Chapter 18: Love Is Strength pt. 2

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"I hope that you see
right through my walls
I hope that you catch me
because I'm already falling" - Christina Perri
<Get your tissues ready, you'll need them.>
Hook's POV
"Emma!" I screamed and fell to her side. "Get away from her, pirate!" David yelled at me and tried to pull me away but I wouldn't budge. "No!" I snapped at him. "I won't leave her side." I turned away from the prince and back to the lifeless Emma that was lying before me, taking her head and laying it gently on my lap. "I am so sorry Emma." I whispered though I knew she couldn't hear me. "I made a mistake. A very, very big mistake." A tear fell down my cheek and landed on Emma, making a splash as it hit her soft skin. I looked up and noticed that Cora was staring contently down at Emma, completely satisfied with her lifeless state. I was going to end her. "You..." I hissed at her, "You did this to her." She laughed. "No captain we did this to her." She said, gesturing to herself and me. The worst part was that she was right. I'd signed on to help them knowing full well that this was their plan for Emma. If only I could go back and not make that decision, not sign that bloody contract. I would in a heart beat. "You helped them do this to her?" I heard someone say from behind me and upon turning around I saw that it was Snow. I nodded shamefully, "Yes but you have to believe me when I say that I regret it. I love her." There it is. The debate is over. Every battle I had been fighting with my feelings had just come to an end at the mention of those three simple words. That's it. I love her and from now on that's all that matters to me, Emma. I looked at Snow with guilt, waiting for some kind of response, hoping that she and everyone else could find it in their hearts to forgive me even though I didn't deserve it. But no such luck. Snow shook her head at me, "No. You do not love her because if you loved her you would NOT of let them do this to her!" She cried out. "I know. I know I made a mistake but please-" "Enough!" David interrupted me. "Get away from our daughter right now." "No. I can't leave her. Not until she's okay." A sickening laugh sounded behind me, catching mine and everyone else's attention. Bloody Cora. "What is so funny to you?" I asked her angrily. She looked me in the eyes and smiled, "Don't you see captain. She's not coming back, ever." I shook my head. "What did you do to her?" I asked, my voice cracking. Cora's smile turned into a scowl as she leant down to my level and looked me dead in the eyes. "What you couldn't." She whispered, her tone filled with the darkest of emotions. I turned away from her and what I saw caused another tear to slip from my eye. It was an apple... with a bite in it. What has she done?
<A little while before>
Emma's POV
I couldn't believe my eyes when I had gotten outside. The whole town was scrambling around in a panic like someone was chasing them. "RUN EVERYBODY!" I heard and then suddenly Leroy was running past me. I ran after him and stopped him. "Leroy, what's going on?" I asked him. "We're not sure. We saw Cora and Regina comin' down the streets and we just knew it couldn't be nothin' good." He answered me, still short of breath and then ran off. I looked around and noticed that literally everyone in the town was in full on panic mode. "It's time to end this." I said to myself and began to storm off. I knew just the witches to go to. My search didn't last long because not a foot away stood Regina, ready to rip none other than my mother's heart out. "Mom!" I screamed. Whoa. That's the first time I've called her that. Pushing aside my unimportant observation, I ran desperately over to where they were, fist clenched and ready to take Regina down. When Regina saw me she pulled her hand out of my Mother's chest and smiled at me. "Well look who's attention we've finally caught." I ignored her comment and punched her across the face, causing her nose to start bleeding. "Get the h:):):) away from my Mother!" I screamed at her. She wiped the blood from her nose and smiled at me again, "Yeah, not going to happen." She said with a laugh. "Emma, get out of here, go protect Henry!" Mary Margret shouted, earning herself a slap from Regina. "Shut up!" She yelled. I took her arm and pulled her away from my Mom violently. "Don't. touch. her." I whispered angrily but my tone didn't phase Regina. "I'll do whatever I want. Your worthless family has done nothing but screw up my life ever since the moment I mistakenly saved your mother from that horse and today..." She