Chapter 4

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Tony's POV

I thought I saw wrong when I walked into the house with Dad earlier on but hearing them say it now, I know my eyes weren't deceiving me.

He really did ask her to marry him, she looks happy and so does he.

I meant it when I told her congratulations, I'm currently outside the mansion balcony looking dead into the darkness of the sky.

I can't find it in me to go back to my condo, I hear the door behind me open and I snap out of my thoughts to look at who it is.

"Mom, it's you" I say turning back to look at the sky

"Yes baby it's me, are you okay"? she asked concern lacing her voice.

"Yes Mom, why wouldn't I be okay" I asked with a smile.

"I don't know, because of what your brother said tonight" she said

"That's good news mom so why would it make me not okay" I ask, no there's no way she knows. I mean I've done a good job hiding it.

"There's no use hiding it Tony" she says with a sad smile.

"Hiding what, mom you're confusing me" I asked playing dumb, she can't know

"I'm your mother, so if I don't know then what kind of mother am I" she places her hand on my shoulder "sweetie I've known from the day Savannah stepped into this house"

I just look at her shocked, if she knows then how long will it take Alex to know too, they can't know about it.

"Some things you just have to let go and live with the emptiness untill you're able to move on, you'll be fine baby" she pats my shoulder and walks inside.

I wish it were that easy mom, I sigh and go back to being lost in my thoughts, that's the only way I can live with this.


I'm back to work the next day, we all are. It won't take long before people start noticing the ring on her finger and then the press.

Five months ago when they made their relationship official I thought it was just a temporary thing.

Don't get me wrong I love my brother and I want him to be happy even if it meant being with her but I never thought he'd take this step and certainly not this early.

I'm currently working on the contract for the new model we'll be using to test run our new lens when the door to my office opens up revealing my brother.

"Hey Tony" he plunges himself on the couch.

"What's up? Aren't you supposed to be working" I say not taking my eyes off the piece of paper in front of me.

"Yes actually there's something I want to discuss with you, it's kind of important" I didn't reply which made him continue "it's about Savannah" hearing her name my heartbeat speed up and I seriously don't wanna talk about her, not now and certainly not with my brother.

"Not now Alex, I'm busy" I say waving him off but he doesn't seem to get the memo.

"It's very important Tony, she's worried about you" okay that piqued my interest so I look up raising an eyebrow.

"She thinks she's done something wrong to you and you've been avoiding her for it" what the fuck? She think me avoiding her is her fault?

I don't say anything I just go back to reading the paper even though my mind is jumbled and I don't understand a thing in reading.

"Tony is she right? Are you avoiding her"? He asks.

"No I'm not" I say without looking up, I hope he drops it.

"You are, aren't you? Why"? he asks this time getting up and moving closer to my table.

He isn't giving up anytime soon, I sigh "I'm not avoiding her Alex okay, just drop it"

"Oh my God you just confirmed you are, but my question is why" he lets out a slight chuckle.
"I mean why are you avoiding her, I mean you're not even saying her name, you can't look at me when talking about her, you're......." He stops abruptly, Thank God he has finally shut. But boy was I wrong

I look up and see him staring into the wall and a look of realisation on his face

"Oh my God Tony, Don't Tell me it's what I'm thinking"? He asked shaking his head slightly

"And what the fuck are you thinking"? I asked trying to mask my whole nervousness with a bored expression

He scoffs lightly "You're in love with her" fuck that got me off guard, I can't let me guard down.

I just look at him with a bored expression, "I don't know what you're talking about. I asked you to drop it"

"No, no I think you do know what I'm talking about" he lets out an exasperated laugh "you're in love with Savannah" God this is fucked up, he wasn't supposed to know

"Alex I told you to drop it, I'm busy" I go back to reading the contract.

"You're in love with my fiance...." He paused for a while before going on to ask "since when"?

I sigh not wanting to discuss my feelings to my brother about his fiance

"Tony since when have you been in love with her"? He asks this time sounding impatient

"What does it matter? Why do you even wanna know" I raise my voice a bit "Just drop it Alex"

"So that's why you've been avoiding her? Because you can't stand seeing her with me"

"Look it doesn't matter okay and it doesn't change the fact that you're my brother and I care for you, you love her and I get that. You both make each other happy, I just want you to be happy even if it means losing her" I say calmly and I mean every word.

Regardless of what I feel for Savannah, I cherish the happiness of my brother, I'd give her up just to see him happy.

"She doesn't have to know about this, promise me Alex that you'll never tell her" I plead with him

He nods and turns to leave but stops halfway and says back to me "Promise me Tony that no matter what you'll always control yourself around her, I know it's hard but promise me that on no circumstances will you ever touch her willingly or not?

I'm taken aback by his request but I answer regardless "I promise you little brother"

He gives a quick nod and makes his way out.

I need to get a drink. My mind is flooded right now with so many thoughts, most of it being about Savannah and the other half about work.

I'm gonna go crazy just thinking about all this

So do you think Savannah's gonna find out Tony loves her?

Which ship would you like more, salex or Tonah ☺️☺️

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