Chapter 16: This Is War

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<Very, VERY boring chapter just warning you.>
Hook's POV
I leaned up against the wall and held my head up confidently, waiting for the Swan's triumphant and most likely furious arrival. I wonder what she'll look like with all that angry fire spewing out of her... probably gorgeous. I saw legs covered with the familiar black pants that Emma often wore to bed and then the rest of her appeared with a much expected scowl swept across her perfect features. Aye, gorgeous indeed. I smiled charmingly, "Why Swan, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She didn't say anything but instead stormed over and collided her fist with my cheek. The blow sent me to the floor, a fuming Emma standing over top of me and if looks could kill I would most definitely be a dead man right now. "You are a selfish piece of scum!" She spat at me. "And if I had any less of a conscience," She leant down and cupped my face in her hands, faking a loving smile "You'd be dead right now." Her last sentenced overflowed with violence. Well this is a new Swan. I jerked away from her touch and smiled, raising an eyebrow challengingly. "Wow, give the Swan a spark and she makes a raging fire." I said with a laugh. Emma's death glare only increased at this comment. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked in an exasperated tone. I hoisted myself off the floor and held out my hand to help her do the same. She took it despite her disgust towards me and I pulled her up, making sure that we were extra close. "It means darling, that you blow things way out of proportion." I explained. "You kidnapped my son!" She yelled at me. "And I also let him go I simply needed a bit of his DNA." I said trying to downplay my fault but the look on Emma's face told me that I'd only made things worse. "Why do you need his DNA, Hook?" She asked, ready to murder me as soon as I answered. I cleared my throat and stepped out of her reach, "Well because um... Cora wanted it." I don't know why I was so nervous to tell her that. Perhaps because she was so murderous at the moment. I braced myself for whatever pain she would surely be causing me at any moment but much to my surprise she didn't do a thing in fact, she smiled and began inching closer to me. Uh oh. She wrapped her hands around the collar of my shirt and pulled me into her, "Killian." she said sweetly. "Yes, Swan?" I wasn't sure what was happening. "What the h:):):) is that witch going to do with my son's DNA," She gripped my collar tighter causing me to choke slightly, "AND WHY ARE YOU HELPING HER DO IT?!?" There it was, the anger. I pried myself from her grip knowing full well that if I didn't she'd choke me and stepped closer so that she could feel my breath on her skin. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I teased her. She huffed and began storming away from me. "Swan, where are you going?" I asked her before she could leave. She stopped on the latter and glared at me, "That's for me to know," A smirk appeared on her lips, "And you to find out." With out saying another word she disappeared above deck and left me to wonder what she could possibly be up to. I laughed to myself. You never know with Swan.
Emma's POV
With out bothering to say another word to Hook I left his annoying presence and began storming towards the clock tower. I had much more important things to do than to argue with Killian right now. It's bad enough that he's broken my heart over and over again ever since he got here but now he decided to kidnap my son, take his DNA and not even tell me the reason. I'm just done with him, I can't take him anymore. I got to the clock tower and made my way to the top, pulling out my gun and cocking it. It was time to take drastic measures. Sticking my hand out the side of the tower, I pulled the trigger on my pistol causing a loud shot to be sounded and just as planned, catching everyone's attention. The entire town looked up at me fearfully, wondering what the h:):):) I was doing. "Attention StoryBrooke," I spoke loudly, "That was a warning shot, a sign saying that this is war!" The crowd that had gathered parted and an angry Leroy emerged, "Not to be rude or anything sister," He shouted at me angrily, "But just who are you declaring war on?" Everyone in the crowd nodded, showing that they were wondering the same thing as him. I stepped forward and stood confidently above the town, "On Cora." I stated with as much hate as I could gather. The entire town went into a panic. No one but me and my family had known that Cora was in town but I decided that now was the time to alert them. This town was about to turn into a battleground because nobody threatens my son and gets away with it. Cora was going to go down.
Cora's POV
smiling, I poofed away from my dark corner in the alley where I had been listening to the saviors little 'warning'. Foolish child. She doesn't know who she's up against. I materialised in Regina's house and began making my way down the halls looking for her. She needed to know that it was play time. "Regina dear, where are you?" I shouted as I searched for her. There was a purple cloud of magic and then Regina stood before me. "Yes, mother?" She asked me, her tone weak and exhausted. She must of been stressing over her child again. I wish she'd stop doing that I already told her that once our plan went through she and him could be together again. "The Swan girl has declared war on us." I said with a laugh. "In the mood to see some blood dear?" A joyful smile spread across her face, "Let's go kill ourselves a savior." She said with a laugh and I followed suit. Nothing like some mother daughter bonding time. "So, what's the plan?" She asked as we made our way down the street. I looked over to her and smiled, "Don't stop until the streets of StoryBrooke are red with the blood of Emma Swan." We both laughed. We were finally going to get what we deserved and it was going to be fun.
Writer's Nøte:
I felt like a psycho serial killer while
writing in Cora's POV haha. The next
chapter is going to be SO much fun.
*Laughs manically*
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-ENJOY! <3

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