stepped closer, an evil smirk growing on her lips, "I end my misery one heart at a time." "Not if I can help it." Before she even knew what was happening I punched her across the face again and she returned the blow, sending us into a full on fist fight. "Emma, Emma stop it and get out while you still can! Save Henry!" Mary Margret screamed but it did nothing but make Regina angrier which in turn made me angrier. "Henry doesn't need saving! He's my son and I'm going to take care of him!!" Regina took the time to shout at my Mother in between blows. That's it... She's dead. Gathering up all the strength I had in me, I knocked Regina to the ground and wrapped my hands around her neck. "He is not your son he is mine!" I screamed as I strangled her and this time she could say nothing back. I could hear Mary Margret screaming at me to stop and even trying to pull me away but it did nothing. I'd had enough of Regina. I wanted her dead. I smiled as she finally gave in and her eyes began to close... Yes, this is it, this is- "Stop!" I heard someone yell and I immediately pulled away. It was almost strange how fast I pulled away, like I was following a command that was impossible to refuse. But why? My question was quickly answered when I saw the person to match the voice, Cora. And she had my heart in her hand. Oh. She held my heart up to her mouth and spoke again, "Step away from Regina." She ordered and of course I stepped away quickly. She said nothing for a moment and foolishly I thought that maybe it was all over but that couldn't of been more wrong. A cloud of purple smoke appeared and then sitting there tied up was my father with tears in his eyes. Cora looked at me and a twisted smile danced across her lips. "This will be more fun if your parents get to watch." She said to me, the smile never fading and I felt knot form in my stomach. Oh no. "Regina." Cora spoke but she kept her eyes on me. "Yes, Mother?" Regina asked in an almost annoyed tone of voice. "Go get what you need dear... I can take this from here." What she needs? What could she possibly- "Henry?" I breathed, tears threatening to pour from my eyes. The only reply I got was a smug smirk from Regina and I knew, I knew that my fears were true. "No-" I began to go towards Regina in an attempt to stop her but couldn't because of the evil woman who just happened to be holding my heart in her hands at the moment. "Stop! Do not go any closer to Regina." She ordered and, almost like my feet were glued to the ground, I couldn't move one inch closer. The tears that were once threatening to pour were now water falling down my cheeks as I watched Regina disappear in a cloud of magic. That's it. She's going to take Henry and I can't even try to stop her. "Catch." I heard Cora say, breaking me away from my horrible thoughts. I turned my head and something landed in my hands. "NO!" My parents cried out and it wasn't until I saw the object in my hand that I knew why. "An apple?" I questioned even though I knew what the purpose of it was. I just didn't understand why she doesn't just crush my heart. Why a poison apple? She smiled, "That's right." My mom attempted to run toward me but with one wave of her hand Cora had cast some sort of spell on her and she couldn't move. "Ah, ah Snow darling. It's time you learn to stay out of my way." "That's our daughter!" My Dad screamed. "We can't just sit back and let you take her from us!!" Cora laughed. "Sorry to break it to you your highness but you'll have to. Emma..." She held my heart to her mouth, "Eat the apple." You know that one moment in life that almost everyone is bound to experience? In which your entire life flashes before your eyes, where you can see the people around you but you can't hear a thing but the sound of your own thoughts. Well that was this moment for me. Everything, from my time in the system, to Neal, to when Henry first brought me to StoryBrooke flashed right in front of me as clear as if it were actually there. And you know what the strangest part was? Out of all those memories there was one that stood out more than my yellow bug in this dull town. I felt a tear slip down my cheek slowly as my feet gave in and I fell to the ground, the apple rolling out of my hand. "Emma! No!" I heard my Mother scream faintly but I didn't pay any attention to it, no what I did in this moment, in this edge of death, very last second of my entire life was smile because the thing was the memory that stood out most when my life had been replayed before my eyes was my true love... Killian. Blackness enveloped the once clear world around me and that was it, I was done.
