Chapter 12: Falling Apart

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+One Week Time Hop from last Chapter+
Hook's POV
I rolled over in my bed and saw the most perfect sight to ever grace the earth, Emma. She spent the night with me and was now sleeping peacefully beside me in my bed. She's so warm. I observed as she cuddled into me a bit more. I wanted to talk to her but at the same time I didn't want to wake her because she looked so lovely while she slept. "Swan." I whispered, deciding to wake her anyway. She opened her eyes slightly then shut them again and smiled, "Morning Killian." She mumbled in a sleepy voice. "Are you going to open your eyes darling or are you content having them shut?" I asked with a small laugh. She rolled over so that her face was buried in the pillow and waved me off. "Let me sleep!" She moaned, her voice muffled due to the pillows. I laughed and turned her around so that she was facing me. Finally, she opened her eyes. Very reluctantly I might add. "You're too bloody spoiled," I said, looking over at her, "If you were part of my crew you'd of been up hours ago scrubbing the decks till your hands bleed." She raised an eyebrow, "If I were part of your crew you'd be the one scrubbing the decks, captain." Dang, I've never been more attracted to her. "Oh you're going to regret that Swan." I said and began to tickle her. She laughed uncontrollably and tried to squirm away until she fell off the bed. I went down with her and began to tickle her even more. It made me so happy to hear her beautiful laugh. "Stop, stop that Kill-ian!" She shouted between laughs. Finally, I stopped. She took a big breath which she had been holding due to all the laughing and rolled over, pulling me down beside her as she did so. Even though the tickling had stopped we were both still laughing. "I didn't know you were so ticklish, love." I said, smiling over at her. "Well there's a lot you don't know about me Hook." She said in a mysterious tone that left me wanting to know more. What else could there be to this woman? I wondered. I must know. I stopped smiling and leaned over top of her, "What other mysteries are you hiding miss Swan?" I asked. She opened her mouth but before words could come out something on my nightstand started buzzing loudly. Upon looking over I noticed that it was the tiny magical box that Emma carried around with her everywhere which she used to communicate with her family. She huffed, " I should get that, it's probably my parents." She said and got up to retrieve the box. When she looked at it her eyes got wide like she was taken by surprise. "Oh," She said, "It's August." August. That's the one her father was trying to push on her. I felt my blood start to boil as I saw the way her face lit up when she answered him. Does She like this August? She spoke to him in a whisper which only made me more angry. What is she trying to hide from me? My head was filled with so many conflicting thoughts that it began to ache. "Okay, I'll see you then. Bye." Emma said and put the box down on the table. "What did he want?" I asked her angrily. She looked at me with a blank expression but didn't speak. "Emma," I said breaking the silence, "Why won't you answer me?" She sighed, "Because if I do you'll just get all jealous and angry." I walked over to her and wrapped her in my arms. "I promise I won't get jealous sweetheart just please tell me, I'm curious." I said to her. She looked at me for a moment then answered, "I'm going to breakfast with August." THAT BLOODY PIECE OF WOOD IS GOING TO DIE! I thought to myself but luckily I didn't say it out loud. "Lovely, just brilliant," I said and backed away, "I hope you two have a grand time." I tried to hide the fact that I was burning with a jealous rage on the inside but I don't think I convinced Emma because she laughed. "You don't have to worry Hook," She wrapped her arms around me and smiled, "He's just a friend." I forced a smile and nodded, "Right, of course." Emma gathered her things and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then left, leaving me alone with my thoughts, thoughts of strangling August and throwing his lifeless body into the ocean. I hated the fact that Emma was going to breakfast with him, I hated him in general. Well that's a new record, usually I've at least met the person before I start hating them. I pushed my thoughts aside for a moment and opened my wardrobe, "What will it be today?" I asked myself. "Red or black vest?" I examined them both for a moment before deciding upon the red one. After all I looked even more devilishly handsome in red. I got ready and looked at myself in the mirror. "Killian you must stop being so dashing," I said to myself, raising an eyebrow, "It's really not fair to Emma." Just then thoughts started popping back in my head rapidly. Amongst all the different ones,which mostly consisted of Emma Emma rum and more Emma, one stood out in particular, I'm going to have to have a talk with that August. I collected the last of my things and left the Jolly Roger. I had some very important business to get to.
