I'm Blocked -_-

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I just feel so guilty because I haven't updated in a while and I'm not going to be able to for like a super long time because I've got writer's block on this story. Anyway I thought I'd just write a one shot to make up for it and I'll delete this later because... um idk why I just probably will:)
{Daddy Doesn't Approve}
~Killy's POV~
"A one time thing." Those words kept repeating in my head. They felt like a knife to the heart. I finally get to kiss those soft, mysterious lips of Emma's that have been taunting me since the moment we met and for what? Only to be teased with a taste of perfection that I won't ever know again. I wish to be dead. If I were dead then I wouldn't have to watch a dream that I can never have walk around so close to me but yet never be within reach.

"What are you doing Hook?" I heard a voice ask from behind me and I turned around to see who it was.


"Uh... I was getting some um... firewood and got sidetracked." I replied, just barely remembering the excuse Emma had told me to give for my absence.

David looked down and saw the flask of Rum in my hand. He scowled.

"I see you're still celebrating saving my life, huh?" He asked, sarcasm seeping through every word as they rolled off his tongue.

I rolled my eyes and stuffed my flask back into its place on my belt. "Let's just get back to the camp." I said. I got up and began to walk past him but was stopped in my tracks by his hand slapping down onto my shoulder.

"What?" I asked him angrily.

He lifted his nose like a dog, sniffing the air and suddenly an infuriated snarl marred his face.

"Why do you smell like," He sniffed once more as if to examine the smell further, "Women's perfume?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

Oh Bloody H:):):).

I took in a sharp breath. My whole body seemed to tense at this question. What was I supposed to tell him, Because I just made out with your daughter?

"I uh... prefer it over men's." I blurted out without thinking.

Oh my dear gosh Killian what did you just say?!

David's eyes narrowed. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything. He just examined me as if he was looking for something. His eyes finally stopped at my lips. "Oh and I guess you enjoy wearing lip gloss too, pirate?" He asked.

Uh oh.

"Look mate I can explain-"

"-Unless you're going to tell me that you were just kissing Regina then I don't want your explanations." David interrupted and his eyes lit up with an angry fire. I knew that I would soon have my wish, I would soon be dead.

"I get why you're angry Dave but let's not be rash." I cautioned, taking a step back in fear of his reaction to my next words. "After all, it was a mutual kiss." I said and immediately regretted it. Before I could even prepare David's fist struck my face and I fell to the ground.

"I told you to stay away from my daughter!" He yelled.

I turned my head to look at him, my hand resting on my bleeding mouth to try and ease the pain. "Look mate I'm sor-"

I started to apologise but I couldn't do it. Because I wasn't sorry. Why should I be? That kiss was something that I'd never take back even if my life depended on it. It meant too much to me.

I got up and stood confidently before David. "You know what?" I started, "I'm not sorry and if given the chance I would kiss Emma again." I stated with a smirk.

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