Chapter 10: Finally Perfect

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Hook's POV
It had been a week since Emma told me that she would never be with me but it still felt like it just happened. It turns out the longer something sits on your heart the pain doesn't dull it worsens. I couldn't stand to see that town. Everything in it just reminded me of Emma my ship on the other,well you know, was rather calming. The rum didn't hurt either. I was sitting in my usual spot drinking my last drop of rum when I heard footsteps coming toward me. Who dare come on my ship without my permission? That question was soon answered when out of the darkness appeared Cora with a look of disgust on her face. "You know Captain, you should really consider hiring some deck hands. Your ship isn't looking too great." She said in her usual overconfident tone. I rolled my eyes and threw my flask behind me onto the floor. "Get off of my ship Cora." I scoffed, "I'm in no need of more vermin." She ignored my orders and walked past me to pick up a mirror. "Okay Hook I'll get off your ship," She walked until she was standing in front of me then leaned down and smirked, "But I want you to see something first." She held up the mirror and in the faint glow of the moon I could see a reflection, a disgusting, pathetic reflection... Me. I looked in the mirror in horror. I hadn't realized just how far I had let myself fall. "So would you like me to leave your ship still? Because you are so clearly getting along just fine without me." Cora asked, staring me dead in the eyes. I threw the mirror on the ground and stood up, "What do you need me to do?" I hated to give in to anyone much less Cora but unfortunately she was right, I needed her help. I needed to focus on the reason why I came to Storybrooke in the first place and forget about Emma. Cora smirked confidently just as she always did when she knew she won. I hated that smirk. "I need you to finish the job you started," She grabbed hold of my Hook and put it in front of my eyes, "I need you to kill Emma Swan." Kill Emma?! I stepped away and scowled furiously at Cora, "What do you mean kill Emma? That was never the plan." "Oh but Captain it was, you just didn't know it." "What's that supposed to mean?!" I yelled. Cora paused and took a step closer so that I was cornered against the wall. "When I told you that there was something at the sherif station that could speed things up I wasn't talking about a file I was talking about Emma. I thought that if she was in the way of what you thought you were retrieving that you would kill her and the job would get done but no, you decided to have a nice make out session with her instead because you're weak-" "Stop it!" I interrupted. "Stop what?" Cora asked with an odd sense of satisfaction in her tone. I ignored it and continued to speak. "Stop babbling on about something you don't know anything about!" I shouted. Suddenly everything went silent. Cora didn't answer she just smiled evilly until she finally let the words she had been thinking slip off her tung, "Kill her." She whispered. What happened next was strange. It was almost like something awoke inside of me... something dark and thirsty for blood. I felt my lips twitch up into a smile, I was back. "It would be my pleasure" I whispered back. Cora started to laugh and I followed not long after. The things I had felt for Emma were dead to me and now... well now I was going to have some fun.
Emma's POV
I finished the last of my work for the day and sat back in my chair. Normally after I finished work I would celebrate with a grilled cheese but for some reason tonight I wasn't hungry. "Well, I guess I can go home now." I sighed and stood up out of my chair. Just as I was about to leave I heard a loud crash and upon looking out the window I realised that it was thunder. "Really," I huffed. "Another storm?!" My heart started to hurt a little as I thought back to the last storm. What a night that was. I looked out of the window for a little bit trying to decide wether to leave or not. The rain seemed light and there had been no more thunder so I started to make my way out of the station. I ran through the rain trying not to get too wet and hoping that lightning wouldn't strike and kill me. That would be just my luck. I grasped the handle of my car and then, my fears came true. A bolt of lightning came down just inches from my car and startled I fell back onto the grou- wait a minute that's not the ground. It's arms. I turned around and standing before me was Hook. "Hook," I said still trying to catch my breath, "What are you doing here?" He didn't answer. In fact He was just staring at me as though I was his prey. "Hook why are yo-" Before I could finish my sentence Hook snapped and slammed me against my car. He wrapped his hand around my neck and put his hook to my head. "You think you're a hero don't you?" He whispered angrily. I tried to speak but his grip tightened and I couldn't. It was getting hard to even stay conscious. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was too tight and now everything was going black. The only thing I could see was Hook's blue eyes burning with anger. He leaned in and stroked my hair with his hook. "The perfect saviour," he whispered, "Too good to love a pirate." His tone turned poison at the end of his sentence. I looked at him and a tear rolled down my cheek. Not because I was minutes away from death but because of his words. 'Too good to love a pirate' he actually thought that? That wasn't it at all. I struggled in his grip one last time before giving up. It was just too tight and I was starting to pass out. But there was one thing that I needed to say before I gave in, something that I needed Hook to know, something that I just recently figured out myself. Resisting the urge to save my breath I mumbled out the words that I had been so desperately wanting to say, "Hook- please... I need you." Finally I let my eyelids close, squeezing out one last tear as they did so. Everything went silent and started to blur. This was it. I was going to di- "HUH..." I gasped for air, gulping it in like it was water. I could breath again. But... how? I looked up and through the blurriness a figure started to become clear. Hook. He had let go of his grip on me. He... he was so far up. I looked around me and realised that I was lying on the ground so I grasped onto my car and hoisted myself up so that I could be face to face with him. It was strange. He had let go of his grip on me but he wasn't doing anything, he was just staring at me expressionless. I caught my breath and spoke desperate to break the silence, "You- didn't kill me." He shook his head, "No. I didn't." He said though he still showed no emotion. What was he doing? I let go of my car door which had been supporting me and stumbled over to him. I looked deep into his eyes, trying as hard as I could to find some kind of emotion. But there was nothing. The rain picked up and we were both drenched within seconds but neither of us cared. We just continued to look at each other not breaking our gaze for even a second. I examined him carefully one last time and did something that I had been wanting to do for a long time, I reached slowly up to his face, gently stroking his cheekbone as I continued to slide my hand farther up until it was wrapped completely around his wet head. Time was frozen now. I couldn't hear or see anything else around me. Everything was Hook. I was surprised that he didn't pull away from me when I started to lean in towards his lips he just stood there and stared at me as I moved closer and closer until finally our lips met. The rain got even heavier and lightning bolts struck every few seconds. It was a full blown storm now. Finally, I felt Hook's hand wrapped around my waist. He pulled me closer and I most definitely didn't resist. "I'm- so- sorry Emma." He whispered between kisses. I pulled away and stroked his face, "It's okay." He stared at me guiltily for a second then swooped me up bridal style into his arms and began to carry me toward the station. Once we were inside he set me down on the couch and pushed my hair out of my face, examining me for any cuts. His hand slid across a gash on my forehead and I winced in pain. "Ah!" I screamed. "I'm sorry love, I'm so, so-" I cut him off with a kiss. "Stop apologising." I whispered as I pulled away from his lips. He nodded, "Okay." With that he leaned down and kissed me again this time on the forehead and then on my nose and then my lips. It was very soothing. "Did I make your wounds feel better Swan?" He whispered in my ear gently. I laughed, "Yes. Much." "Good." Before I could say anything else he crashed his soft lips against mine and this time they didn't part for a long, long, long time. Which neither one of us minded. It was perfect, finally.
Writer's Nøte:
Hey guys did you enjoy
This chapter? (I know I did *wink wink*)
If so give me a comment to let me know!
1.Holy crap you guys have been blowing my mind with
How fast I get 100 views after posting a new chapter 0.0
2.Yayyyy they're together everything is perfect...
For now. Mwahhaha;)

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