Chapter 6: Breakfast

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Emma's POV
I sat across from Hook at Granny's. I could feel his blue eyed gaze burning into me like an enkindled flame. My heart beat so fast in my chest that I was surprised that no one could hear it. I was so deep in my trance that I didn't notice when Ruby had approached our table. "Emma, what would you like to eat?" I didn't hear her. All I could see at the moment was Hook. "Emma." Still nothing. My entire surrounding was being completely drowned out by his stare. "Emma!" Finally snapping out of my trance I could see an awaiting Ruby standing beside me. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked. I could feel my cheeks start to turn red as I noticed everyone's curious stares around the table. "What would you like to eat?" Ruby asked once more. Turning my gaze away from Hook I looked at her and smiled. "I'll have some pancakes and a hot chocolate with-" "Cinnamon?" Ruby interrupted. I nodded, "Exactly, thanks Ruby." She took everyone else's orders then walked back to the kitchen, leaving me to drown in my own embarrassment as my family stared me down intensely. "So..." Mary Margret started, "What was that all about?" She asked. I sat quiet for a moment not knowing exactly how to answer that question. After a while I realised that I had taken far too long to answer and mumbled out the first thing that came to my mind, "I was just day dreaming. Didn't get much sleep last night." I let out a quiet sigh of relief when I saw that she had bought into it as well as everyone else at the table. Well everyone except for Hook, he knew the real reason for my obliviousness. "So, Hook," David finished sipping his coffee and slammed it down on the table right in front of Hook who was sitting diagonal from him, "What did you do to pass the time last night, harass my daughter?" His tone turned sour at the end of his sentence and I could see the pure rage in his eyes as he stared Hook down. Hook didn't seem to be too put off by it. In fact he almost looked amused. "David-" I started to defend him but he put up his hand so as to tell me to stop. "It's okay Emma." He spoke to me but his eyes were fixed on David. The two of them seemed to be engaged in a never ending staring competition and they were both winning. Suddenly the awkward silence was broken as Hook slammed his elbows on the table and leaned across to come face to face with David. "To answer your earlier question," I felt a bead of sweat start to form on my forehead at his words, was he going to tell my father about what happened between us last night? "No." He stated firmly. "I did not harass your daughter." I let out a breath that I wasn't aware I had been holding. He didn't tell.
Hook's POV
I resisted the urge to punch Mr. Princey in the face as he looked at me angrily from across the table. I could almost see the disapproval he had for me coming off of him in waves. But he didn't hold my attention for long before my eyes caught something of more interest, Emma. She had gone home and changed into a bright red jacket, white top and some kind of tight blue pants made from a material that I did not recognise. I believe the people of this world called them 'Jeans'. It didn't matter what they were called though, she looked gorgeous in them. Her long blonde hair fell on her shoulders and shimmered as the light from outside hit it in just the right way. It took everything I had not to reach across the table and crash my lips against hers. After a bit she realised that I was looking at her and turned her head so that her eyes locked with mine. I raised an eyebrow and winked at her cheekily and her cheeks started to turn violently red. I felt a burst of confidence go through me at seeing this, I had made Emma Swan blush. Once she noticed my cockiness she shot me an ever so familiar disapproving look causing me to let out a quiet laugh. It was strange how I knew that the people around me were talking but I could not here them, I was far too concentrated on the work of art that is Emma Swan. I studied every detail of her, the way she moved so gracefully without even trying, the way her hair fell into her eyes when she would lean down to eat and then with one flick of her head it would jolt back to the side allowing me a full and view of her beautiful face. The feature that most caught my attention though was her eyes, her shimmering blue green eyes that sat behind her long black eyelashes. Every time she would look at me I could see a little shimmer in them as the light coming from the sun hit them slightly. It was a glorious sight however short. "Hook." Suddenly I realized that she had been talking to me and I was snapped back into reality. I shook my head attempting to break out of the trance I was in and looked back up at her. "Yes?" I asked. "Would you please tell David what you told me last night, about how you won't be causing us anymore trouble." I couldn't help but snarl at the sound of his name. I had developed a strong disliking for him. Nevertheless I turned my head to him and nodded. "Yes she's right, I will not interfere with your lives anymore. You don't have to worry about me." After a bit Emma's parents reluctantly agreed to a truce with me. But my heart still ached knowing that they would still never think of me as anything more than the enemy, that they would never trust me, that Emma would never trust me. Ignoring the chatter around me I thought back to the night I had spent with her. The way she had felt in my arms, so soft and warm. And her glorious, silky kiss, Like sweet velvet pouring onto my mouth. I felt the corners of my lips twitch up slightly as I recalled our conversation from last night after we had settled down on the couch.
You know we were wrong about you, you are a good man. I can tell. She had said in a whisper as she began to drift off. I remembered how my heart had beat rapidly in my chest at hearing this and that's when I said something that I'm fairly sure she drifted off before hearing, You are wrong, I am not a good man. But you make me want to be one. It took a lot for me to say that which is why when I had realised she didn't hear it it made my heart drop, because now she never would. She'd never know of my true feelings for her because I am far too cowardly to admit them to her. Too afraid of rejection. My fate was set, and it didn't involve Emma. Looking around the restaurant at all the happy people surrounding her only made me more sure of this. I had no place in her life, I had no place in life at all. Maybe it was time that I fully came to terms with that. I started to walk away but was stopped in my tracks when I felt a hand pull on my arm. Emma.
Writer's Nøte:
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Let me know! I am sorry to leave
You on such a cliffhanger (sort of lol) But I
just felt that it was a good place to stop And
I will update very very soon! Thanks For reading!;)

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