Regina's POV
"Henry?" I said as I peeked my head through the door of the uncharmings loft. A familiar little face cautiously peeked around one of the pillars that separated the bedroom from the kitchen, "Mom?" He said nervously. I smiled. "Yes Henry It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He stepped out from behind the pillar and, though still nervous, spoke again, "But you hurt my Mom." I cleared my throat. I was hoping that subject wouldn't come up. "Um, yes but Henry," I walked slowly over to him and knelt to his level, taking his chin in between my fingers, "I only did what I did so that we could be together. Because I love you." He pulled away from me, tears now welling in the corners of his eyes. "No. If you loved me you wouldn't of tried to kill Emma, she's my mom too and you hurt her." His tone broke my heart. It was filled with disappointment and disgust. I pushed the pain I was feeling aside and smiled. "But Henry it doesn't have to be that way." I took out a tiny black bottle from my coat and held if before him. "What's that?" He questioned. "It's something that can make things just the way they used to be, just the two of us." He stepped further away. "But I don't want it like that. I want to be with my family." Family? I thought I was his family. "I thought- I thought I was your family." I whispered to him, my voice cracking. He shook his head. "No... not anymore." I had no idea that just three words could be powerful enough to shatter your heart into a million pieces until this very moment. Not anymore? But he's my son. No, I won't except this. I opened the bottle and held it out to him. "No. You don't mean that. Just drink it and-" "No!" "But Henry if you just-" "PLEASE JUST GO AWAY!" He screamed, tears streaming down his face. Just when I thought my heart couldn't get anymore broken. Unable to watch my son look at me with fear in his eyes anymore I poofed away back to my house and fell to the floor. The tears that I had been working so hard to hold back broke free and dripped heavily down my face. "He doesn't love me..."
Hook's POV
"What have you done to her?!?" I screamed to Cora. "I disposed of her the way you never could have, Hook. I did the job that you weren't man enough to do yourself!" She screamed back. I gave her my worst scowl before turning back to Emma. "I'll take care of her later my love. Don't worry." I whispered to her, caressing her pale cheek. "No someone stop her!" I heard David scream. I looked up and saw that Cora was strutting away confidently as if she'd just accomplished something wonderful. "Scum." I spat at her under my breath. Several of the short men ran after her but she disappeared before they could reach her. I gave that witch no more of my attention instead, turning back to my precious Swan who lay lifeless in my arms. Why does this feel so familiar? "How can we bring her back?" I asked. "We are not brining her back." David said angrily, scowling down at me. I returned the gesture, "What the bloody h:(:(:( is wrong with you? Now is not the time for your petty hatred towards me, mate." "Petty? You helped them do this to her why should we trust you now?" As much as I hated to admit it the prince was right. They had no reason to trust me. I sighed, "I understand why you would hate me because right now I hate my self but, and believe me when I say this, if there is one thing I have done right in my many years of living it was loving your daughter so please, just let me correct my mistakes and help save her." There was a moment of nothing but staring for a while. It felt like every eye in the town was now on me but I didn't care. I needed to help Emma. "Please..." I pleaded with snow and charming. They shot each other a look and then looked back at me. "Fine but try anything and I swear-" "I won't. I promise." Snow and charming (once again) looked at each other and with the approval of her husband Snow stepped forward. "There is one way to break a sleeping curse." She said unsurely. "What is it?" I asked her desperately, "I'll do anything." She breathed out heavily, "A kiss... a true loves kiss." Suddenly the eyes of everyone in the town were back on me again. A kiss? But if I kiss her I'll... I'll die. I thought back over my life, every moment. More specifically, every moment I had spent trying to get my revenge on Rumplestiltskin. Was I really ready to give up on something that I had pursued for such a large amount of my life? I looked down at Emma who was still of course laying in my arms, completely unaware of the mess around her. She looked so... at peace. But the truth of the matter was that she wasn't. I'd heard many stories of the effects of this curse and they were