Chapter 5: The next morning

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Emma's POV
I woke up lying on the couch with Hook. Nothing happened we had just stayed up late last night talking and I guess I had fallen asleep on his chest. I looked up at him sleeping peacefully expecting to feel some kind of regret, for kissing him, for liking it, for sleeping on the couch with him but there was nothing that I wished I hadn't done. In fact I was strangely happy about everything that had happened. "Hook." I whispered in hopes of waking him up. He shuffled around a little but his eyes didn't open. "Hey, Killian wake up." I said, a little louder this time. Still nothing. I sat up over top of him, and pecked him on the lips. His eyes popped open immediately. "Well good morning." He said with a smile as his eyes adjusted to the light. "Morning." I replied. He lifted his hand and pushed my hair out of my eyes then slid it behind my ear. "Why do you have to be so beautiful?" He gazed up at me. I couldn't help but blush. "You're such a flirt." I replied with a laugh trying not to seem too flustered. I felt his hand grasp my arm then before I knew it he had pulled me down and positioned himself so that he was leaning over top of me now. "Don't act like you don't like my flirting." He said, raising his eyebrow. He's right, I did love his flirting but he couldn't know that. I grabbed the sides of his shirt, "What makes you think I like your flirting?" I asked. I immediately regretted this question when I saw the sneaky little smirk grow on his face. "You certainly didn't seem to mind it last night." He said with a big confident smile. What a jerk, what a handsome little jerk. "You're walking on thin ice pirate." I warned. He disregarded this and leaned down even further so that we were practically swapping breath. "Good thing I can swim." He whispered. I could see the pure look of joy he had on his face. He was very proud of himself for that one. "I hate you." I said looking up at the cocky little jerk. "No you don't." He replied. I gave him a glare. "Oh just shut up and kiss me." With that I pulled him down and our lips met.
Hook's POV
I could feel my heart pound out of control in my chest as I kissed Emma. Last night had been the most amazing night I had had in a very long time. I'd fallen in love with Emma and now she and I were laying there on the couch together and she was actually happy about it. She broke off the kiss and smiled up at me. "I hate how much I like you, stupid pirate." She said as she ran her fingers through my hair. "I apologise for being so irresistible." I replied. She rolled her eyes just as I expected she would. I loved to get on her nerves. She looks so cute when she's annoyed. She kissed me one more time before she sat up and looked out the window. I sat up too. "Looks like the storm has passed." She said as she stared out the window. The sun hit her, lighting up her gorgeous face and making her hair look like a golden waterfall. It took everything I had not to kiss her as hard and as long as I could. Instead I just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, your family will probably be here to get you out soon." I tried not to sound too disappointed at the thought of her family letting her out but I couldn't help but sound a little dreary. I mean it wasn't like I could just profess my love for her and expect her family to be completely welcoming and approving. To them I would always just be a useless, no good pirate. Not exactly the type you want your daughter to be with. Besides I didn't even know if Emma wanted to be with me. She might've still thought of me as a useless no good pirate too. I'd never thought to ask. I was broken out of my chain of thought when I felt Emma's hand on my cheek. "Hopefully they take their time." I was happy to hear this. It meant that she wanted to spend more time with me. But it didn't mean that she wanted to be with me like really BE with me. Why would she? I am just a one handed pirate with a drinking problem and she is a strong, smart, beautiful woman with a lot better options for partners than me. Come to think of it I didn't even deserve her. I grasped her hand and pulled it off my cheek then stood up. "Or maybe it's better that they do come soon. You've spent far too much time with me as it is." I hated saying this. I was pushing my one chance at actual happiness away, but I didn't have a choice. She deserved better than me. I could see a look of concern sweep over Emma's face. She stood up and put her arms around me. "What's wrong?" She asked. I didn't want to lie to her and tell her nothing, but I didn't want to tell her the truth either. I decided on a middle ground. "I'm just... going to miss you when we aren't trapped together anymore." I said, forcing a smile onto my face. It wasn't a total lie, I was going to miss her. That just wasn't why I was upset. All I could do now was hope that she couldn't see through me.
Emma's POV
I can see right through him. He wasn't upset that we weren't going to be trapped together, he was upset that we couldn't BE together. But we couldn't, right? Did he even really want to be? I'd never thought about it before. I'm not used to someone wanting me. I didn't know what to say to him. He was looking down at me just waiting for me to tell him something that's going to make everything seem better but I have no idea what to tell him. I didn't know if I wanted to be with him. Yes, I was attracted to him and I would even go as far as to say I liked him but was I in any position to be in a relationship with anyone much less someone who I'm not even sure I can trust yet? Every time I opened my mouth no words came out. I had drawn a blank. "Ki-" I started to speak but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. "Emma," a voice called out, "Are you in here?" It was David. He must've gotten the electrical pole out of the way. I looked at Hook in a panic. "I'm in here!" I called out. Hook looked at me, his eyes wide. I couldn't blame him I didn't know what I was thinking. As soon as my dad came in there and realized that I had been stuck in there with Hook all night he would have his hands wrapped around Hook's throat within minutes. As the footsteps came closer I pushed Hook away. Luckily before David could see us with our arms wrapped around each other. I could see David's face turn burning red as soon as he walked in and saw Hook standing next to me. He looked ready to pounce at any moment. "You!" He exclaimed, his eyes burning into Hook. He started to storm toward him but I stopped him before he got very far. "Wait David!" I exclaimed. He looked at me as though I was crazy. "What are you doing Emma?!? Let me take care of that pirate!" He yelled. Hook was a mixture of amused and terrified and you could tell by his face. "You don't need to "take care" of anyone. I have the situation handled." I assured. It didn't seem to calm him down. In fact his face got even redder. "What do you mean by "handled"?" He asked, his glare remaining on Hook. "I mean," I turned his head so that he was looking at me, "We can trust him." Eventually even though it wasn't easy I got David to settle down. I explained to him what had happened the night before, excluding a couple of parts in which Hook and I were exchanging spit. After he had heard the story he reluctantly agreed to let Hook come to breakfast with us to work out our situation. As for mine and Hook's romantic involvement, I figured it was best that no one found out. It was going to be a long breakfast.

Writer's Nøte:
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If so give me a comment to let
Me know! Where do you think
Hook and Emma's relationship
Will go now that they are no longer
Trapped in the sherif station together?
Do you think Emma could love him the
Way he does her? I'd love to hear
Thoughts!;) *****
Side bar: Are you a fan of dramatic stories about teenage girls? Maybe
You could give my book, "The Nice Girl's Diary" a read?:D

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