Chapter 15: Kidnapped

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|Yes, yes I updated even though it's not at 290 votes but I just realized that was unrealistic so I decided 285 instead;)|
Emma's POV
The sun shone in on my face and I pried my eyes open. I already hate this day. I hate my life. I am just so tired of being the stupid savior that everyone is relying on all of the time. I wish I could just take Henry, run far away from Storybrooke and never look back. "Emma!" Mary Margret called from downstairs earning one big eye roll from me. "What?!" I yelled back not wanting to make the effort to get out of my bed. "We need you sweetie there's a... problem." Of course there is. When is there not a problem that everyone is expecting me to fix. Sometimes I think that's the only reason anyone even wants me around... except for Henry. I pulled myself out of bed and threw on a sweatshirt over my tank top. "Coming." I huffed as I made my way down the stairs. When I reached the kitchen my parents were staring at me with terror in their eyes. "Uh... what's up?" I asked them nervously. They shot each other a worried glance before looking back to me and plastering smiles on their faces. "Um Emma, sweetie, if we tell you this will you promise not to freak out?" Mary Margret asked me, a smile on her face but a worried gleam in her eyes. What the h:):):) is happening? I nodded, "Yeah okay I won't freak out," I paused and examined them trying to read their emotions but all I got was that they were worried about something, "What's going on?" David stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder, stroking it comfortingly. "Emma, Henry is..." He began to speak but couldn't find the heart to finish. "Henry is WHAT?!" I asked angrily. "He's missing." Mary Margret blurted out, confirming every heart breaking fear I had looming inside of me. I was definitely not going to keep my promise, I was going to freak out. "WHAT?! How did this happen? Who took him? How could you let him be taken?!? UGH!!!" I screamed at my parents. My emotions seemed to be all coming out at once like water through a broken dam. "Emma, calm down-" "NO! I will not calm down! You let my son get kidnapped and you are seriously asking me to 'calm down' ???? h:):):) no!"  "Emma please-" "Save it." I slipped on my boots and grabbed the keys to my bug. "I'm going to go find my son." With that I slammed the door and stormed off before they could say anything else. They didn't even deserve to. And as for the person who took Henry, they were going to regret ever messing with the savior.
Hook's POV
I stepped quietly into my quarters and crept up behind the boy who was currently tied to my chair, a blindfold blocking his vision, ensuring that he wouldn't be able to see his captor. Well at least not for now. "You know I can hear you." The boy spoke up. A smile swept across my face. Smart boy. "Ah and here I thought I was being so quiet." I said jokingly, stepping in front of my prisoner. "Why did you kidnap me?" He asked me, his tone curious and desperate for information. I let out a deep chuckle, "Well you see lad you have something that I- pardon me your Grandmother wants." His features became puzzled. "My Grandmother, Snow?" Bloody h:):):) he asks a lot of questions. "Not her lad your other Grandmother, Cora." He flinched in his chair, fear clearly creeping over him. "Cora the- the queen of hearts, Regina's mother?" "Yes and if you ask one more question-" "You'll what, Hook?" Wow, really smart boy. "How'd you know who I was?" I asked him. It seemed that the questions would be never ending. He laughed. "I'm not stupid. I recognize your voice from when my Mom would sneak you into her room all those nights." My breathing hitched. He knows. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Your mother and I never had any such contact." I stared at the boy hoping that he would buy into my lie but unfortunately a knowing smirk still sat on his lips. "Yeah okay and that wasn't you that she pushed out of the window frame that night I came up looking for a game." A small laugh escaped his mouth at that memory. I don't know what was so funny about that. My body was tense and I could feel my heart beat rapidly in my chest. Emma and I thought we had been discreet. What if more people knew? I sighed," Okay fine yes your mother and I had a brief... fling but that's all it was and now I'm back to what's most important, my revenge." The boy laughed again. What the devil is so funny? "I'm pretty sure to be a 'fling' you have to have no feelings for the person and we both know that that wasn't the case." He stated confidently as if he knew everything about it. He knew nothing. And my patience with the topic had come to an  end. I slammed my hook down on the table behind him causing him to jump in his seat. "Enough!" I yelled. "You don't know anything of my feelings towards Emma and I'm growing weary of watching you act like you do so shut the h:):):) up and give me what I need!!" The smile on his face finally faded and his heart beat so fast and so loud that even I could hear it. "I- I don't know what- you want from me." He mumbled nervously. I Pried my hook out of the table and knelt down in front of him. "And here I thought you knew everything." I teased, making sure that my tone was still laced with anger and malice. He swallowed hard as if trying to gather courage,"You won't get away with this you know. My Mom will find you and she'll stop you." Looks like he was gathering courage. I laughed, "Is that so?