud.

"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you didn't deserve me, actually I'm the one that doesn't deserve you, after everything and you're still here with me" I say looking at him.

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me making me nervous, I want to get up but he doesn't let me.

Instead he flips us over as he's now hovering above me and he captures my lips in his as he kisses me passionately.

His kisses are slow and tender making me weak in the knees and bubble in my stomach.

He breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes "you don't have to be sorry about anything Anna, no matter what you do or say I've always loved you and I'll always love you and I don't expect you to feel that way about me immediately" he breathes out.

I shake my head in a no "No, I love you Tony and I'm not saying it because I feel I owe you that but because I actually do love you and it took a whole lot for me to realize it" I say stroking his jaw.

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