Chapter 9: Not Going To Happen

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(Just be sure to pay attention this chapter because it's going to get a little confusing)
Emma's POV
I had only one thought on my mind as I rushed down the streets of Storybrooke, I need Hook. I didn't realise how much I cared for him until I felt what it was like to be with someone who wasn't him. I still needed him to take things slow because the complicated mess that is my life had not changed but I just needed him in some way. I just wanted his arms around me when I was sad, his soft lips on mine kissing away all of the tears. My heart longed for him and I couldn't resist it anymore. Just as that last thought ran through my head I heard something around the corner of the building, "Hook!" I whispered to myself. I started to pick up speed. I probably looked ridiculous but I couldn't help it I needed to get to him I couldn't be apart from him any longer. The next moment was going to be a relief, just me and him and... and Regina?! My heart dropped as I took in what was in front of my eyes. It turns out Hook wasn't just talking to himself. Oh no he wasn't talking at all he was making out with Regina. I felt my face go from sad to incredibly angry the closer their lips got to touching. How could he just go off after what had happened between us and flirt around with Regina? Did he even actually love me or was that just another one of his plays to get me to keep seeing him? I didn't know the answers to any of the questions that were going through my head but one thing was clear, there would be no me and Hook, EVER. Unable to watch them anymore I turned away. "I see you really care about me Hook, just enough to forget about me within minutes and move onto your next target." I whispered to myself angrily. Though in my head I was telling it directly to Hook. I started to turn the corner and see what was happening but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I just left. As I walked down the street my anger started to turn into something else, something worse, pain. Tears burned at the back of my eyes and unable to hold them in anymore I let them drip out and stream down my cheeks. All I wanted was to hate Hook but I couldn't. I let that opportunity go the minute I gave into him last night. I just can't believe I fell for it. how could I be so stupid?! The worst part of it all was that I still wanted him. I still wanted to feel his love even though it was never really there in the first place. I started to cry more as I played back the previous night in my head. It had started out so amazing and now... now it was just pain.
Hook's POV
My heart pounded rapidly in my chest as I ran down the streets of Storybrooke. I had to find Emma and once I had her in my arms I would show her that we were soulmates. Soulmates. Wow I've gone cliché. That didn't matter though all that did was finding Emma. Ignoring all the judgmental stares of the people around me I started shouting her name to the top of my lungs. "EMMA!" I screamed, "EMMA WHERE ARE YOU?" I continued to shout but nothing happened. Where was she? "E-" "Hook!" A voice interrupted. I turned around quickly and standing before me was her, "Emma." I said with a smile, moving in closer. She stared at me angrily for a moment then took a step back. "Why are you screaming my name through the town like an idiot?" She asked, her tone very displeased. What's wrong with her? I ignored her attitude and continued to talk. "I'm sorry love I just," I paused and looked down into her sparkling eyes. They seemed so angry at the moment it was almost like the sparkle had turned into a flame and not a happy one. "I just needed to see you." I finally finished. The next moment was one that I was not expecting. It was just short of being nightmare actually. The flames in Emma's eyes quickly turned into furious, burning pits of fire that consumed both of her eyes entirely. I could see the waves of pure anger coming off of her as she stepped closer to me. Then... she went off. "HOW DARE YOU COME UP TO ME AND PRETEND LIKE YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ME!" She screamed. Suddenly the whole town was looking at us. "I KNOW YOU DON'T KILLIAN I KNOW ABOUT YOU AND REGINA-" "Me and Regina?!" I interrupted. Her anger faded a little and she began to cry. My heart hurt from having to see her like this. Emma was so strong and now she was just broken and it was all my fault. "I know that what happened between us was all an act. Just go and have fun with Regina I-" She paused for a second and took a deep breath, "I don't care." She finished reluctantly. Not caring what she might do I pulled her into my arms. "Nothing happened between me and Regina. We didn't even finish what ever you saw, we didn't even kiss. She was just a way to get you off my mind but I couldn't go through with it." I whispered to her. She wiggled out of my arms and stepped back. "Why did you need me off your mind?" She asked still a bit breathless from her crying. I didn't want to answer her question. I didn't want her to feel like she did anything wrong because she didn't but regardless of my fear I told her the truth. "Because thinking about you is just- just so painful." I felt a tear slip from the corner of my eye and slide down my face. Emma walked up to me and wiped my tears away. "I'm sorry." She whispered. I lifted my hand up and stroked her cheek bone gently with my thumb, "I love you Emma." I started to lean in to kiss her but before our lips could touch she turned her head away. "I can't do this Hook," She looked back up at me and tears began to flow down her face again, "I can't be with someone I don't trust." Her voice was shaky and reluctant but I knew that she meant what she said. "But you can trust me Emma. I promise." I pleaded. I couldn't lose her. I need her. She said nothing. She just looked at me blankly as she cried. "Emma," I pleaded again, "Please." I stared at her desperately, awaiting an answer but if I knew what the answer was I would've been begging for it not to come. She looked up at me and with a small shake of her head broke me. She said no. She didn't want me. She didn't love me. I nodded and stepped away so she could leave which she did. And me... I was right where I was always destined to be, alone.
Writer's Nøte:
I honestly don't
Know how you guys are so
Patient with me because I am
Starting to hate myself at this
point lol. I really really really
Wanted to make them just kiss
And go watch Netflix on the couch
But unfortunately that would put
My story at a dead end. So sorry but I
Promise there will be some CS luvin coming
Very soon!;)
Just incase you didn't catch on to it here's some explanations:
1. There was a bit of a time difference between what happened with
Emma last chapter and what happened with Hook and that's why Emma
Saw what she did between him and Regina. Hook DID NOT go back and
Try to kiss her again. Ewwwww:'D
2. The whole fire in Emma's eyes thing was figurative she wasn't actually going
All cartoon devil on him.
Thanks for reading if you enjoyed this chapter please give me a comment to let me know! *kissy face emoji*

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