Emma's POV
I opened the door to Granny's and walked in. I examined the room until my eyes fell on a familiar brown haired head, "August." I said and walked over to his booth. He looked up at me and smiled, "Emma!" He said happily, "I was starting to think you weren't going to come." I sat and looked down at the table nervously, "Sorry I just had some... stuff I was doing when you called." I felt a knot in my stomach. I didn't want anyone to figure out about me and Hook. Not yet. August looked at me and smirked, "Stuff, huh?" He asked. Oh crap! He suspects something doesn't he? "Yeah." I said, "Just stuff." The next moment was silent, too silent. Finally, August laughed. "Okay then. I'm sorry I had to interrupt your doing of... stuff." He said jokingly. Thank goodness. he doesn't know. I thought to myself and smiled, "It's fine. Now what did you want to talk to me about?" "Emma I was just wondering if maybe you-" The door slammed shut and cut August off. I felt my heart start to beat rapidly in my chest as I looked at the person standing in the door way, Hook. Is he insane? What is he doing here? My eyes locked with his and he smirked, "See something you like, love?" He asked. The way he was acting was like he did before we were together. Like I was just another woman he was flirting with for he fun of it. He's going to pay for that. I thought to myself although I knew why he was acting that way, he didn't want to give away our relationship but he could've just stayed on his ship and saved us both the trouble. I rolled my eyes but shot him a discreet, furious look in between as if to say, you're dead you stupid pirate. He just smirked and continued to walk. He bumped into August's shoulder as he walked past, pretending like it was an accident he apologized but I could tell he did it on purpose. I knew he'd get jealous. "What can I get for you?" Ruby asked him. He was sitting in the booth behind me so I couldn't see his face but the words he said were enough to make me want to murder him with his own hook. "How about a night with you darling?" He said to her flirtatiously. I clenched my fists and furrowed my eyebrows, he was really dead now. "How about you ask for something that's on the menu." Ruby said, her tone threaded with disgust. "Oh but I was hoping for the special love, the tall, beautiful special." He flirted. THAT'S IT THAT PIRATE IS GOING TO DIE BY MY HANDS!!! I turned around and stared him dead in the eye, "Hey don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked, "Because I'm pretty sure that I saw you with someone the other day and I'm pretty sure that she is COMPLETELY done with you now, forever!" I couldn't help but scream at the end and when I noticed everyone staring at me I blushed furiously. I turned around and looked at August who was staring at me too, his expression shocked. "I uh... have to go." I got up and ran out as fast I could so that no one could see the tears that were now streaming down my face. How could he do that to me?
Hook's POV
I felt terrible. I don't know what I was thinking I was just so jealous and I wanted to make her jealous too and I just... I'm such an idiot. I should've trusted her when she told me not to worry and now she was upset and it was all my fault. I ignored the curious stares that were surrounding me and ran out after her. "Emma!" I shouted. I looked all around but didn't see her. "Swan, where are you darling?" Still there was nothing, complete silence. I fell to my knees and began to cry. What have I done? I heard the door open behind me and I turned around to see who it was. August. "Emma!" He shouted and looked all around. What's he bloody doing? She's my girlfriend not his why was he looking for her? "She's not here." I said angrily. His eyes stopped searching and landed on me. "What did you do to her?" He asked in an equally angry tone. How dare he! I got up and grabbed him by the shirt, slamming him violently into the side of Granny's. "I didn't do anything to her!" I yelled. He clenched his jaw, "Well then why did she scream at you and then run out crying?!" He asked. "None of your business!" I tightened my grip on his shirt and furrowed my eyebrows furiously, "Stay away from her." I said in a violent whisper. His frown turned into an irritating smirk and he laughed, "And what makes you think you have the right to control who she spends time with?" He asked. The next thing I said was stupid but it slipped out before I could stop it, "Because she's my girlfriend!" I yelled. Bloody h:):):) what did I just say? Emma already hates me and now I told someone about us when she told me not to. The smile on August's face disappeared for a moment only to appear again even more smug then before. "Well you wouldn't of known that by the way she was kissing me a few days ago." My heart dropped. "Kissing?" I asked. It took all I had not to break down crying. "That's right," he whispered confidently, "We kissed." I let go of August's shirt and backed up clumsily. I was completely unstable all of the sudden. Why would she keep this from me? My sorrow quickly turned into rage and I soon found myself running angrily down the streets of StoryBrooke. Emma was right, we were over but I had to confront her first.
