Chapter 8: The almost Rebounds

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Hook's POV
I could feel what I think was poison seeping into my heart as I walked away from Emma. The words that she said were like daggers stabbing into my heart mercilessly. I couldn't blame her though, right? I mean I should've known better than to let myself love someone again. That never does go well for me. But even though I knew it wasn't Emma's fault I couldn't help but feel some kind of resentment towards her. It was like I wanted her to feel the same pain that I did but at the same time I didn't because the love that I felt for her had not gone away. My thoughts played again and again in my head each one contradicting the other and in turn giving me a headache. What I would give to of never been trapped in that sherif station with Emma, to of never felt the soft touch of her lips, to of never held her in my arms because at least that way I wouldn't be in so much pain, again. My thoughts began to conflict again as I played over the night in my head. It had simultaneously been one of the best and worst nights of my life and all I wanted to do was forget about it and be able to concentrate on why I came to StoryBrooke in the first place. Wait a minute, why did I come here? Then suddenly it all came crashing back. The crocodile and what he done to me and most importantly what I wanted to do to him. I had been so concentrated on Emma that I had forgotten why I was even at the sherif station in the first place, "The records." I whispered to myself, finally remembering the mission I had set out on. It felt like it was weeks ago that I had set out on that mission but the truth of the matter was that it was only last night. Cora had told me about the files and then she disappeared and I went to retrieve them. It's funny, everything after that seemed to be a blur, a glorious, Emma filled blur. Concentrate Killian. No time for thoughts about Emma. Bloody conscience never letting me have any fun. But it I mean I was right, there was no time to think about Emma right now especially since all it did was make my heart hurt. That's right Killian that's all she did to you. She only wanted to break you, to make you hurt again. Whispered my conscience in the back of my head. I hated that thing, it was always too right. And now it was right again, Emma did hurt me and perhaps she did do it on purpose. She probably just used you. She only did what she did so that you wouldn't hurt her or her family. She doesn't care about you and she never will. Never. That dreadful, all too familiar word. The saddest part was that it was true, Emma would never care about me. How could she? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. "Well hello Hook." I looked up and saw Regina standing right in front of me. "Long time no see." She whispered with a scowl. "Regina, what a pleasure." I replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes. "I see you haven't lost one bit of your," she looked up at me and raised an eyebrow, "Charm." She finished in an equally sarcastic tone. Wow. look whose talking. "Look Regina as much as I'd love to stay and have one of our usual pleasant conversations... I'm really not in the mood." I said angrily. She didn't seem to have much compassion, she just continued on her scowl which gradually turned into a mocking pouty face. "Aw, did the little pirate get his feelings hurt by Emma?" She asked. I rolled my eyes then proceeded to walk past her. "Wait!" She shouted from behind me. I reluctantly turned around to look at her, "What?!" I asked impatiently. "Mother wanted me to figure out how things went at the sherif station last night." She replied. I thought for a second on how to answer before deciding that neither Cora nor Regina had any business knowing what had happened last night. "So I see you've made up with your Mother, how sweet." I said mockingly, ignoring her question. Regina stomped over to me and grabbed me by my vest, "I don't have time for your games pirate," She spat out viscously, "Now tell me what happened last night or Mother and I will be finding the cruelest way possible to get rid of you." She was trying desperately to intimidate me but it wasn't working. All I could think about at this moment was Emma and what had happened between us... and how she had hurt me. I looked at Regina who was still giving me the death stare. Then suddenly an idea popped into my head, I knew the perfect way to get my mind off of Emma. I wrapped my arms around Regina and began to lean in to kiss her. She let go of my vest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I suppose it had been a while since she had been kissed because she seemed rather desperate. Our lips were an inch from touching, I could feel her warm breath.... and then suddenly everything seemed to freeze. Memories from last night began to play in my head, memories of Emma. Then there she was, her hands wrapped around my head and her lips coming closer by the second but before they could meet mine I was snapped back into reality and the lips coming toward me were not Emma's. I quickly pulled away. Regina looked at me angrily. "What was that all about?!" She yelled. I turned my gaze from the ground onto her, "I can't." I said blankly. Those words were so much less painful when I was the one saying them. Regina said nothing, she just furrowed her eyebrows then disappeared into a cloud of purple magic. Like mother like daughter. I didn't rest my thoughts on Regina for long though there wasn't any time for that. I had to find Emma. And this time I would make her see that we belong together.
Emma's POV
I sat in Granny's drinking my Hot CoCoa and trying desperately not to think of Hook, about what happened between us last night, about what had just happened between us. But the more I tried not to think of him the more I did. It was like he had taken over my mind, every thought was about him, about his kiss, about how warm it was in his arms. Stop it Emma he's no good for you, he's a pirate. My conscience whispered. I hated when it did that, when it took away the happy thoughts and replaced them with rational ones. It had done that all my life which was part of the reason why I was alone for so long. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud crash on the table. I looked up and sitting across from me was August. Wow. He could of set his coffee down a little quieter. "Hello Emma." He said with a smile. I forced a small smile on myself but I don't think it was very convincing. I was still thinking about Hook. "What do you want August?" I asked impatiently. "Wow someone's not in a very good mood this morning." He leaned across the table and lifted my head up so that I was looking him straight in the eye. "What's wrong?" He asked. I was surprised to see how genuinely worried he was but he still wasn't going to know about me and Hook. "Nothing." I replied. He leaned back into his seat and looked at me intensely, "It doesn't look like nothing." Who did he think he was? My feelings were none of his business. I clenched my jaw and looked him dead in the eye. "Stay out of my life August," I said angrily, "It's none of your business." I didn't get to see his reaction because I immediately stormed out, very angrily I might add. I was halfway down the sidewalk when I felt a tug on my arm. Hook? August. "What do you want?" I asked. He didn't say anything. He just stared at me. Starting to feel uncomfortable I decided to ask him again, "August I said what do you wa-" "You." He interrupted. Me? I didn't have a chance to reply because in the next moment August leaned down and kissed me. I started to pull away but then I just... didn't. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head, about Hook and well more about Hook and for some reason kissing August made them fade away just a little bit. I started to give in but it didn't last for long before it all came rushing back, every single memory from last night. Then I saw him, Hook. He was staring at me with his intense blue eyes and then he started to lean in toward me as though he was going to kiss me. Then everything from last night really came back to me, in extreme detail and before I knew it I was pulling away from August. He looked at me desperately, "What's wrong?" He asked nervously. "I- I can't." I replied. It was strange how much easier those words were now that I wasn't saying them to Hook. He nodded his head. "Okay." He said in a disappointed tone. And with that he let go of me and walked away. I felt bad but I just couldn't lead him on. For a moment I thought he could take away the pain of what had happened with Hook but the truth was nothing would take that away. Nothing but being with him. And that, that was exactly what I was going to do.
Writer's Nøte:
I wasn't too happy with this
Chapter for a lot of reasons. First of all because I had to make Regina and Hook almost kiss... Ew. And second of all It felt too Repetitive and forced at times but I am going to Publish it anyway because I feel that it, no matter How painful it was to write, is very important to the Climax of the story. So I'm sorry if it made you feel Awkward or it was confusing/hard to read unfortunately It was necessary to the story. the next chapter will be better And with
any luck ya'll will get some more CS action which is important in a CS FanFic lol.

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