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"I am still Alive" -Christina Perri
Emma's POV
It had been 2 weeks since I'd lost Hook. A time period in which we'd managed to contain Cora, get my heart back and start our relatively normal routines again. Everyone in the town seemed happy. My parents spent their time trying to make me feel better along with the help of Henry and I spent my time trying to avoid all of them. I just wasn't in the mood for their pity. I walked into the station and memories flooded my mind. This is where Hook and I first started and now... well now I'll never even see him again. I sighed and fell back in my desk chair. "Another great start to a day." I said to myself with a weak laugh. The silence of the room didn't last long before it was broken by the loud slamming of a door. "Mom, Mom!" I heard Henry's tiny voice echo through the station. "Henry?" I got up and met him in the middle, shocked when I saw how tired he looked. "Henry, what happened to you?" I asked him worriedly. "It's nothing I just-" He sucked in a big breath, "I just ran here from the library." The library?! "That's a long run kid are you okay?" He nodded. "Yes I'm fine. I'm more than fine! Mom, look at what I found." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a piece of paper that seemed to be glowing slightly. What the h:):):)? I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's that?" I asked him. It seemed like I couldn't stop asking him questions. Oh well. He looked up at me and smiled. "It's a contract." A contract? I gave him a questioning look and took the paper from his hands, reading over every detail of it until- "Huh!" I couldn't believe what I saw it was... it was Hook's name. I looked back up at Henry. "Henry, where did you find this?" "You sure do ask a lot of questions." "Just answer me." "Okay, okay. I found it tucked behind a book in the library. I was just reading when I noticed its glow and then when I found it I just had to show you." I shook my head. "You shouldn't be messing with this kid. It's a magically binding contract and it was obviously made by Cora. It could be dangerous." "But Mom you're not getting this." Henry said in an exasperated tone. I raised my eyebrow. "Getting what? That my true love signed a contract forbidding him from being with me? Henry, that's not a great comfort right now." "No Mom." Henry pointed to the spot where it read 'or you shall be punished with a consequence greater than all others'. "Look."  I looked at it and then back at him. "So? How does this help anything?" I asked him causing him to laugh. "Because don't you see Mom, it doesn't say death." "Huh?" He threw his hands up in the air, frustrated and pointed even harder at the contract. "IT DOESN'T SAY DEATH!" He shouted. I still don't- "Wait, it doesn't... it doesn't say death." I looked at Henry and smiled a bigger smile than I had in a long time, "Which means that-" "That Hook could still be alive. We just need to find him." "Yes!!" I pulled Henry in and hugged him tightly. "You're a genius, kid." I whispered to him. He pulled back and smiled at me smugly. Hm who does that remind me of. "I know." He said confidently. Yep, Hook somehow managed to rub off on him. I laughed, "Come on you little pirate. We've got work to do." We both smiled and once I'd gathered my things we left the station. We were going to find Hook and I knew just where to start. "Hey kid." I said as we walked down the street. "Yeah?" He asked. I looked down at him and smiled. "What should we call this mission?" His expression became puzzled. I could almost see the wheels in his brain turning. "Hmmm." He said in thought then suddenly his face lit up. "How about operation codfish. You know because of the movie." I laughed and put my arm around Him. "It's perfect. Now let's find ourselves a captain."
Writer's Nøte:
Surprise! I'm going to be writing a second
book!:) The next one is going to be more organised and will
have a more specific plot. Basically it's going to be Emma and
her family (more specifically Henry) searching for Hook or as
they call this mission 'operation codfish' (see what I did there lol)
I want to start writing it ASAP but I have to work on my other FF
for a little bit so while I wait I'm going to be building the storyline
and making sure it's solid and such. The only problem is that I don't
have a name for the second book so I thought that maybe you guys
could give me suggestions and the one I like best could have the book
dedicated to them or be incorporated into the book it's really your
choice:) Anyway I'll see you soon and thanks for reading
"The Rain Is Falling" ;)
-Molly 💋
Check out my other FF while you wait?._.
- "Forbidden Soulmates"
- "Remember Our Love"

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