Emma's POV
I went to the one place where I knew I could be alone, the sherif station. I just sat there at my desk listening to the rain and crying trying not to think about what Hook had done to me. Why did he have to be so insensitive? It seems like just because I'm tough people think I don't have any feelings but I do and Hook just hurt them, badly. Suddenly I heard the door slam and turned my head to see who it was. Then Hook came stomping in drenched from head to toe and an infuriated look on his face. Why was he here? And why did he think he had the right to be angry? I wiped my tears away and stood up. "What do you want?" I asked in an irritated tone. He didn't answer. "Hook, I said why are you here-" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?" He interrupted loudly. Tell him? Tell him what? "What do you mean tell you? Tell you what?" I asked. "ABOUT YOU AND AUGUST!" He shouted and then everything went quiet. How did he know about me and- huh! August must've told him. "There is no 'me and August' I told you that." I said hoping to calm him down but all it did was make him angrier and the next thing I knew he had slammed me up against the wall. He breathed heavily like he was a dying man taking in his last breaths. "You're lying." He whispered violently. "Get your hand(s) off me Hoo-" "-YOU LIED TO ME!!" He screamed. His face became less angry and more sad and he began to cry. "You let me feel guilty for almost kissing Regina all the while you're making out with that Bloody puppet? Emma, I thought you cared about me." My heart stopped. He was right, I really hurt him. Tears burned at the back of my eyes and not being able to hold them back I let them drip out and fall down my face. "I'm sorry Killian." I whispered, "I do care about you." "No you don't." He said and stepped away from me. "And you never will." "Killian I-" "DON'T!" He interrupted, "Just don't. We're done Emma." Before I could say anything to stop him he left. Unable to even hold myself up I fell to the ground and began to cry hysterically. He was gone. We were really over... forever.
Hook's POV
I stormed down StoryBrooke with a mission on my mind. I had lost a lot of time whilst I was with Emma but I was about to take my life back. It was time for me to break free of her spell and snap back into reality after all Emma was nothing but a lie. I crashed through the doors of the library in search of two people, Cora and Regina. "Hello!" I called out, "Is anyone in here?" No one answered but I heard a sound behind me and when I turned around Cora stood before me. "Hello Captain." She said in an unsure tone. "Cora good, I want back in." I said. She laughed, "Like we're going to trust you after the last two failed missions we sent you on." I furrowed my eyebrows and walked closer to her. "I am not going to fail again. You can trust me." She looked at me with a puzzled expression. "How can we trust you when you are so easily manipulated by the Swan girl?" She asked though I don't think she actually wanted an answer. She was going to get one anyway. "Because now we have a common enemy." "And who might that be?" I raised my eyebrow and smiled evilly, "Why Emma of course." Cora didn't look convinced. "I thought you cared for Emma." She said. Cared for Emma. Yeah right. I looked down at the ground and sighed, thinking over all that she had done to me. "Not anymore." I finally said. I wasn't looking at Cora but I could feel her smirk, that confident, deadly smirk that I had become so familiar with. "Well then welcome to the team, Hook." I turned my gaze back to her and we both laughed. "It's good to be back. What shall be my first task?" "Oh Captain I think you already know," she said and her smirk turned into a scowl, "I want you to dispose of that dreadful 'charming' family and I want you to do it quickly. After all we've both waited long enough for everything around here to start," she paused for a moment and the smirk came back, "Falling apart."
Writer's Nøte:
Hello Darlings! If you liked the chapter please
Let me know with a comment! ▪️sidebar▪️ I'm sorry
To of pulled an A&E move on you and sink the ship
Just when everything was working out;)
Remember one thing for me, God loves you no matter what.
Always know that you are loved.

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