by no means peaceful. She was probably suffering right now and if I didn't kiss her she might be stuck like that for an eternity. No. I can't let that happen. "Okay." I said, breaking the long silence that had been looming around us. "I'll kiss her." I pushed Emma's hair out of her eyes and began to lean in but before I could reach her lips, "Don't do this Hook." Cora. "Don't throw away your entire life's work on some woman." "Hey!" Snow yelled. "She is not just 'some woman' she is our daughter!" "Oh shut up Snow." Cora said, frustrated with the interruption. "You never did know when to keep your mouth shut." I turned and watched as Cora got closer and closer until she finally reached me and set her hand on my shoulder. "Come with me Hook." She whispered. "I can help you get your revenge on Rumple all you have to do is let go of Emma." "No. I won't leave her." I stated firmly, scowling at her. She laughed. "Dear gosh Hook!" She exclaimed. "When are you going to learn?" She leaned in closer so that her lips brushed against my ear, "Love is weakness." Love is... weakness? Is she mad? Love is a lot of things but weakness? Oh no. "No." I said, looking straight into her dark eyes, "It's strength." Before Cora could make another move I turned around and crashed my lips against Emma's. I could feel the magic exuding off of the two of us as I kissed my Swan with all the love I had for her. It was the best feeling I'd ever had but it didn't last long before it was replaced with an excruciating pain. I broke away from Emma and fell back onto the ground. "Emma!" I heard happy voices exclaim around me, causing a smile to spread across my lips despite the pain that was starting to creep into every corner of my body. This is it. I'm dying but at least Emma's okay now.
Emma's POV
"Huh..." I breathed out as my eyes shot open and I was broken free from the dark place i'd been trapped in. "Emma!" I heard my parents exclaim joyfully and even though I wasn't looking at them I knew that they were smiling. I blinked a few times as I looked around in search of a particular someone. Where is he- "Hook!"  I shouted as my eyes finally found the man they had been searching for but it wasn't as pleasant a sight as I'd hoped. It was a horrible one. "Stay away from him!" I heard Cora shout bitterly and she tried to storm toward me but was stopped in her tracks by my Dad. He grabbed her arm, "Not so fast, Cora." She huffed before disappearing in a cloud of magic. I ignored it and crawled over to Hook. I lifted his head into my lap, cupping his head in my hands and massaging his temples. "Swan you're... you're okay." He whispered weakly, a small smile on his pale, blue lips. I nodded, "Yeah, thanks to you." I smiled slightly but it didn't last long before it faded away. "But you're not." He laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I asked him, tears now flowing freely down my face. He inched his hand over until it met with mine and he grasped onto my fingers. "Because you're cute when you're worried." He said with a big smile which, despite this horrible situation, made me smile too. "How are you still able to flirt with me right now? You're dying!" I said with a small, weak laugh. His blue eyes met mine and, for the first time in a while, I could see all the love he had for me flowing up to the surface. "Because," He breathed deeply, "I thought that it would... lighten... the mood." I shook my head and held him close. "Why is this happening?" I whispered to him. "It doesn't matter Emma just remember one thing for me, please." I pulled back and looked him in the eyes again. "What is it?" I asked him. His eyes fell closed and a tear slipped out. "You were worth it." He whispered and then suddenly light started to surround him from all around. "What the h:0:0:0?" The light grew brighter and brighter, it's power forcing me away from Hook and then as soon as it came, it was gone and so was Hook. I looked at the empty space where he once laid with disbelief. "No..." "Emma-" "NO!" I screamed. My Mom ran to my side and pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair comfortingly. "Shhh. It's going to be okay." She whispered in a soothing tone. I held onto her tighter and buried my face in her shoulder. "He's gone Mom." I cried. "He's dead." "I know Emma I'm so sorry but everything is going to be alright I- I promise." Though I was still broken in every way I took comfort in her words and relaxed into her hold, weeping softly into her shoulder. I just can't believe that he's gone. My true love is just... Just dead.
|The End|
Writer's Nøte:
*Zelena voice* Oops.
<Epilogue coming soon>
-ENJOY! <3

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