Chapter 17: Love Is Strength pt. 1

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"You're gonna catch a cold from
the ice inside your soul." - Christina Perri
Emma's POV
"Mary Margret!" I yelled as I stormed through the door of our loft. No one answered. Hm, that's weird. I walked up stairs and looked around. "David?" I yelled, peeking my head over the railing and examining the rest of the loft. Nothing. Where are they? "Hello, is anyone here?" Nothing but silence. "Where the-" *Bang* I was cut off when out of nowhere I flew through the air and slammed into the wall. My head began to pound and I held my hand to it, displeased when I felt something wet. Great, I'm bleeding. Ignoring my pain I stood up, grabbed my gun and examined the room. Someone was here with me and it sure as h:):):) was not my parents. "Hello?" I called out, pointing my gun at the empty room. "Whoever you are you better show your face or I swear I'll-" "You'll what, savior?" A familiar, female voice rung through the room. "Pull the trigger on your little metal toy?" It teased again. I tightened my grip on the gun. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!" I asked angrily. It was silent for a moment, nothing but the sound of my heart beat filling the room but then, "Cora." I whispered under my breath as I took in the evil woman before me. "Hello Emma. So nice to see you again." She said with a sickening smirk swept across her face. "Wish I could say the same for you. Now where are my parents?!" I asked, irritated. I was in no mood for her games. She laughed. "Well if I told you that there would've been no reason to kidnap them at all." Her tone was so pleased and smug that it made me want to skip the crap and just punch her in the face but I knew that would do nothing with Cora. I stuck out my gun farther and set my finger on the trigger, ready to pull. "Tell me what you did with them or I'll shoot." My statement only made her laugh more and with one wave of her hand my gun flew out of my hand and hit the wall. I looked at her, wide eyed. "What?" She asked me, taking a step closer, "Did you really think that you could take me down with one pull of a trigger?" I cleared my throat, "I was hoping so." She stepped even closer in fact she was now so close that I could feel her breath, "Well think again." She whispered, her tone filled with pure violence. I swallowed and took a step back not wanting to be so close to that witch. "I may not be able to defeat you with a gun but trust me I will defeat you. You're never going to win this fight." She stared at me blankly not laughing or screaming or anything just... staring. "We'll see about that." She finally spoke. "Hook!" Hook? Suddenly I felt a warm hand overtop of my mouth. "Hello, Swan." That mysterious and familiar British voice rung through my ear. I struggled against his hold, screaming profanities into his hand. He sighed, holding my other arm back with his hook. "I'm sorry darling I really am but you're not going anywhere." I finally gave in and Cora began inching her way toward me. "Here's a piece of advice Miss Swan," She said as she continued coming toward me, "Next time you doubt me... don't." Her hand plunged through my chest and I could feel it wrap around my heart. "Agh!" I screamed out in pain though it was muffled due to Hook's hand. Cora kept tugging and tugging on my heart but just like the first time, it wouldn't budge. "Come on you stubborn heart come out!" She shouted in frustration. I was in pain but even so her struggle made me smile. Just like I said, she will never win this fight. She finally gave up and pulled her hand out. "I can't get it out... I need more power. Regina!" Wait... A cloud of purple smoke appeared and then there stood a very smug Regina. "Finally. I was beginning to think you'd never call." She said with a laugh and began to storm over to Cora. She met her witch of a mother in the middle and grasped her hand which in turn made them both light up an eery, purple color. What are they going to do to me? As if they heard my thoughts their heads both turned and they smiled at me, "We're going to make you hurt." They said simultaneously. I hadn't been scared until now. Cora alone didn't scare me because I knew she couldn't hurt me but her and Regina together... who knows what they can do. My heart pounded faster the closer they got. I'm going to die. I won't be here for Henry anymore I, I- My thoughts came to a halt when I felt the breathing of the man I love behind me. His breaths were heavy and nervous. He doesn't want me to die I know it. I looked up at him and a tear escaped my eye. For a moment he looked concerned but instead of doing anything to help me he just turned his head away. Wow, so just so you don't have to watch it's okay? "Agh!" Once again I screamed out in pain as not one but two hands plunged into my chest. I felt the magic coming off of them and sinking into my heart making me scream again and again and again. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt and the worst part about it was that Hook was letting it happen. Regina laughed as she watched me cry out in pain. "Oh look at that Mother, I think she wants us to pull harder." They both tightened their grip around my heart and began to pull on it as hard as they could. "Aghhhh!" I screamed. "What's that? It's not hard enough, savior?" Regina asked with a laugh and began to pull and squeeze on my heart  harder and harder and- "Huh!" I let out a big breath, the pain finally stopping. It wasn't until I looked up and saw my glowing heart in Cora's hands that I'd realized why they stopped. No... Regina let out a satisfied laugh as she stared down at my beating heart in her mother's hands. "Finally!" She whispered, an evil smile on her lips. "You can let her go now Hook." Cora ordered and Hook released me, sending me falling to the ground. I was way too weak to stand up right now. I looked up at him but he still refused eye contact with me. Jerk. "Just go ahead and kill me then. As long as Henry is safe I don't even care." I said, looking up at Cora and Regina. Regina scowled at me, "Gladly." She began reaching for my heart but Cora stopped her. "No. She's not to die just yet." "But Mother-" "No Regina. Trust me, your moment will come soon enough." Regina wasn't happy but she nodded and before I could say anything else they all disappeared in a cloud of magic including Hook. I watched as he disappeared through the purple and finally, he made eye contact with me. A single tear slipped from his eye and then... he was gone. Maybe he does care. For what felt like an eternity it was just me in the loft, lying helplessly on the floor while Cora and Regina were doing gosh knows what. I hated being this powerless but as long as they had my heart there was nothing I could really do. Suddenly the door swung open and Henry came running to my side. "Mom!" He shouted in worry. I smiled and hoisted my self off of the ground. "Hey kid." I said and he hugged me tightly. "What happened to you?" He asked. "Regina and Cora happened to me." I said, spite filling my tone. Henry pulled back and looked up at me with disbelief, "No it can't- my mom she said... she said she'd change." He looked down at the ground and a tear dripped down his cheek. I didn't know this would hurt him so badly. I knelt down to his level and turned his head up so that he was looking me in the eyes. "Look Henry I'm really sorry but-" "Ahhhhhh!" I was interrupted by the sound of screaming outside. We both looked over at the window where it had come from, shocked. "Mom, what was that?" I got up and took his hand. "That kid, would be your mother again." I pulled Henry over and sat him down on the bed. "Stay here okay. I have to go fix this." He looked at me and shook his head, "No. I don't want to stay here I want to help you." I sighed and knelt down once more, "Henry, right now the best thing you can do for everybody in this town is to stay here where it's safe. Promise me you will not try to come help me." He looked away. "Henry... promise me." I held out my pinky. When he turned his head back to face me I could see he had tears in his eyes so I hugged him. "Hey kid don't cry." "I'm sorry I just- I just want to be a hero like you for once." He said in a shaky voice. "Henry you are the biggest hero this town's got and that is exactly why I can't lose you." I pulled back and looked at him, wiping his tears away with my thumb. "You'll have your moment someday I promise but this, this is my battle." He nodded and took my pinky with his. "Okay. I promise I'll stay here just be careful okay?" I smiled at him, "I'll be fine." "Ahhhh!" The screams came again. "I have to go." I kissed Henry on the head and, with one last wave goodbye, left the loft. This was it. It was war time. I thought as I made my way outside. I'm gonna end this crap.
Hook's POV
"Please I have a family." The man whose life I was currently threatening pleaded. "Well maybe you should've thought of that before you stole from my ship all those years ago." I inched my hook closer to his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry but my family was hungry and that roast swan-" Swan... "Just go." I interrupted the man and pulled back. He didn't question my reasons, which was wise on his part, and immediately scrambled away. "Coward." I said under my breath as I watched him run away but I wasn't talking about him I was talking about me. I had just sat back and watched- no, sat back and helped as Cora and Regina put Emma through all that pain. I should've done something but I was too scared that if I did it would mean admitting that I still wanted to be with her and I just couldn't let myself do that. Now she'll probably hate me forever. That is if Cora and Regina don't take her life. Oh bloody h:):):) they will. And I signed up to help them do that willingly. What have I done? "Emma!! No!!" I heard someone scream, breaking me from my chain of thought. Emma? I ran over to where the scream had come from and what I saw shattered my heart. It was my Swan she was laying on the ground... dead.
Writer's Nøte:
._. Dun. Dun. Dun.

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