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yes. She'll never let some- some pirate hurt me." He said. "Even if she does love you." He added, making sure to say it under his breath so I couldn't hear him. So much for that. What did I tell him about meddling in my love life?! I growled and violently ripped his blind fold off, glaring at him as hard as I could once our eyes met. "Your mother does not love me." I whispered to him angrily, my eyebrows furrowed and my breathing heavy. I was ticked. He trembled in his chair but still had the courage- no I'm sorry the stupidity to speak up to me. "Yes she does. I can tell, I can see it Hook you just have to-" "Stop!" I interrupted him. I couldn't take anymore of his nonsense. "But Hook she-" "No Henry she doesn't." Tears threatened to escape but I held them back and continued. "If she loved me then she would've told me that she kissed August, she would've told me that she loved me when it wasn't convenient to her and not just because she thought it could save her a fight if she did." That was it, the tears came flowing down. "Henry that is not love. You don't hurt people you love like she hurt me." I said the last part in a whisper unable to shout anymore. This conversation was exhausting. Henry looked at me with my two least favorite things, disbelief and pity. "I'm sorry that your hurt but she does love you. I don't care what you say. She does." I had been looking at the ground but when he said this I whipped my head back up and looked him in the eyes. I just didn't get why he couldn't let this go. Why was this matter so bloody important to him? I sighed, "Look lad I don't have time to discuss this anymore so just give me what I need so I can get you off my ship." "But I don't know what you need and even if I did I'm not going to give it to you because my mom will be here to save me any second." He said, his tone oozing optimism. Man do I hate optimism. I laughed. "Please lad your mother doesn't even know that I'm the one who has you." I stood up and walked over to my desk, opening its drawer in search of something. "What are you looking for?" Henry asked. Great, more questions. "Not that it's any of your business but if you must know I'm searching for a pair of tweezers." I answered him. "Ah ha!" I exclaimed. I finally found what I needed. "What are you going to use tweezers for?" He continued with the questions. I walked over and, pulling a chair up, I sat down in front of him with a devilish smirk. "You see my boy what I need of you, is DNA." Before he could protest I reached over and snipped a piece of his shaggy brown hair out with the tweezers. "Ouch!" He exclaimed. "Sorry lad but I'm only doing what was asked of me." I pulled out a tiny silk bag from my jacket and dropped the hair inside, closing it tightly to ensure the hair could go nowhere. " What the heck is Cora going to use that for?!" Henry asked angrily. "Do you ever stop with the bloody questions?!" He glared at me. "Just answer me." He said in a frustrated tone. He has no right to be frustrated. I huffed, "Sorry but I'm afraid that's not for you to know." He started to speak but I hushed him and cut him free with my hook. "No more questions. Get off my ship." I ordered. He got halfway out but stopped at the latter. "You know I'm going to tell my mom about this and you'll be in big trouble. She's the savior and she can kick your butt." He told me confidently earning him self a big laugh in the face. "I'm well aware of your mother's capabilities and I could care less if you tell her. There's going to be a fight sooner or later any way." "What-" "Ah! I said no more questions now get the bloody h:):):) off my ship before I drag you by the collar and throw you off." I wasn't looking at him but I heard the scuffle of feet going up the latter and I knew that I had finally been relieved of his presence. That boy was far too much like his mother. Stubborn, curious, confident but he was lacking one of my favorite qualities in Emma, she's a grown and bloody gorgeous woman. Henry on the other [well you know;)] was just an irritating little boy. "HOOK!!!" Someone yelled and broke me out of my chain of thought. There was the sound of a door slamming and foot steps following the yell and I knew just who would be standing before me in a few moments. Emma.
Writer's Nøte:
I'm not overly thrilled with this chapter but I'm
still blocked so I just took what I got. It's more of
a bridge to the events of the next chapter which I
can assure you will be better than this one.
-ENJOY! <3
|I will update in a week|

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